Friday, November 17, 2017

Sexual Harassment versus Hot Female High School Teachers Banging Teen Boys.

A couple weeks ago I expounded with a healthy dose of highly opinionated pontifical worthy bloviation about sexual harassment between adults.  :)
Since then innumerable new charges have been made against various people from Hollywood to both the left and right side of the political aisle in Washington DC.  There is outrage on social and mainstream media! Outrage, I tell you!!!
As illegal and unprofessional as those acts are, lets put things in perspective. We have middle aged women showing up with Gloria Allred (media whore attorney) on TV, where they are fresh from the beauty parlor, shedding well coached and painfully obvious fake tears from some minor incident...nearly 40 years ago. Other women might have had a wrist swiped across their ass, some may have been fondled, a couple were hit on and from what I can gather, one or two might have been...."looked at"!
My question is why is does this seem so much "worse" than the endless stream of comparatively speaking young hot female teachers having full on penetration, hair pulling and bodily fluid swapping sex...with teenage boys? 
A cursory search yields the following:
So, if Judge Roy Moore (keep in mind I have detested him for decades) can be in so much trouble, for wanting to date/dating (possibly asking parental permission) and getting frisky with some 14 or 15 year old teenage girls (which is no good), why is the media, social media and the public at large so "quiet" when a plethora of female teachers do the same? Plus beyond just dating or hitting on these teens boys, they are actually having sex with them, which apparently Roy Moore did not do.
To call this a double standard would be an understatement. To point out that the "feminist" agenda is really phoning it in on this one...bending over and taking it up the ass (see what I did there, lol?) and dropping the ball for "equality" is going to get people mad at me again, but then someone is *always* mad at me for something or other, usually just for pointing out the truth so..."fuck em". :)
We are either striving for an egalitarian society where *all* things are equal...or we're not. For those that don't see the double standard in all this but yet claim to be seeking true parity, you can either be "fake" about it, or treat it as a matter of equal importance. If a 14 year old girl is too young to be dating an adult is a 14 year old boy too young to be dating an adult woman. 
You can not have it both ways so...choose a side.

Side Note....below is some "Alt-Fax" for you.   :) 


  1. During a conversation with my wife about the female teachers having sex with boys and girls we eventually decided on a way to view any incident regarding sexual abuse....close your eyes and reverse the genders involved...if you react differently then you're not seeing things equally...
    Just my 2 cents...

  2. According to at least one of his accusers, Roy Moore wasn't "getting frisky" with her. He was assaulting her as she had no interest in him. It's all about consent. Most teenage boys would consent to sex with a hot teacher.

    1. Consent is first invalid in a relation with a strong power difference, and consent can second only be given above the age of consent.
      . . . No, I don't consider the teachers rapist, but still law breakers.

  3. Good points sound thinking tom
