Saturday, September 5, 2020

Larry Flynt - Jerry Falwell - 2257 - Fuck Me. :)

This stupid fuck is Jerry Falwell Sr. 

Fake ass Christian, founder of the "Moral Majority" and the "Christian" madrassa known as Liberty University and father of Jerry Falwell Jr...yes, the infamous "Christian Cuckold" who recently got busted when "Pool Boy", started talking about banging Becki Falwell while Jerry sat off in the corner watching and masturbating.  

This stupid fuck is Jerry Falwell Jr.   
Drunk, with pants undone, on someones yacht, with a woman who is not his wife. 

Pool Boy. 
Part Time Bull and Wife Fucker of Jerry Falwell Jr. 


Larry Flynt.

Disabled and wearing the American Flag as a diaper to court, which severely upset all the fake ass "patriots" that allege to love/support free speech. Flynt won the case in a massive/huge/gargantuan "win" for the 1st Amendment and free speech.  


This stupid fuck is John Ashcroft. 

(Ashcroft wasted about $10, 000 tax payers dollars on drapes, to cover the "Spirit of Justice" statue behind him, because he found female breasts so...offensive, repugnant and obscene.) 

Former Attorney General for George W. Bush and the "author" of the expansion of the law known as 2257, which mandated that all photos on the Internet and in magazines that depicted nudity, had record keeping that was so burdensome and cumbersome, essentially no photographer, webmaster, pornographer could comply with it....ergo their hope. That hope being to circumvent the 1st Amendment and free speech, and basically "outlaw" all pornography for his deranged version of "Christianity" and "morals" at the same time they were making up lies about Iraq and Afghanistan, invading those and other countries, torturing people, to death in some cases, pushing the "Patriot Act (misnomer) and spying on every single phone call and e-mail you ever created, while racking up several trillion dollars of national debt...which your kids and grand-kids will have to pay for. 

A court recently decided that the majority of the expanded 2257 laws were stupid, moronic, served no purpose, and were mostly illegal. This would be after endless court battles lasting almost two decades, costing 10's of millions in tax payer funded bills for lawyers and clerks and bankrupting many people in the adult entertainment industry.

At one point the Ashcroft "argument" was that cartoons that depict porn would have to maintain records "proving the age of the people" in the cartoons. How do you "prove" the age of a "person" in a cartoon? Its a fucking cartoon. They don't have birth certificates, drivers licenses or other forms of identification because...its a fucking cartoon.  


This is me. 

Laughing at, flipping off, and saying 'Fuck You!' to the Falwell's, Ashcroft, the Moral Majority and any self titled "Christian" or "Patriot" that supports them. No patriot would support George W. Bush. No Christian would support Jerry Falwell. No patriotic Christian would support Donald Trump, or anyone in the current GOP party in Congress. 

Stating my opinion here people...
Anyone that doesn't like it can...
Kiss My...

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Round Queening Stool Experiment...

Has been concluded...and its a success. Trying new designs is always sort of odd as, you never know when you start the project, if it will be possible, if you can figure it out, if the vision you have in your head will even work. But, it came out okay for a prototype, so I'm happy.  :) 


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

No - Mother-Fucking - Pants... :)

Post long hot shower.
Home all alone.
Still a bit wet.
Unabsorbed cocoa/shea butter lotion dollops glistening...

Sedona Arizona. 


Siberia in the summertime.

Authentic, I might add.  :)

Stained Glass Booty. 

Devils Tower, Wyoming. 


Monica Bellucci in Rome, 1991.


3D relief map of the UK and Ireland.

Moose, in the fog...Canada. 

Cozy movie viewing setup, for gangs of friends. 

193-foot-tall statue of Guan Yu in China.

Just when I question if I understand anything on this planet anymore...something like this pops up and convinces me....I do not. :)

My what a...small shiny penis you have.  :)


Cult member?
Can confirm. 

Guy cooks food...for the whole village.