Monday, January 13, 2020

That's it! I am *Done* with Adult Human Beings on this Planet! :)

Apparently some people are under the impression that Meghan Markle is being attacked due to all her extreme blackness and everything negative said about her is a race based grudge heaped on her due to her (obvious?) dark skin to which I, (who freely admits to paying little to no attention to movies, celebrities, etc) asked myself....Meghan is black? 


Beyond the fact that we are all one race (the human race) and we all originated from an area currently known as Africa (Pangaea anyone?) and all came from apes, if you showed me a picture of MM I would have assumed she was white, Greek, Italian, Irish or about 37 other things...but not black. I feel sorry for Harry, all that has happened to him, the death of his mother, the invasive treatment of the paparazzi and don't blame him for wanting out of that insane world. And I don't doubt that he wants to protect his wife and kids from it...but what is becoming insanely ridiculous is the ever growing claims that anyone who views themselves as being slighted, ignored, barge-in-upon, mistreated, or whatever else is due to race is...becoming fucking tiresome. 


So to those that whine about what I mentioned above...:)

I got banned from a Reddit group (that I never knew existed nor had ever joined) for paying a compliment. For those that don't know Reddit (consider yourselves lucky) when things pop up you comment on them. Apparently some of those stories, articles, memes etc belong to groups. In this case, I saw a young woman with a before/after head shot of with/without makeup. She had acne scars, pock marks, blemished skin on the left photo and was heavily made up to cover these "imperfections" on the right photo. So I said "Photo on the left looks better. God/Goddess/Mother Nature made you perfect...just how you are." 
Some fucking psycho moderator banned me, lol.  :) 


Future GOP politician right here. I can pretty much guarantee you, after Bush, Palin, Trump, their voters will see this as a "qualified" candidate.  :) 



From now on I'm sticking to animals...and babies.  :) 

Bear saves Crow from Drowning. 


Humans... :)

How many women have this body shape? Seriously? How many? Someone made this mannequin and thought to them-self when finished..."Damn, that looks good!" 


Some guy was talking about a tool that allows you to change oil without getting your hands dirty, or something like that. This apparently, did not sit well with the "Really Manly Macho Manly Men" that are not adverse to grease and oil. 

This mama Orangutan got close to a breastfeeding mom and her newborn and sat with them for a half hour. They may be species apart but this act of feeding their young connected them during that moment. (by Gemma Copeland)

Jack Nicholson relaxing with some tunes and weed, January 1, 1969.



This Alpine Ibex looks majestic.



Spanking Skirt - Sex Clothes - BDSM Clothing

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Insomnia Posts....

Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul. 
- Democritus

I never knew there were so many different sized beds. 


MS World Discoverer was a German expedition cruise ship. It hit a uncharted reef in the sandfly passage, Solomon Islands 29. April 2000.

One of the only photos ever taken on Venus.
Or maybe its just a photo of earth with a yellow filter.  :)


Work was slow, so I made a “Chainsaw”.

South Street in Philadelphia, this man was giving free haircuts to the homeless.



The wife said she is leaving because of my sexual fetishes
I said "Great, don't forget to slam the door on my cock on the way out!"