Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Former Republicans & Democrats form New Third U.S. Political Party. :)


In theory, I am all for this. However, I'm not sure it will ever get enough traction to matter much. I wish it would, I really do, just to break the stranglehold the GOP and the Dems have on us, on our entire country, on our institutions, on the campaign donation system, on the courts, schools, laws, medical care, environmental issues and every other aspect of our lives. And to be honest, because of the influence the USA has on so much of the rest of the world, our toxic stupidity has a detrimental impact on the billions of other people, animals, literally on the entire planet itself. It's not a secret that I am not a fan of some of what the Dems do, and have had zero use for any Republican politician since the year 2000, and not much use for most of them prior to that. So to that end, yeah, sure, 3rd party...let's go.  :) 

However, we've had quite a few poltical parties in the USA since the "beginning" of this Republic, and technically speaking, still do currently. So again, kudos for the effort on the new party, and it is indeed interesting, but they have a long way to go before becoming viable. 

 There are over 420 registered political parties in the United States of America, with many different blends of political viewpoints. However, there are only two nationally recognized political parties, the Republicans and Democrats.

While we're at it, we really, really, really need to enforce separation of church and state. These fucking freaks should *not* be listened to, by anyone, ever. Not in the political realm, and not even in the religious one, bunch of charlatans and heretics. Notice, the article below is about "fundamentalists" and not about average religious people. There is is a massive difference.  :)



I may have mentioned this before, I am part owner in some farmland, along with some family members (no, I am not filthy rich, just filthy minded, lol) I totally love this story.  :)


Anyone know what musical score or song this sheet music belongs to?  :)


Not sure if this is called the "Haoshang Bridge" or the "Leshan Bridge", as different articles attribute different names to it, but I simply love it. If I had a stream running through my yard, I'd have a miniture or scale model replica built of it. 


Julia Fox: Wearing some low ass cut pantaloons.
I mean, you can almost see her "Tuppence". :)

Nothing new to see here...just another dumbass Republican bitch, spewing stupidity. In my world all Republicans politicians are "bitches" regardless of genitalia lol, (giggling at my own invective laden snark), but as mentioned, the first word is a pronoun, as in "We" as in:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This nearly concludes this "Late Breaking News Bulletin"...but first, one more "Breaking Story" for you...I'm not wearing pants!  :) 

Monday, July 25, 2022

All About Asses. :)

Ass. Butt. Booty. Posterior. Badonkadonk. There are millions of names & slang words for it. You can stare at it, bite it, kiss it, caress it, spank it, slap it, fuck it, massage it, ride it, stick your face in it, cane it, whip it, beat it, worship it...whatever you want..."it"  :)                                     


Jennifer Lopez, 53 years old.   

Some Gorgeous Vintage Dancer. 

Some Dude. 

A Collection of Booties. 

Jen Selter. 


Hercules and Cacus. 

Hercules and Aphrodite Kallipygos. 

Ebony Female Bodybuilder.

Leonardo da Vinci's "David". 

‘The Three Graces’ by Regnault. 

‘Les Sabines’ by David. 

A spanked, caned, whipped, paddled and beaten submissive.

A Stunning Goddess...and the Crazy Bitch that writes this Blog.  :) 

Friday, July 22, 2022

You Do *Not* Want to Read This! (Or Maybe You Do.) :)

To the various people (who shall reamain anonymous) that write me asking advice about wanting to "rid" themselves of their sexual fetishes, and how to do that...Denying who you are, trying to shut off or ignore one facet of your personality, isn't the healthiest thing to do. Maybe consider making it work for you, rather than trying to "shed" it? Sure, trying to figure out a fetish, the origin of it, how to incorporate it into your life, how to find a partner (or partners, freaks, lol) that are into it, the details, the props, toys, equipment (if required) can take a mental toll. But don't let it drive you nuts. Don't be afraid to take a day off from thinking about it, turn off the "porn machine", do something different, read a good book, take a hot bath, or even just sit and unwind, take in a big deep breath and slowly release it. Go slow. There is no rush. It's not a competition. At the same time, don't be scared of it, don't be a pussy about it. See what I did there? Pussy? You know, pussy, sex, kink, fetish, copulation, philoprogenitiveness, pregnancy, fecundity...fuck me, some of you people have no sense of humor, not sure why I even bother with you sometimes, lol.  :)

Brad Pitt, 58, in Berlin, promoting a film wearing a brown linen skirt...I like the look. 

