Thursday, January 5, 2017

GOP Texas lawmakers champion bathroom bill.

I wonder if these people even have a clue what gay, transgender, transsexual, LGBTQ, pansexual even means. They seem to think that anyone that is *not* heterosexual is a rapist and/or pedophile. 
There are coed restrooms on planes, some trains, buses, rest areas by parks, hiking trails, most of China and no doubt other places in the world. Possibly half the worlds population uses coed restrooms with no problem. So what is the problem here? Ignorant hate filled homophobics.


  1. I get irritated at these types of laws.

    It's such a shame that the fallback means of trying to gain support when they went at this in North Carolina was to prey on the fears of people who think they'll be molested/accosted/violated in bathrooms by someone that is transgender when it ended up being a means of permitting discrimination based upon religion, sexual identity, etc.

    Whenever I can't believe that one of these bills actually passes I always have to remind myself that I gave up on humanity ages ago.

  2. I 100% agree with your sentiments and am equally disgusted. But, as far as giving up on humanity? No, we have to press on and try to change things. :)
