Monday, December 18, 2017

Domination and Submission Dreams.

(Post below I wrote on my other blog, which Google deleted.)  :)
I am not one who usually recalls most of my dreams. I sleep well, pretty solidly, few hours per night but overall pretty quiet and comfortable.
So it's rather bizarre this dream I had last night. (My "night" starts when the sun comes up and I sleep to about noon.) Anyhow, it was a sort of,,,, I guess my own version of One Thousand and One Nights. It was in a series of huge tents, the interior of which were covered with Persian carpets, rugs, blankets, chiffon drapes, wall hangings and so on. Oddly enough, the wood furniture was a mixture of brocade and even some rococo thrown in, which made no sense, but dreams rarely do.
There was a nonstop beating of drums, background, just a tempo that pulsated and pushed forward the emotion and seemed to set on fire the scents, other sounds, the smells was what one would expect from incense, fires, fabrics and a variety of foods and wines. Everyone was in Harem type clothing and everyone also was youngish, very lean and muscular, tanned, toned, sweaty and hot. Expect for many, maybe most of the women were very pregnant. The guys were all muscular and lean, in that way where they have the veins sticking out, and those veins that lead downward into their pubic hair, like arrows or a roadmap pointing out the way to the "goods".
Even though it was an orgy of sorts, no one was nude. The "complex" was like an endless stream of tents connected by passageways, sort of like hallways going from bedroom to bedroom. I was just walking around, watching other people having sex, all kinds of sex. Some people were being spanked and whipped. It seems like it was a mixture of equal parts male dominant and female dominant. Or maybe everyone were switches, hard to remember. The punishments were fast, severe and furious, very intense. No one seemed to mind, it just made things hotter.
At some points the drums would increase in speed, sort of like it was a pre-planned point in the "festivities" were it was supposed to be a simultaneous orgasm maybe? At the same time everything seemed random, as I said, anyone would step up to anyone else and dominate them. There was a great deal of thigh spanking, of course everyone had perfectly toned and well muscled thighs. People were just forcing others to lick, suck, swallow and they were fucking each others anywhere and everywhere. I don't seem to recall me taking part in anything other than just watching in fascination.
I woke up very tired, sort of foggy. I wasn't wet, my pussy felt "fat" (ask your girlfriend or wife if you need to) and that's about it. Maybe tonight will be part two. :)

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