Sunday, August 23, 2020

Smothering Stool - Face Sitting Stool - BDSM Furniture...

I designed this Face Sitting Stool (water resistant pleather seat with 2" - 3" of fluffy shredded foam padding, which will smooth out with use) extra low profile, so her "business" will be on your face. As in engulfing your face. 
Owning...your face. :) 



Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Floccinaucinihilipilification... :)

Canadian power-lifter Jessica Buettner dead-lifts 405lbs (183.7kg) for 20 reps.

I dead-lifted some Tacos earlier...still trying to recover.  :)


Holy Gluteus Maximus Assman...  :) 


High heels were originally worn by men. In the 10th century, men in Europe adopted the now-gendered fashion choice of heels to make it easier to ride their horses: Adding heels to their boots made it easier to stay in their stirrups. As Slate explains, "The Persian cavalry wore inch-high heels, and the trend spread to Europe. Since they showed that the wearer owned and maintained horses, high heels became associated with the upper class. 


Platform shoes once symbolized a person status. Raised platform shoes (known as "buskins") were worn by tragic actors in Ancient Greece to symbolize their superiority over comic actors, who wore plain socks.


You don't say. Really? Is this a surprise? Is anyone shocked by these (glaringly obvious) study results? I versus war mongering? Education versus bombs, boobies and beer? Calm rationale thinking and planing versus macho swaggering rage and ego? Sharing versus greed? Maternalistic, givers of life, the warmth and comfort of a mothers breast, compassion, empathy, and a better sense of priorities and values? Not really getting why this is even, "newsworthy" as...its a given. I fully endorse my missive, I am unanimous in it and...I'm not wearing pants. :)

A scene from an Indian TV show. 
I guess its rather low per props.  :)


Sweet Mother Of God....the "Studliness".  :)


Glenn Weiss, directed the Democratic National Convention from his home in Los Angeles. 
He's...not wearing pants.  :)



Hmm...perhaps a tad too graphic, lol?  :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Da Fuck Dumbass Democrat Douchebags Doing??? :)

I've only viewed a few moments of coverage and headlines from the DNC convention thus far and...what in the blithering bloviating fuck are they doing? Sure, a few of the people scheduled for speeches makes sense, the Obama's obviously, Bernie Sanders and Jimmy Carter, sure...but some of the rest? I don't even know who half of these people are. And more to the point, I question if pretty much anyone else does either? 

They need to infuse some energy into this. They need some new ideas, new voices, some hype, some hoopla, some pageantry, some spark, a bit of panache, some music and party atmosphere (Can they afford even one strobe-light?) a dash of zing, some vibrancy and life. I get they're trying to show their "inclusive" agenda, its like a little laundry list of diversity, albeit a very short one. They're selling this as proof of some sort of "credentials" in having one of each, 31 flavors, a rainbow of people from all backgrounds and demographics (One black? Check. One gay? Check. One Asian? Check.) But beyond that, what could someone like Meg Whitman possibly say that's going to improve the Dems chances of winning? Nothing. Not a damn thing.

They need to appeal to the moderates, centrists, the crossover, the undecided and the apathetic voters. Generic Democrat voters are already going to vote party line. Most of these people are going to do a dry and boring speech, which will appeal to Dem-Lifers, and no one else. Not to sound ageist here...but part of this looks like a Geriatric Daycare. A bunch of boring old richass white people, a few Republican "side-changers", people like Colin Powell, Cindy McCain, plus the Clintons, Kerry and whomever else, that are just a gaggle of war mongers from previous administrations. None are going to convince pissed off far left progressives to show up, because many of them don't see much difference between Right-Center Dems and GOP Light. And the same for moderate Republicans that are disgusted by Trump, but see Biden/Harris as a Hillary 2.0 agenda.

They want to get more voters? They should have gotten someone like (for example) Taylor Swift, who has a reputation as being a bit more restrained and modest (compared to other young female pop stars, meaning "safe"), who appeals to both urban and country fans, sort of crossover rural GOPish, where young voters might follow her to the Democrat side of the aisle. Or maybe, I don't know who...the Rock? Some Hollywood actors that have had hit moves...sometime in the current century?  I don't know...I  can't do everything around here dammit, lol...I guess I'm just surprised that someone from the DNC thought "Hmm, lets get old-n-crusty, well off, saltine crackers" and think that's going to somehow appeal to the very disenfranchised voters...they desperately need to win. 
Anyway, rant over.  :) 

 I guess this video is about...compressing your lesbians into a pre-orgy tight package?  :)


Heather in The Netherlands. 



A cute and cozy looking houseboat. 

Manhattan...if there were no buildings on it. 


The color palette of our beautiful world. 


They make a convincing argument. 
I mean..."Him is goodest boy"? 
I'm sold.  :)


Ad from Tinder. 


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Sundry Stuff... :)

For all the "Karens" at the grocery store... :)


Kitty...discovering she has feet.  :)


The biggest protest in the history of Belarus is happening right now in Minsk. All around the world, Belarus, Russia, Hong Kong, etc, people are protesting and fighting against fascist dictatorial oppressors...and in the USA, some people are trying to reelect one...


A pants house?!
A house with "pants", as artwork?
That's blasphemy I tell you....blasphemy. 


Adriatic Sea. 

Huge Red deer stag bellowing in the early morning; France.

This Do's and Don't's List From the 1918 Pandemic.
This Proves, We've Learned Absolutely Nothing in 100 Years. 


Spotted in Brooklyn. 

I happen to like and respect porn stars, as much as I do anyone else. The slight here, for me, is not about a porn star...but a "fake reality star". :)

Imagine seeing this place with no prior knowledge of Christianity. 


“Go upstairs, to tell us you need help going upstairs?”
If you are "diabled"?