Monday, September 26, 2022

Newsish Blogish Postish. :)


Good. Reading...without reading, where would we, as a species be? We'd how things were for most people back in the 1800, or 1700, or 800's. Meaning, illiterate. No book should be burned, no book should be banned. I'm not talking about childrens books here, there obviously needs to be some parameters for certain literature, based on an age appropriate determination for kids. But we're talking regular old libraries where adults, can choose what they wish to read, or not. No one, no employee, no government stooge, no fundamentalist, no religious crackpot or wanna-be despot should decide what other adults can read...period.  :) 


Though the company claimed that its financial troubles were due to COVID-19, the truth is that the model of women-only business environments is a scam sold to ordinary women by wealthy feminists looking to make a buck. Women operate in the same economy as men, and it’s silly to pretend they can build a wall around themselves to keep out men or all the problems that supposedly come with them (“mansplaining” to name one).

Or, to put it in other BDE (Big Dick Energy.)  :)
Let's face it, women like men, men like women, men and women like being around each other. Sure, there are some that can't stand each other, and there is, and will be friction, but for the most part, spending 8-10-12 hours a day in an office, with only other women, can become rather boring. Something like 25% or all marriages were a result of meeting in the workplace. But probably something like 85% of dates, hookups, booty calls, whatever...started from the workplace as well as...that's where people spend most of their day, most of their time, and where they have the best chance of meeting new people, which means...flirtation, sexual attraction, and..."Boom-Boom" in the breakroom.  :) 


Sheesh, the salute. What a bunch of fucking morons. I mean, they act like children. At the same time, I wish Hillary would shut up and retire from the public eye, just go away. I was tired of hearing her cackling ass like...30 years ago. And as for Trumpie? I wish Trump never would have been born so...fuck both of them.  :) 

Yeah, when I think of "Sermon on the Mount" is 100% opposite the way Trump has lived his entire life. Literally, he is the opposite of anything the person known as Jesus was reputed to have said or preached about. Bunch of cultish freaks...


Cuban voters have approved a historic new referendum that allows same-sex couples to marry and adopt in the country, the national election commission said on Monday.

Amazing. That makes (I believe) 34 countries where it is legal. And guess what...everything is just fine. No "fire rained from the heavens", no nations collapsed due to the...sheer "gayness" of gay people getting gay married, in their gay weddings, with gay people, and gay dancing, gay preachers, with gay catering, and gay presents, followed by gay honeymoons, with, sex, lol. Nothing bad happened. It's just like when interracial marriage became fully legal in the USA in 1967. 

Interracial marriage in the United States has been fully legal in all U.S. states since the 1967 Supreme Court decision, Loving v. Virginia, that decreed all state anti- miscegenation laws unconstitutional. Many states, had chosen to legalize interracial marriage much earlier. 

Same thing, the alarmists and bigots that screamed about the end of times, Holy Retribution, the earth splitting in two and whatever other dramatic nonsense their warped, hate filled minds came up with...none of that happened. Things are just fine. The same applies to gays serving openly in the military. And women. And transpeople. It must suck to be a hard right wingnut and be wrong...all, the, fucking, time. I mean...they are never right about anything, ever, period, lol. Truly, they're not. The last time a far right Republican was right about something, was when Richard Nixon created the EPA, in 1970. Yes, 1970. 52 mother fucking long ass years ago...that's a long time to be wrong...about everything.  :)

I'd certainly wear it.  :) 

Sex Toy Utility Belt. For the man/woman that is on the move, organized, no time to waste, and needs every device close at hand.  :) 



'People seem to be inspired by me'.

Kudos to this guy. Seriously, 90 years old, and still pumping iron and working out? And he started when he was, well basically just a kid. Just to put that into perspective, he was born around 1932, roughly 7 or so years before WW2 even started. It was still the early years of the Great Depression, and the Dust Bowl as well. Many people still used outhouses and most rural areas had no electricity. The world was so, so, so different, and challenging, yet this guy stuck with his health and fitness routine for...pushing a century, and I hope he makes it and is still somehow active in 10 more years. What an amazing guy.  :)  

Alright...enough babbling from me...  :) 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Musings... :)

Remember when the first Mad Max movie came out and the costumes seemed so...far fetched, kinky, sexy, fetishy, freaky, dirty, nasty and unrealistic? 

