Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pornhub Removes Millions of Videos - Sasha Obama. :)

After changing its policies to ban unverified uploaders and Mastercard and Visa's decision to drop the platform entirely, Pornhub has removed millions of videos.

Oh yea, this is huge. Pornhub was the 8th most visited site on the Internet. Had to go check...but yep, they deleted all my videos. Guess I might have to reload some of them here on my blog. :)    

Proof...that the Pornhub shutdown had little to do with exploitation. It mostly has to do with religious nutcases wanting to not allow you to view anything sexually graphic, and instead adopt their cultish view on a fictional religion.  :) 

And of course the conspiracy theorists are out in full...insanity.  :) 


Spoiled? Just a bit?  :)

Some people are upset. 19 year old Sasha Obama has posted a few recent photos online, and she's a straight up bangin hottie. So of course the far right, lunatic, fake-ass, fundamentalist hypocrites are losing their minds (when not masturbating) and cranking out anti-Obama diatribes (when not masturbating) about "family values" and how this is so disgraceful (when not lusting over her young, firm, nubile flesh, and masturbating) and basically harping like Agony Aunts, railing about the same stupidity they have been since the 1950s (when not fapping and whacking, in between yanking, cranking, tugging and...you guessed it, masturbating) and just generally proving what a bunch of lying fuckwits they are...and always have been. I love it when they do that.  :) 



Proof...that I own pants. 
And white socks.
And black shoes.  :) 



You know how you always have that one friend that you go out drinking with, who knocks over the glasses, and makes an ass out of himself?  :)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard Is Promoting A Bill That Threatens Trans Women In Sports. (No. No She's Not.)

            I detest Tulsi Gabbard. I think she's a fraud, a poser, an opportunist and would never vote for her. However, and it pains me to say this, in this case, she's correct.  

In a well intended effort to be supportive of anyone with a different view, with an alternative lifestyle, with gender dysphoria, to appease peoples feelings and choices, to make people comfortable, to be politically correct, we can not, and should not, go off the deep end into nonscientific territory which then dictates social policy.  

We want things to be equal right? Having biological males compete in sports, especially certain sports, against biological females...is not "equal". There are biological differences between those born within one context and the other. That is just a fact. It goes beyond appearances, attire, mannerisms and hormones. There are other factors beyond just testosterone and estrogen. There are structural differences, bone density, wider shoulders which can help with leverage, hand strength, and a plethora of other examples. If you think about contact sports like boxing, judo, wrestling, etc...a 5' 5", 125 pound female is not the same as a 5' 5", 125 pound male. You allow, or force, transgender women into competing with biological females and the latter will quite possibly never win any competition, ever again. The same applies to certain strength competitions (powerlifting, weightlifting, etc) as well. I'm talking about the junior high level, through high school, college, the Olympics, professional...all levels. Its simply not fair to biological women to expect us to do this. The effort to empower trans women can not be done where biological women have to sacrifice their own athletic hopes and dreams, in an unfair competitive structure. Its simply not right. And yes, I am aware there are rare examples of a female winning over a male, and this could apply to a trans female as well, but those examples are an aberration. 

Wanting to allow and embrace equality, true equality, egalitarianism, can not come at the cost of one demographic having an advantage over another. Equality, in this case, means allowing equal "opportunity" for anyone with athletic aspirations to seek those out, to enter into them and to compete on a fair and balanced footing. I support people being who they are. I support the trans community. I also support women's abilities to try to achieve what they desire on a equal playing field. If it needs to be, have multiple sporting events, male against male, female against female, and an "open" event, or create a league or teams or whatever for the trans community. I don't know how or what, or the details of creating this scenario, its not something I've ever much considered, but I do know that political correctness can not overrule biology, science and facts. That is not a step forward.  




Term limits anyone? 

This cartoon from the 1930s shows not much has changed in this regard.


Suspiciously Specific. 


Oddly specific. 


Greek walkway. 


ElliĆ°aey Island, Iceland. I'd live there.  :)


This guy...love how he gives himself awards...named after himself.  :)


I'd do that.  :)



Jordan: Belgian Malinoises. 


