Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Total Tuesday Topics...

Sent the photo below to my cuckold husband.
Too subtle, lol?  :) 

I'm so bored and restless...I painted the shop floor.   :)


Its not about ageism. 
Its about elitism and being in touch with those that you're supposed to...represent.

Protest agendas...they are not always "equal". 

I keep hearing Trump and Fox News trash talk the so called "Antifa" movement, as if at its core its a bad thing. When did being "Anti-Fascist" become a "bad thing"? 


Capitalism with no regulation, does not remain capitalism very long. 

The color contrast is stunning...


Imagine that. Bragging about losing, 92% of the vote.
Only in Trumpland...



Amanda Nunes is now 8-0 in title fights in just under 4 years across 2 divisions, including beating every previous champ in the history of both divisions. She's won 5/8 via finish. 4 of those 5 in the 1st round and is also the first double champ to defend both belts at the same time. This means less to me than what impact her being a lesbian has on all the...homophobic bigoted fundamentalists.  :)

The diversity of  White House Interns in comparison between the Obama years and the Trump years. I see about 30 minorities with the Obama photo, with the Trump photo...maybe 2. 

 Pity it never occurs to the GOP that more money spent initially for education, would mean less money spent later for prisons. 

Iran built a fake aircraft carrier to troll our fake president...


Morning Light, Airuno Italy.


Just checking in to see what some "Influencers" have been up to. 
Alrighty then...we're done with that.  :)


Okay that's just rude and so wrong...but yea, that looks like Kim's butt implanted ass.  :)


Wannabe got busted trying to get credit for social activism...which she did not participate in. 

A friend painted them as Black Kings and they were are so appreciative to see themselves as such. These two gay males both had moments in their lives where they felt less than and not worthy enough, and both sought self love and self respect before they found each other. Black lives matter. Black LGBTQIA lives matter. People matter.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Found in comment section of a post about cuckoldry.

As a proud cuckold, I am quite disappointed at the intolerence and disparaging responses within this community against my fellow polygamists. Every other week, posts that ridicule this lifestyle reach hot, which saddens me greatly due to the lack of respect for alternate relationships. Cuckoldry is the superior lifestyle and is the natural evolution of human relationships from traditionalist bigamy. Unlike traditional marriage's inherently patriarchal power structure, cuckoldom is a lifestyle that allows both genders in a relationship to seek happiness without having the balance of power be usurped by a dominating man who does cannot satisfy the worldly pleasures of his woman. It encourages greater and closer interpersonal interactions with others who share the same goal; to make your wife as happy as possible. In fact, cuckoldry's open nature towards experimentation makes it a powerful tool to combat prejudice and bigotry, which is quite relevant in these trying times. Its hard to be racist when you see that a man of any race can make your wife orgasm with such gentle care and respect for her, even going so far as to wipe their fragrant ejaculate off of dear Bessie's face before taking her out to dinner after they are done with their bukkake (They never invite me but I'm so happy, I don't care). I let my wife hook up with other men as she pleases because I care more about her satisfaction than my own ego, and yet my selfless benevolence forged by years of avant-garde intellectual thinking and utilitarian philosophy is constantly ridiculed with slurs and insults by these half-sentient apes whose brains reside within their genitals. These cheap remarks reveal all too much about these people's capacity for critical thinking. I stand upon my throne of knowledge, facing the light because I see a truth that others are blind to.

Just posting this for others to read, should they care to. Its been "making the rounds" on Reddit etc. No comment, judgement, endorsement on my part. Video below is not at all related.  :)  

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Gay Porn News...Snark & an Unintended Green Erection. :)

Damn Hooligan Canadians! 
With their education, health care, politeness, good manners and their...maple syrup! 
Build a Wall!  :)


I saw this story on video the other day. What a bitch. Beyond the ethical point of their job description being to report the news, and not trying to be the news...trying to take credit for volunteering when you did nothing is...its like when Trump jumped in front of a camera for a photo op for that charity donation fundraiser, when he didn't donate a single dime. 
Yes, he actually did this. 

I hate people who...park like this.  :)


 Mayor Bowser renamed the area in front of the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza.” 
This is a massive, epic, huge "Fuck You" to Trump and any racists. :)

Notice, the text at the bottom of the cartoon.  :)


Friday, June 5, 2020

BDSM Furniture - BDSM Clothing - Sissy - Spanking Skirts - FemDom

Just feeding the search engine bots people. 
Its like Tacos or Pizza....but for search engines.  :)


How I Spent My Day...

I spent part of it...practicing my "Trump Stance".  ;)

Fierce, fearless, fashionable and...fantastic! :) 

Found on Bay. 

I really love this room. I know the lighting is not an actual skylight, which would be far better, but its still lovely.

Nauyaca waterfalls near Dominical, Costa Rica.