Friday, October 7, 2016

A few Photos...


  1. Hello again. While the new pictures are pretty amusing, the reason I am commenting is that I can't seem to find any other way to contact you directly. Therefore I cordially invite you to visit my blog and to please contact me via my e-mail link in my profile. I assure you my intentions are not of a prurient nature. Thank you.

  2. My e-mail is all over my website. And I'm on Twitter, Tumblr, here on Blogger, Fetlife...and if your intentions are *not* of a prurient sound a bit boring to me, lol. :)

    1. Well if you believe Freud, ALL intentions are prurient. Still, while I have rarely been accused of being boring, I will have to concede an inability to locate these rampant links to an e-mail address. Normally on Blogger a simple click on the user's name will provide such access, but when I click on yours I feel like I'm just revisiting the blog itself. And I don't Twitter or Fet or Tumble.

      No matter, I had contacted Strict Julie about you and she gave you a very nice reference, and as such I thought your blog and your business might benefit from a link on my own blog.....but now I suspect you would only find such a mundane offer..... boring. If I am wrong I'm sure you can more easily contact me than I have found it to be in contacting you. And if not, no hard feelings, and best of luck in your ventures.

  3. My comment was in jest. :)

    The reason I don't usually type/post my e-mail is simply trying to keep the bots and spammers from picking it up and inundating me. So, people have told me one way to stave that off to some extent is to not post it. They may be wrong and while I am not a Luddite, I know very little about computers so usually follow that sort of advice. :)

    Anyway it is fetishfurniturefactory at
