Monday, December 11, 2017

Net Neutrality.

There is a cut and paste post going around Facebook and Reddit enabling people to activity oppose this new legislation. You may want to consider it or at least sign it yourself. I pasted it below.

 Hello, everybody. December 14th is when the FCC plans to eliminate equal access to the internet or "net neutrality." Please take a stand and make your voice heard. I just did this and it's easy and fast.
 IMPORTANT!! This takes 30 seconds and is crucial. Net neutrality is about to disappear!

John Oliver's instructions (which crashed the FCC website the last time this issue came up) created a fast way to tell the agency we want equal access, and equal speed for everyone. Do it now - 30 seconds tops - then cut and paste and share!

⚡️Thanks to John Oliver there's a SUPER easy way to do this:

 1. Go to (a shortcut he made for hard-to-find FCC comment page)
 2. Next to the 17-108 link (Restoring Internet Freedom), click on "express" and you'll see where you can enter your name on next screen.
 3. Enter your name at the line and be sure to hit "ENTER" after.
 4. In comment section write, "I strongly support net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISPs."
 5. Click to review, then click to submit....and you are Done!  :)

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