And the clapping seal bitches approve as well.  :) 


The groups, Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, were founded by evangelical Christian, James Dobson. Focus on the Family comprises a conservative theocratic mega-media Christian ministry. In his book Marriage Under Fire, Dobson likens proponents of marriage for same-sex couples to Nazis:“Like Adolf Hitler, who overran his European neighbors, those who favor homosexual marriage are determined to make it legal, regardless of the democratic processes that stand in their way.”

I guess the Adult Entertainment Industry, the Fetish Community, the BDSM world and Sex Workers need to band together and...start a church, right? I mean, it seems to be the best way to protect yourself, to have legal standing, plus...not pay taxes. 

Neopronouns are a relatively new term that describes new pronouns that can be used to replace the usual gendered pronouns like “she” and “him”. Some examples include:  They/them/theirs Ze/zim/zis Ze/hir/hirs Ze/xem/xyrs Sie/hir/hirs. Some non-binary people aren’t particularly fond of the singular “they” pronoun. Instead, they use neopronouns like ze/zim/zirs and xe/xem/xyrs. The “ze” pronoun is read as “zee”. “Zim” rhymes with “him” and “zirs” rhymes with “hers”. “Ze” is a subjective pronoun, like “she” and “he”, while “zim” is an objective pronoun, like “him” and “her”. “Zirs” is used possessively, as in “That laptop is zirs”.

Get a fucking grip people. I support egalitarianism. But there is no way in hell that I'm going to be bullied or pressured into using this language, and neither are 99.9% of the people on the planet. It is not, simply not, going to happen. Focus on what's actually important and what truly matters, laws, security, jobs, adoption, healthcare, housing and so on for the trans community (and everyone else) and stop wasting time with this forced language stupidity. Language needs to evolve organically, not be forced on people through guilt or social media pressure...because again, that is not going to happen. 

Are book bans on the rise in the U.S.? Yes. The American Library Association (ALA) keeps track of challenges and bans across the country, and the most recent data is alarming. In 2021, the ALA recorded 729 book challenges targeting 1,597 titles. That’s more than double 2020’s figures and the highest number since the organization began recording data in 2000. The actual numbers are likely much higher: Some challenges are never reported by libraries, and books preemptively pulled by librarians out of fear for their jobs are not included.


I think someone missed evolution classes... :) 


There is just so, so, so, so much going on here.  :) 


Chicharra - Are You...?
Posting this again. For one thing, I like it. For another thing, she's an amazing human being. Plus, I used to go walk my dogs and jog right where this was filmed...down by the river.  :) 


Forgot to mention, I've been loading clips on my FemDom Vanessa Chaland Studio here and there, whenever I remember to. Some of it is newer, some is older from the myriad of websites I own and used to run, but mostly forgot about. Who knows, I might want to, you know, buy a Taco or (shudders, God forbid) a pair of pants or something one of these days.  :) 
The End. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2022

You Wanna Read This! (Or Maybe Not.) :)

For those tired of Fetlife or other types of dating sites, Fetster seems to be growing and showing potential. And from what I understand, it is in 100% free. No shady trying to sell you upgrades to be able to run or reply to ads or whatever, just...totally free. 


Vertical staircase in Brazil.
I get vertigo just looking at the picture...while sitting down, at home.  :) 


Insane. Absolutely totally and completely insane. 

