Wednesday, September 23, 2020

24/7 FemDom versus Bedroom Domme.

 Quite often I see discussions online weighing the pros and cons of female domination in a worldly context, as in "women should run things" (meaning business, politics etc.) and/or domination within a marriage, on a full time basis. I'm a very sexually aggressive, quite greedy, demanding and bossy bitch in the bedroom. Outside of that, I'm very easy going and mostly laid back. The only thing that really fires me up and pisses me off is bullying, in person or via political agendas. Beyond that I'm usually joking around, laughing and messing with people in a fun lighthearted way. 

Having said that, I have no desire to do a 24/7 Domme/sub thing. I value my husbands intellect, his knowledge, his expertise on a variety of matters and topics. He has his strengths and experience, and I not only admire that, but find it sexy. True, on a day to day basis, I sort of run everything in our daily lives, but that's not due to any sexualized fetishy FemDom thing as opposed to just how our relationship evolved. When it comes to the mundane, the usual things like shopping, taxes, making sure the puppies and kitties get to the Vet, all the boring details of life, I arrange and supervise most things, just because I'm better at it than he is. But again, this is based on what makes our lives easier, happier, more productive, fluid, and less chaotic, and not anything beyond that.  

As to the "loser" topic that seems to pop up so much in "FemDom" discussions and forums, (you know the sort of thing, cuckolds are "losers" and all that nonsense) its not one I've ever fully understood nor endorse. I know the online FinDoms, those of that ilk, some poorly written fictional porn stories adopt that theme, but to me its just arbitrary, naïve and sort of stupid. What makes someone a "winner" in life in some peoples view, is a "loser" to others...and vice-versa.  

What I mean is, someone that has sexual inferior skills, technique, diminutive endowment (classic cuckold depictions, and accurate in most cases), might excel in all other aspects of life. He might be a gigantically huge body builder, a bad MoFo marital artist, a very successful businessman, and display all the visual "markers" of what a vapid society views as being a "winner". Personally, I'd like to remove any and all criteria of ones remuneration or wealth as a scorecard of "winner/loser" because to me that makes no sense. A persons heart, their agenda, how they treat others, their integrity, honesty, benevolence and other factors should massively outweigh a job, a title or a salary. The value of a human being should never be equated to the "value" of their bank account or acquired material possessions. 

I fully believe all human beings are equal, promote egalitarianism, true equality, and don't think any one demographic should lead, while others follow. I'm just a sexually sadistic greedy Domme. I've got no desire to dominate anyone night and day, no urge to rule the world, no agenda within this context other than...getting my pussy properly pounded, massaged, caressed, kissed and licked.  :)

 My books and e-books can be found at:

No Title Required. :)



Poor Greg...he's just not...getting it. :)

There was an insult Canada...


A Red Lory (Eos bornea).


Cat helps the police detain a thief.
Revenge burglary?  :)


Confusing perspective.  


What the ever loving fuck is going on with Jared's face? 

Why is MAGA Mom wearing her mask...backwards?  :)

A powerful image showing the laziness of people, and how it affects others.


Flowers, signs and cards for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court building. 


Q-Anon supporter running for Congress attempts to call AOC unintelligent, fails miserably.

I got no joke for this one.
Make up your own damn perverted jokes.  :)