Well, here we are now, and it's pretty much everyday wear for some people, lol.  :) 

Acronym Overload. 
I dislike it when terms I know get used by mainstream business and the media. I get confused when people say something I identify with one thing, and they mean something else. 
Cock Ball Torture?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Computer Based Tutorial?
Criminal Breach of Trust?
Creditcard Blue Tooth?
Cadet Basic Training?
Confluenced Bastardized Totalitarianism? 
(Okay, I made that last one up, lol.)  
I'm sticking with...Cock Ball Torture.  :)


(Blog Reader Question Below, and My Reply.) 

Gooooooooood Morning Madame
"I know you limit your cuck’s access to penetrating you to a few times a year, for a host of reasons. But I was wondering how restrictive you were of him orgasming at all and do you feel orgasm denial is an effective tool in a FLR. I would think most definitely but I have read where that’s not always the case. Just wondering your take on the matter. If you wouldn’t mind sharing that is. 

What the hell do I care about his pathetic orgasms?  He's never allowed to do that until I am done, done again, and redone. After that, he can jerk off with his cuckold lotion, unless I'm in the mood to make it more painful and humiliating.  :)

Why I could never be the "Boss Lady" of a big company.  :) 

(The Following Was Found Online. Not my Writing.)

We are a generation that will never come back!
A generation that walked to school and then walked back.
A generation that did their homework alone to get out asap to play in the street.
A generation that spent all their free time on the street with their Friends.
A generation that played hide and seeks in the dark.
A generation that made mud cakes.
A generation that collected sports cards.
A generation that found, collected, washed & Returned empty coke bottles to the local grocery store for 5 cents each, then bought a Mountain Dew and a candy bar with the money.
A generation that made paper toys with their bare hands.
A generation who bought vinyl albums to play on record players.
A generation that collected photos and albums of clippings.
A generation that played board games and cards on rainy days.
A generation whose TV went off at midnight after playing the National Anthem.
A generation that had parents who were there.
A generation laughed under the covers in bed so parents didn't know we were still awake.
A generation who recorded the latest songs on the top 10 charts from the radio, having to keep your finger on the stop/pause button when the radio presenter starts speaking before the song ends...
A generation with high regard for the cassette player(TDK).
A generation who helped mom put up the trimmings against the ceiling at Christmas time
A Generation who ate all meals together and actually spoke to each other.
There were no Cell phones, laptops, desktop computers, Internet, or Social media
A generation that is passing and unfortunately it will never return!!..
I loved Growing up when I did.✌🏻✌🏻😎

My Suggested Reply to FemDoms being Approached by Submissive Men.  :)

Your application is still being evaluated. Its not looking good. Apparently, your resume shows you've never, ever, ever...sexually satisfied a woman. That sort of despicable sexual inferiority does not bode well. I mean, this is an exclusive club with high standards. Limp dicks, fast comers, premature ejaculators, shrimp dicks, lesser, men, half men, inferior not really add anything to the overall tenor or tone of this agenda and ideology. Stay tuned...and in the meantime, go suck a bag of dicks. :)
While every woman appreciates compliments, some guys overdo it. I mean...I'm just regular old boring average me and when some guys go off on the whole "Goddess of the Most Glorious Gorgeous Goddess of the Most Goddessy Goddessness" blah, blah, blah...its not pleasant and makes most women uncomfortable. So I try to dissuade that sort of verbiage. Brevity is often the best.  :)

So, I've mostly been off of any sort of social media for months or years now and...I don't miss it one bit. I see headlines about it, the attitudes, the drama, the PC wankerism, the back and forth, the stupidity, and of course those that are endlessly crying "victim" about anything and everything. And I hate to say this, it's mostly other women, usually screaming about being sexually objectified, while wearing a piece of string up their ass, bent over, cell cam stuck in their labia, I mean, I can see their cervix. 

 "Objectification" is subjective. Women "objectify" men, just as much as men do women. Might sometimes be in a different way, sometimes not, but my main point is, this whole thing, hormones, sex, reproduction, commerce, the confluence of them all, is something that will never go away, and in most cases it should not. Bad things should be dealt with, but the drama queens have tried to make everything sexual that happens be seen as "bad" and in most cases, they simply are not. Can't have your cake and eat it to. I'm all for sex workers doing what they want, all for nudity, porn, topless beaches, swingers clubs, BDSM dungeons, whatever...but if others are also for it, and are engaging in it (not talking about nonconsensual touching, groping or rape here obviously) if we want equality, and we want freedom, stop whining cuz some dude is checking out your tits and ass. 
What am I in part talking about? 

