Thursday, April 19, 2018

Facebook Doing Retroactive Enforcement of New Community Standards.

I love the Smell of Freedom in the Morning!
How ladies used dildos in the 17th century, taken from “The School of Venus” (1680)

Beneath Jupiter.
What's beneath Jupiter?
Uranus?  :)
Known for its breathtaking photos of the cosmos, the Hubble Space Telescope’s latest image reveals a distant nebula known as Minkowski’s Butterfly.

Uganda's President Wants to Ban Oral Sex, Says the "Mouth is for Eating".


Lick my Like Button.

Fake News? What about fake Orgasms? Searching For Real. No Artificiality.

Fake news? What about fake orgasms? What about fake hair, fake teeth, fake eyebrows, fake tits, fake ass implants, fake eyelashes, fake calf and fake pectoral implants. What about fake nails, fake plastic surgery, fake enlarged cock implants, Botox, fake, fake, fake?
This is a wrestler guy (Bruno something or other) who died the other day. I vaguely remember seeing him as a little girl as my Dad would sometime watch wrestling (fake wrestling by the way).
Notice the body hair. Hirsuteness. Manly.
Mightily manly in a manly macho man manner. :)  
(Back when men were men...and the sheep didn't sleep after sundown...if you know what I mean.)
This is Marilyn. Notice the curves, the natural body parts, probably rocking groomed pubic hair. Mostly if not totally natural, minus some makeup and hair color. I mean I don't know when they started doing breast augmentation, or liposuction and all that stuff but I think it was later. And of course the only people that had tattoos were a few ex-cons and military guys. 
So many people now are basically plastic people with plastic body parts and plastic personalities. Its hard to find "real" people who don't have some ulterior motive, some nefarious perfidious laden plot or scheme. I only want real relationships with real people. So many people are on the "make" and on the "take" with a line of "horse hockey" that could make one rather suspect of meeting strangers. 
Our religious leaders are mostly frauds, our politicians are largely useless bags of douche and detritus and party is far worse than the other...but both sides reek of "plastic" smiles and agendas. Whenever I see Nancy Pelosi with her patronizing fake smile I think of some snooty old bag grimacing/grinning because you forgot to put a fucking coaster under your drink. I sometimes donate time and effort of various groups including the homeless and I often think they are more "real" than just about anyone else you might cross paths with during your day. I don't get what's wrong with just "you be you and I'll be me" and "live and let live" and being how God/Mother Nature made us.
Now, I want everyone to start being kinder and nicer to each other, being more patient and polite, otherwise (being the awesomely "fake" example that I am, giggles to self) I'm going to start high fiving the face...with a metal chair, and racking dudes in the nuts!
  No wonder I hardly ever leave home. 
With my attitude and temper? 
I should never leave home. :)  




EBay Update Makes it Easier to Sell Unauthorized Panties.

Authorized by whom? :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Supercell storm rips through Nebraska.
The Witch's Broom (NGC 6960).


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My Political Ideology. :)


Republicans on Rape....Barbara Bush.

Barbara Bush passed away earlier today. She was a Republican...but mostly when the party leaders were still somewhat sane...and human. What the hell happened to some of them?
I attribute it to the being and saying "radical" things to get coverage, clicks, ad revenue, fans, sponsors, money and all the trappings that go with it, plus the factor of being "liked" as it pertains to ego. Rush Limbaugh started it years ago (in some ways) with a few truths about the Dems and the Clintons, but mostly hyperbole and "half-truths".
Fox News followed and "upped" the level with even more lies, more false claims, pretending to be more patriotic and Christian than anyone else, which was entirely false, as they are mostly just uneducated, ignorant wussies who led the nation in "draft dodging deferments" and are basically just a bunch of wimps talking smack through a microphone.
Flash forward a few more years and every half-baked nut case, every insane zealot, every racist, homophobic, misogynistic dickhead wanted in on that "swag" and popularity.
Enter swaggering Bush/Cheney, lying about WMD's and ending up killing millions of innocent people....including 1000s of American soldiers, and contributing to the fomentation of ISIS and unrest in the middle eat and elsewhere. Bush is a war criminal by the way.
Rather than being adult and accepting responsibility for their error of their ways, their rapid fans doubled down and encouraged insane fucks to up the "stupid" so the Moral Majority, Televangelists, politicians, ratcheted up the level of false/faux "patriotism" and Christianity even more.
Enter the fat bastard who never worked a day in life...Trump...with his tiny hands and his lack of moral fiber, lack of moral conscience, his low self esteem which he tries to bolster with false bravado and braggadocio, his 6 bankruptcies, his 3 failed marriages, his sexual inferiority, his lack of moral scruples...and here we are.
Whereas the GOP used to have some level of respectability, its now just a bunch of stupid fucking idiots trying to out macho, out patriot, out Christian each other...and the worst part of all is that they know, that we know, that they know, that everyone knows...they are in reality, just a bunch of "Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussies" which is why they piss themselves nonstop, ergo the desire to surround themselves with millions of rounds and an AR-15 or an AK-47 and a bible which they neither have ever read nor understand...and the same applies to the Constitution.
You want to see a Republican?
 Teddy Roosevelt.
  Ronald Reagan.
 Bob Dole.
 Chuck Hagel.
You want to see a well known public figure that is Christian?
 Jimmy Carter.
You want to see some pathetically confused people that really need some mental, emotional and physiological help? Modern day GOP leaders, Tea Baggers and Trump supporters. They think hating America and being a Nazi is "Christian Patriotism".
While the average GOP voter might be fine...the party has been hijacked by fucking lunatics. :)