Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Rant to Self About LGBTQ Haters....Tired Of It.

Acquiescence and/or capitulation when unfairly attacked or not my forte and its a characteristic of which I am proud, as should so others. Sometimes a full frontal rebuttal with invective and/or expletives is not warranted, yet sticking up for oneself is not an ignoble trait. Jesus may have preached one should turn the other cheek....ergo why I do not subscribe to those dictums, edicts nor ideology. In personal life or business, one should not allow others to disparage ones reputation, reduce their dignity, nor allow others to deny them their rights. Some may engage in acts varying between sophistry and/or perfidiousness. Sometimes its legal repression and/or actual physical assault. Doing the right thing for self is important, serving others and agendas outside oneself is also of vital importance. In other words, "Speak softly and carry a big "shtick".  :)
Regarding anti-LGBTQ bloviating verbiage: Due to indoctrination by a patriarchal monotheistic religion, some are under the incorrect impression that 2 sexes equals 2 genders. They do not. Even the pompous arrogant adipose laden "shrinks" removed any trace of alternative sexual identities as being a mental health issue from the DSM decades ago. 
However, even if one moment we said they were not "normal" as in average or in the mean, if we did allow they are/were an aberration or an anomaly in nature, so too would be those that are blind, deaf, super tall or super short, those that have Albinism, left handed and so forth....yet we assure equal protection for those fine people, the same way we do for those that are LGBTQ. 
The nomenclature used to disparage those that are different, clearly displays a lack of education, matriculation, compassion, empathy, elucidation, edification...and common sense. Bear in mind that prior to the desert scribes inventing the primary three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) and the silly little concept knows as "original sin" most people did not have sexual guilt. In fact, the Greeks were still trying to decide amongst themselves whether or not women were a fully formed human being or some sort of inferior or hybrid species. 
So when someone deigns to pontificate on matters which are influenced by ignorant goat herders (not to be meant as pejorative, they were simply uneducated) one has to posit some sort of mental defect within that they've not evolved in their thinking from the Bronze age. Being born stupid is not someone's fault. Willfully remaining stupid their whole life, maintaining imbecilic ideas, clinging to fiction and fantasy, of their own volition, does not portray them in a good light. 
All done. 

Never be afraid to speak out about what you know in your heart is wrong - or right.
~ RC deWinter


  1. I don't hate anyone based on gender or sexuality, why would I? But I don't buy into the idea that there are 31 or 37 or 63 genders. The numbers keep changing as new ones are made up, so clearly it's just about people's subjective realities, not objective facts.
    I'm mystified as to why so many self appointed moral stewards think it's really important for me to accept ideas dreamt up in gender studies departments over the past ten years. By all means call yourself omnigender if you like, but if I don't take that seriously it doesn't mean I hate you. I just don't take the claim seriously.
    I've swung away from the left over the past couple of years, thanks to the antics of ideologues trying to police what I can say, what words I can use and who I can listen to. Their moral authority is typically based on defending some abstract oppressed group rather than universal human values.
    Solzhenitsyn expressed this phenomenon via one of his 'apparatchik' characters:-
    “The Rusanovs loved the People, their great People. They served the People and were ready to give their lives for the People. But as the years went by they found themselves less and less able to tolerate actual human beings, those obstinate creatures who were always resistant, refusing to do what they were told to and, besides, demanding something for themselves.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Cancer Ward

    1. I agree with you on the point of the "left" trying to control speech, but so does the right. That's why I'm an Independent...and very unpopular with everyone. :)

  2. Turning the other cheek has nothing to do with taking abuse, disparaging reputations, or reducing dignity. It is the exact OPPOSITE - to humble the one who assaults another. Think of it more like, "Is that the best you got?" With a sneer.

    Much like the "spare the rod" crap, the Reich-wing conservatives and Evangelicals have GOTTEN IT ALL WRONG!


  3. Well said, Vanessa. I've known many people in my life who have expressed disrespect for or condemnation of any sexual relationship that isn't the one "normal" or "natural" pairing of gender. Even my mother, who was educated, not religious, and would never wish to bring harm to anyone, felt homosexuality was "wrong." She thought that way because, on some gut level, she found it distasteful, not because she had any rational argument against it or believed the wrong could be "fixed." I have never tolerated that view, and will not allow it to go unchallenged. To me it is just plain bigotry and no better than racism. Even if LGBTQ was simply a matter of choice, why would anyone care? Let people be who they are.

    1. Thank you for the comment. Live and let live...its not a complicated concept. :)

  4. I know I've never said this before, but you do have a nice butt. I sure hope someone lavishes kisses on it. :)

    1. Lingering lavish licentiousness licking?
      Thank you. :)
