Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How the Catholic 'alt-right' aims to purge LGBTQ members from the church.

There are six direct references to homosexuality in the Bible. There are three in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament. 

There are more than 2000 Verses in the Bible on Poverty and Justice.

The Ten Commandments do not mention all.

Not even factoring in hermeneutics and the low level of education and knowledge people had about the world at the time these tomes were written, do you think God/Jesus cared more about poor people...or gays?  :) 

Fetbox...Free Fetish Social Media Site.

Its a fetish based website in the UK but obviously people from all over the world can access it. 
Its easy to sign up, no hassle, no nonsense, 100% totally free, as in free, totally, 100% free, and its lighthearted and casual banter without any attitude or drama...except for whatever attitude and drama that comes from me, of course.  :)  

No One is Better Than You. Anywhere. Ever. At All. Period.

No one is better than you. No one is better, based on their genetics, their wealth, their looks, their education, their sexuality, their gender, race, ethnicity, their athletic ability, or any other factors. We, each one of us, are unique and we all have something to offer. We have something to offer each other, to our city, our state, our country, and to the rest of the planet. We all have value, we all have something to teach, share and to contribute to make other peoples lives...better. 

Deeds matter. Our acts and actions matter. Compassion, integrity, altruism, benevolence, and other matters of ethics and honesty matter. For some people, spirituality (with or without organized religion) is a huge part of what guides us, it brings us serenity, solace, a connection with our ancestors, with the Gods and with Mother Earth.

What brings us fulfillment, and what makes life worth living, is our connection to music, to culture, art, weaving, cuisine, to food, dance, drums, sex, rituals, formal and alternative education, acknowledgement of the continuation of life, of lessons learned, family, faith, and the hope that there is justice on this planet.  

We live in a world with far too many racists, misogynists, homophobics, with people that are afraid of anything deemed out of the norm, people that want to control others, to oppress, repress, exploit, to beat down and cast aspersions against anyone not like them. One thing is always true, throughout human history, the desire to live ones own life on our own terms. Human beings yearn for autonomy, for freedom, and want to live according to their interests, values and morals, and not what is based on fiat or dictum stated by someone else. Many wars have been fought for freedom. Revolutions, overthrowing governments, immigrating and emigrating to all points of the planet to escape oppression and to seek out a safe and secure place to live, to live in peace, to thrive, to prosper and to raise children and live to a ripe old age. 

We all benefit when we speak out and advocate for the disenfranchised, stand up for the downtrodden, minorities, the tired and poor, the sick, the young and the elderly. They all want the same as we do. In that regard all humans are similar as we were not created in a science lab, nor a pod, its just part of human nature, our instinct and we were all born that way. God and/or Mother Nature does not make mistakes. You were born the way you are because you are perfect the way you are. Don't let anyone try to tell you that you deserve less, that you are less, or that you don't deserve the opportunity to freely and safely live your own life, in your own way. 

The End.  :)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Gettysburg - Covfefe - Slapping - Pants. :)

On this day in 1863, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, famously delivered the Gettysburg Address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, following the dedication of a national cemetery at the site of one of the most decisive battles in the Civil War.


Yes indeed, good old Abraham Lincoln was a Republican no less. 
What the fuck happened to that (currently) broken, fractured and ethically challenged party? 

Oh, that's right...never mind. :) mean we are not allowed to just go around slapping people?
I never got that memo.  :) 

Here's how much money it takes to be among the richest 50 percent of people worldwide.

If you have just $4,210 to your name, you're better off than half of people around the globe. 

Only $4,210 you say? 
Damnation...I'm almost halfway there!  :) 


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Guys, Subs, Men, Bois & Gurls of All Types....Make *Her* Feel Special. :)

I saw the following ad on Craigslist:
The title said:
woman wanted 
The body of the message said: 
contact me

On another forum I came across the following ad: 
You would think it would be easy to find a Mistress, but it isn't. I mean what woman would not love to have her own little cuckold that will serve and adore her and be completely faithful to her while she has total freedom to cheat on him as she wishes. Oddly, it's actually pretty hard to find. But I am here and craving a cuckoldress. 

So, based on these two ads, the qualifications, parameters, experience and "compatibility" requirements are:
Be a woman, have a vagina, come over here and satisfy my sexual urges. 
And they wonder why they never get any replies. :) 

Beneath all the leather, or lather, makeup, lingerie and heels, or strap-ons and combat boots (if that's her thing) and the attitude and the rules and demands and hopes and expectations, is an actual living, breathing female human being with emotions. If you're approach is that of one placing an order at a fast-food drive-up window, any old "thing" will do, why would anyone reply?

That tact might be acceptable if you're doing a "paid" arrangement. You know, with a ProDom or a hooker or webcam sex or something. But outside of that, its or critical importance to appeal to "her" desire to feel that shes going to be treated and appreciated as something more than just a new set of tires for your Jeep. 

If you notice with the second ad posted above, its rife with projections. He's projecting his fantasy out on the potential "her" and assuming that her desires will meld identically with his. That only happens in porn people, and of course some chick-flicks. In real life, she has a name, she has a job, hobbies, a family, she was once a little girl, she has goals, ambition, lust, drive, her own agenda and...feelings. No one wants to be approached like a generic doormat....any old doormat will do. Human beings don't work that way, nor should we. You are asking someone to open up their mind, their fantasies, the ego, their heart, to offer up their time, mental and emotional energy with you....not for you

Unless you actually are asking her to do it for you, in which case....might I, not so politely, suggest a FemDom blowup doll?   :) 

Found online...and I found it amusing.  :)


Totally unnecessary (and ineffective) censorship. :) 


Me. After a full meal...and a joint.   :)