Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Day That Was. - The Day That Is? - The Day That Be?? :)


A mother okapi with its child.


This 18th century sculpture called Disillusion, includes an intricate net carved from a single block of marble, created by Francesco Queirolo without assistance, since no apprentice would touch it for fear of the delicate net crumbling in their hands. It took him seven years.


The Akhal-Teke known as the “Golden Horse”, famous for its distinctive metallic sheen.


What will those tattoos look like when you’re old? 
Well, hopefully as badass as this 102 year old woman. 

Winter in Hallstatt.


Deaf Dog is "told" they are Going to the Park.  :)


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Labia Licking Lesbians versus Hallmark Capitulation (Before Reversing It) Due to Bible Humping Bitches! :)

Regarding the controversy a few days ago over One Million Moms group calls for Hallmark channel boycott after it airs commercial with lesbian kiss. and the "horribly horrendous" spectacle of two lip locking lesbians (of the femanly womanly persuasion) exchanging a kiss...the plot thickens. 

After the GLBTQIA community and Celebrities and politicians criticized The Hallmark Channel for pulling a commercial featuring a same-sex couple. over Hallmarks wussing wimpy fuckery for not standing up for civil rights, Hallmark decided to do a reverse semi-wussy reversing of their earlier wimpery so now Hallmark Channel Vows to 'Reinstate' Same-Sex Wedding Ads, Apologizes for 'Wrong Decision' 

Pretty much all guys love watching "lipstick lesbian" porn, as was reported recently by Pornhubs stats...apparently so do the majority of women. So, Hallmark has shown no backbone by yanking these totally harmless ads due to the complaints of a small handful of batshite crazy bible humping bitches. All due to unpatriotic (as in no free speech supporting) #MAGA Manic 'Muricans.  :) 

I'm saying we need this guy for POTUS in 2020.  :)


The meme below is from an unidentified police officer’s post on Facebook.


The Wave, Arizona

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Porhubs Whapping - Fapping - Slapping Off - 2019 Year in Review. :)

I can feel...the carpal tunnel syndrome...from here.  :)


90% of expensive modern art collecting, is just tax evasion.

A lamplighter lighting a gas lamp in a street in Glasgow, Scotland, 1955.

Bora Bora.

My mom works for an elementary school in a poor part of Pennsylvania. Today someone anonymously donated hats, gloves, and shoes or boots for every single student. This is going to make a huge difference for some of these kids. (Found online.) 

Me...pointing out a submissive's place.
I *am* my own...GPS.  :) 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Republican Lawmakers Call on Attorney General to Go After “Obscene Pornography”.

Another group of anti 1st Amendment, unpatriotic, freedom hating fundamentalists, using myth, lies and religious fiction to assail your rights as a grown adult, over what you can see and read. They feel emboldened into trying to turn America into their version of a Christian Taliban dominated repressed society, because Trump Pledged a Crackdown on Internet Porn.  #MAGA? 

Today in..."Gay" News.

“While no one believes they actually have 1 million followers [or] 1 million who are moms, it is nearly impossible to pin down just how many people they actually reach,” a GLAAD spokesperson tells The Advocate. “The parent organization, AFA, claims to have ‘approximately 170,000 subscribers to its monthly flagship publication’ and ‘more than 1 million email subscribers.’ However, these numbers have always been fudged, as AFA is notorious for counting as a supporter anyone who ever fills out one of their forms — something many opponents of the organization do as a way to troll them with oppositional/mocking information.”


His most damning indictment came from the American Bar Association, which for years has evaluated the competency of each of a president’s judicial nominees. After interviews with dozens of his colleagues, including 43 lawyers and 16 judges, the national lawyers’ group gave VanDyke an embarrassing “not qualified” rating. The ABA said VanDyke’s colleagues described him as “arrogant, lazy” and “an ideologue,” and couldn’t say if he “would be fair to any litigant before him, notably members of the LGBTQ community.”