Friday, February 2, 2018

Political Correctness and Raging Feminists Running Amuck.

 Instead of allowing these women the choice to decide whether or not they enjoy their careers, your action have now made them....unemployed. Proof that some women's agenda and ideology behind their version of "feminism" is not about equality...its about trying to make the rest of us...think and live like them. 
Well done, jackasses. 


  1. I blame the new F1 Corporate management more than the feminists. Feminists only succeed when spineless corporate management are more concerned for their bland brand than what they actually stand for. F1 is an international racing spectacle with glamour and glitz and the grid girls where a large part of the international flavor of glamour. Now F1 descends into the toilet of bland corporate marketing, trying to offend no one, and instead offending all their actual target audience. The NFL will be next as they're already going down that road.

    1. You would know more about that than I do. I don't follow sports so am totally clueless. :)