Just shut the fuck up already.   :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Suck it. Suck it Long...and Suck it Hard! :)

I'm ready for it to be fall. I like the summer, but this has been a long and hot one. I'm ready for some cooler weather, some Holiday stuff, jingling some balls, some Ho-Ho-Ho action, and for a break. I've been so busy this last month or so, no time to write blog posts, not as much I like anyway. I enjoy writing, so when I do posts like this one, just memes, I feel like I "cheated" myself from the ability to fully unload by brain...if that makes sense. However, now that things are calming out for forthcoming rambling babbling babblement, lol.  : ) 

Cunnilingus? If its oral sex...why isn't it called oralingus? 

Politics, Sex and Underwear.  
That's pretty much what life is about, right?

Yeah, what the meme below says.
Or maybe some, just need a good hard bitchslap.  :) 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Porn and Tax The MotherFucking Churches!! :)

Alright...major bitchfest rant forthcoming, lol.  :)

Churches and religion should be about helping the poor, charity, forgiveness, empathy, benevolence, helping others, being in service to humankind, altruism, lending aid to the sick, acts of compassion and details of that least according to the person known as Jesus, who reputedly said as much, in the Sermon on the Mount

So, why is it that pretty much all we hear about these days, organized religion wise, is graft, bribery, theft, greed, sex abuse, sex scandals and sex affairs. And as usual, of course, those same people chastising other people, unmarried sex, oral sex, anal sex, kinky sex, "buttsecs", FemDom sex, porn sex, stripper sex, gay sex, trans sex, lesbian sex, fetish sex, non-missionary position sex, unmoral sex, immoral sex, far-too-frequent-sex, recreational sex, fun sex, doggystyle sex, tribadism sex, group sex, cuckold sex, masturbation sex, dildo sex and very sexy sexual sexualzed sex? 

Those people have no moral authority on the issue. They have zero credibility on the topi, and, it's none of their fucking business. Plus the greed aspect and separation of Church and State factors...which they ignore. And the 1st Amendment...which they pretend doesn't exist, but most love to jump right to the 2nd Amendment...which they love. Fuck 'em.

Tax the MotherFucking Churches, heavily, retroactively for say...about the last 5 decades or so, and enforce the laws that are in the US Constitution that demarcates where they can, and can not, have influence on laws and public policy. And lastly, anyone abusing parishioners, men, women and especially children, and anyone covering for them, and I mean anyone, arrest them, prosecute them, and incarcerate them to the fullest extend of the law. Again...Fuck 'em.

Side note, I personally know many, many, many very good people, straight up honest people with ethics and integrity, that are religious and are fantastic people. I am not slamming religion as a whole, nor religious people. I am talking about the business of religion, the profit aspect, those that are more concerned with protecting the bank accounts and the reputation of the organization...instead of the people they do harm to. Most average religious people are just fine, or at least tolerable, but the hierarchy and the business portion, once again...Fuck 'em.  :) 

Speculation is conservative anti-porn organizations like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (formerly Morality In Media) and Exodus Cry have been putting political pressure on companies to cut off financial resources for adult performers. 

A group of NY clergy took more than $1 million from a real estate developer who sought to turn distressed Black churches into lucrative properties, according to settlements with the state’s attorney general. Settlements show a bishop, two pastors and a pastor’s wife sought to conceal kickbacks from congregations that owned the buildings, as well as from state officials.

 A Utah lawmaker and attorney for the Mormon Church advised a bishop not to report a confession of sex abuse to authorities, a decision that allowed the abuse to continue for years.

The issue is the release by the SBC of a 205-page document naming hundreds of Baptist leaders and members accused or found guilty of sexual abuse of children. The list included 700 entries on cases between 2000 and 2019, stating convention’s leaders failed the public and its community by mishandling sexual abuse cases and mistreating victims and survivors. 


From a custom video of mine...religious theme of sorts, a "Nun" punishing a "Monk". 
That's all the "religion" you need...right there.   :)