Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Random Memes.

Keep your pants on! Swedish council rejects proposal for paid employee sex breaks.

Killjoys.  :)

Zoroastrianism - Religion and BBC.

Often when having sleepless nights I read about comparatively unknown religious ideologies, practices and history. While reading some text about Zoroastrianism I came across the following....and really like it.  :)

Zoroaster emphasized the freedom of the individual to choose right or wrong and individual responsibility for one's deeds. This personal choice to accept aša or arta (the divine order), and shun druj (ignorance and chaos) is one's own decision and not a dictate of Ahura Mazda. For Zarathustra, by thinking good thoughts, saying good words, and doing good deeds (e.g. assisting the needy or doing good works) we increase this divine force aša or arta in the world and in ourselves, celebrate the divine order, and we come a step closer on the everlasting road to being one with the Creator. Thus, we are not the slaves or servants of Ahura Mazda, but we can make a personal choice to be his co-workers, thereby refreshing the world and ourselves.

On the topic of BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation....you perverts, lol) while sitting on my recumbent bike and pedaling away the hours I watch shows such as "BBC Free Speech", "The Big Questions", "London Thinks", "Question Time" and a few others. 

Its really fascinating because compared to the majority of American interview/debate programs, the people there (meaning the UK) all seem educated, intelligent, knowledgeable about the topics and issues, and they rarely interrupt and yell/scream/mock each other. American TV is pretty pathetic.  :)

Friday, May 12, 2017

The forgotten origins of the modern gay rights movement in WWI.


Nothing, & mean NOTHING good comes from a woman telling a man how many sex partners she's had. Especially if it's more than zero.

I came across this statement (the title) in a Twitter post, and I began contemplating how there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to sex and relationships. Sure, the statement would be broadly applicable to most "vanilla" marriages or relationships, but not so much as it relates to cuckoldry.

Some Hotwives and their devoted cuckolds seem to think the opposite is true. The more merry men fucking horny Hotwives the merrier the non-monogamous marital bed may be. Of course this does not apply to all, for many of us, quality outweighs quantity every single time. I mean I've had a few lovers in my time....but I don't need a turnstile anywhere near my nether regions nor do I need a calculator to keep track of how many guys there've been...that came and went...in my "region".

It does make me question however how many people are ever truly honest about this. Guys are heralded a stud for scoring with the chicks, bedding down many lasses with fine asses, notch in the bedpost and all that. And I know many women subtract numbers of lovers when first disclosing that information to a new suitor. And in theory a Hottish-Wife-to-Be might inflate her numbers to appeal to the fantasy/scenario in the early days of dating a Cuckold-In-Waiting right? I mean to up the intensity, to feed the frothy fodder of fellatio and fluffing fantasy...while his blue balls recede and his dick quivers as she rides and grinds astride his eager and passive tongue? You know, that extra randy lusty lustful randiness that usually accompanies a burgeoning love affair....all filled with turgidity and pheromones heavily laden with bite marks and perspiring flesh. (His flesh, not ours. Always remember that horses sweat, men perspire and women "glow", lol.)  

Okay, so not really a point to this beyond, my husbands out of town and I'm bored.  :)

Friday Stuff....

Her Royal Harness: Fetish Accessories Fit for a Queen.