Monday, October 30, 2017

Submissive Men Opening Up.

One of the things I find endearing about submissive men is that they're willing to expose that vulnerability which in our society they're usually not comfortable doing. The tough guy façade, the machismo, that aloofness, posturing and posing, standing ground and the whole "Act like a Man" attitude so prevalent, is dropped and the "real" person comes through. This may be more so from certain generations and demographics related to upbringing, and perhaps things are changing, but its still just when the vulnerability comes through, that humility, the humanity, it warms my heart and "warms" other areas as well.  Not sure if this post even makes any sense.  :)


  1. Given the accompanying photo this looks like it could be a painful process :)

  2. It makes total sense. It makes me very happy to read that this is appreciated. Submission is the only time I feel real... and the rest of the time I am going through the motions with a mask on.

    Take care.

    1. I think most wear a mask in this word when out in public. Ergo one reason I hardly ever go out in public. :)

  3. i agree that it makes total sense. There is much to unlearn to both accept and embrace in being a submissive male. We hope to warm our woman's heart and to be warmed wherever else she pleases.