Kontent Kitty.  :)

Saturday, December 12, 2020

F**k Social Media - Pornhub got Jerked Off. :)

                               See what I did with the title? I censored the word "Fuck".  :) 

So, some serious sucky social media shenanigans this week. I'm on Twitter, fire off a snarky message to some twat waffle about Trumpie, get suspended. Now, the only thing I can see that would have been such a grievous objectionable offense, on my part, was using the word #Skank in my post as nothing else is vituperative. I mean, people spend all day telling each other to fuck off, calling other people traitors, cowards, talking about peoples moms, and our politicians, some of them, spend half their day using veiled verbiage to threaten other politicians, private citizens, the media, judges, election officials and foreign leaders (actually, that list would be just Trump), so its not like I said anything out of the norm, and to be honest, the post in question was rather tame for yours truly.  :) 

Anyway, I filed an appeal. They blew me off for a few days, I went and deleted the post, and those mother fucking pussy ass coward Twitter PC wanking mother fucks...suspended me for a week, lol.  




So, I was bored and went to Reddit. I saw a super-hyper weepy, hand wringing and very long winded post by some lady about how she was walking her dog, a couple guys asked her what kind of dog it was, she got triggered, her snowflake levels went sky-high, and I replied with the message the red arrow points to. Got banned from that sub-Reddit...for life.  :)


So I sent a snarky message to the sub-Reddit moderator and they suspended my ability to contact them for...I think 28 days. My question is...why 28 days? I mean, why not 27 days or 29 days, or 42 hours or 62 months? I mean, you banned me, for life, so why the flying fuck would you think I want to contact you in 28 days? I mean I will, just to tell them to fuck off.  :) 


I've been hearing a great deal about Ruqqus. Its basically a Reddit rip off, meaning copycat site, that brags about being uncensored, embracing free speech, where anything can be said. Its premise is part of the insane notion that the majority of social media is biased against the so called "right" and they want to create something where people could speak out. So, I made an account, saw a few posts, replied to a couple...and a few hours later when I returned from the gym, saw that I had been banned from three of their groups, which they call "Guilds".  

I thought this was odd. I did some fast research and was stunned to find, some moderator had written a post about me within a couple hours about how I was "spamming fraud denial in political subs", and he screen captured my comments in the black photo below. Interestingly enough, you can see my replies are all quite polite. I simply asked if anyone had any evidence for this alleged election fraud, which they did not, as neither did any of Trumps lawyers, which is why he lost 53 cases in a couple of weeks and the Supreme Court told him to fuck off...twice. Anyway, seeing it's a far rightwing site of lunatic, paranoid and delusional nutcases, I closed the account the same day I opened it. 


Then I thought I would check out Parler, which is the new version of Twitter. However, even though it advertises itself as being all about autonomy, freeeeeedum, privacy, liberty, the flag, 'Murica, the 1st Amendment and all that, they demand you give them your phone number in order to create an account, which I refuse to do. Their site states: 

Speak freely and express yourself openly, without fear of being “deplatformed” for your views. Parler protects our community members’ rights and privacy.  Parler believes that people are entitled to security, privacy, and freedom of expression.  

Interestingly enough, the site is owned by the Mercer family, yes, they of the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal. So, as there is no way in hell that I, or anyone, should ever trust that family with private information, I told them to fuck off as well. 


Speaking of Parler, they got themselves a little "porn problem".  I'm not sure how they're going to make it, not wanting porn on their site, plus blocking, shadow banning and harassing anyone that does not adhere to the insane conspiracy theories of the deeply disturbed Trumpian Army of nitwits. 


And lastly, on the "porn front" fiascos, one of the largest sites on the entire Internet, literally, Pornhub's ranking is 8th, in the whole world, it gets more traffic and hits than eBay, Wikipedia, Walmart etc...anyway, someone reported there was allegedly rape and pedophilia movies on the site, out of the, well here are their 2019 stats: 

So, the deal is...VISA and MasterCard yanked their ability to process credit cards...effectively putting them out of business I suppose, as those two fine family values companies can't be associated with anything untoward or where there may be something related to underage sex clips. Look, I'm not minimizing the horrific aspects of child porn, and anyone doing it should be investigated and if found to be guilty, prosecuted. I'm just confused though as from what I know, the Catholic Church can still accept credit cards...right?  :)  

Lastly, Facebook (which I am not on) is having their own new and ongoing issues.