I don't get this. I thought the point of being a parent, of schools, of reading, of libraries, was to educate your kids and the masses. The objective being to expand minds, to learn about new ideas, different people, different cultures and history, biology, facts and science. The point being to inculcate fertile minds so they'd not only be able to deal with life better, in a positive and productive manner, but to be able to go beyond what we now know, using critical thinking skills, and advance the cause and status of humanity. How is that possible when roughly half the nation wants to keep their kids as dumb as a pile of bricks? The censorship, the book burnings, the endless news articles about the GOP doing everything they can to create a fictional and sanitized viewpoint of America, Christianity, our history, about genetics, about biology, and life as a whole...what the fuck is wrong with these people? 

I simply do not understand why they fear knowledge. It's insane and very scary. It's increasingly akin to fundamentalist Muslims (The Taliban, etc) where they send young boys to a Madrassa, who are then taught only about the Koran and indoctrinated to hate anyone not like them, to loathe, fear and despise so called "infidels". How do the people that are in favor of this think this is going to turn out for their kids...and for America and the world? You know, we already did this, this was done for hundreds of years, a long time even had an accurate name, it was called...The Dark Ages. 


Really? I mean...I, and billions of other people (literally, billions, as in 99% of the world) knew this pushing two years ago. :) 


How Twisted Sister Outclassed Congress.  A bit of history for those either too young to know about this, or that missed it when it happened. It's also a good example of how Democrats, so called "liberals"...were not at all like most are today, in very recent history. Conservative Democrats could be as backwards, bullheaded, uptight, pro-censorship, frigid and anal about social issues as the GOP is today. And in the era immediately prior to that...even worse. 


I'm not a huge twerking fan (might have posted about her before) but Lex has the booty, the body, the moves and skill to make twerking an erotic art form.  :)


Slash & Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators - "Mind Your Manners"
Love this song, love these guys, love the standard straight forward Rock and Roll. :) 

Someone mentioned my YouTube channel in a blog comment. I guess they were unaware I had one. To be honest, most of the time I forget I have one as well, lol. Anyway, it's just videos of furniture, clothing, implements and fetish stuff I've created. I have the comments turned off as I don't want to have to deal with moderating it, and I think hypersensitive YouTube has it set as "adult" so people have to login to view them, but should anyone care to go watch some clips and do some of that "Thumbs Up" stuff, (as many times as you like, every damn day, 57 times a day, lol) it would help me get more traffic and be appreciated.  :) 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Nonsensical Nonsensish Blog Post. :)

Okay, maybe it's just me...but I love the way Dan Aykroyd dances in this video. :) 


Christopher Meloni...looking damn good at age 61. 

People should...shut the hell up more. If he's happy, if she's happy, what business is it of anyone elses? Attraction is attraction, and what turns us on, is what turns us on. And while some people might think its objectifying those of a certain body type, have these "critics" not heard of a BBW fetish yet? 

I mean, it's not like it's a new concept, interest or thought...

Baroque: Though coined in the middle 19th century, the adjective Rubenesque has flourished during the last decade or so as a polite way of saying plump, full, or round, especially in describing a woman. The word refers to the Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens, many of whose works depict full-figured women.

I hope everyone is using caution, common sense, keeping up with vaccinations, wearing masks and trying to distance from others whenever possible. Things have improved, but the world still has risks. Use good judgment and protect your health and of your loved ones.  :) 

And on the subject of health...

Come on "boys" gotta do better. You need to try harder. Eat a salad, some fruit and veggies, drink more water, get some exercise, go to the doctor, get exams, wear sunblock, it's really not that hard, and it can be fun. Changing that couch potato boring ass unhealthy lifestyle, it's not as complicated as some think. Just move. Do something, walk, jog, the gym, swim, bike, hike, stretch, play sports, clean up the diet and live a few years longer...and enjoy all your years more.  :) 


The turntable built into the wall is a feature preserved from Cash's design.


Not new, but this never fails to make me laugh hard. After finally figuring out the accent - a plugger is a flip-flop sandal.  :) 

Most Aussie guys ever foil robbery despite a 'busted plugger'.


Alright...insomnia posting...strikes again.  :)