Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Modern Trinity: Porn, Public Health and Politics.

For the second time in recent months, Tennessee State Sen. Mae Beavers has proposed a joint resolution to “recognize pornography as a public health hazard leading to a broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harms.”

Sex Positivity and Progress.

Over the last few years....progress. Its progress for those of us that live an alternative lifestyle within the sexual realm of things. And it lends hope that the trend will continue to areas of equal rights for everyone in every single aspect of our lives. By that I mean not only in a racial and gender/sex way, but also for those cross dressers, transvestites and transsexuals, bisexual, pan-sexual, gay and lesbian and of course within the S&M and B&D, and any variation of the kink fetish world.  

Everyone should live a life of security and dignity. Well, maybe not in the bedroom and what dominant women do to submissive males. I mean the beatings and punishment and humiliation is to be expected and I fully endorse that. In the sexual sense cuckolds and sissies and fluffers and those that are made to engage in "forced gay" acts of degradation and humiliation is not the same as what happens out in the everyday real world where some want to deny rights, censor free speech and not allow people to purchase erotic material, dildos,  leather fetish items and riding crops to be used on human males. :) 

Sometimes I think that mostly anyone under maybe age.......35 or so are not aware of how life was under the various repressive governments here in the USA (which can never compare to governments around the world, even today for so many others in so many ways). Kudos to the Hugh Hefners and Ed Lees and Larry Flynt's of the world. While he is offensive to some and unpopular to many, Larry Flynt has possibly done more for the right to own and view erotic material in the USA than any other person. I mean this guy was incarcerated time and again, harassed, demonized, spent a fortune on legal fees and shot and left paralyzed and still never gave up. 

Not so long ago.......and even now in a few counties you can be arrested for owning "porn" or dildos or for having interracial sex and of course gay sex and so on. Lives were/are ruined, people were ostracized in their communities, lost their jobs, estranged from family, had their kids taken away all because of a little erotic reading or movies. Mind boggling and we still have a long ways to go, because....some of the members of the new administration are misogynistic homophobes who (pretend) to hate sex and want gays back in the closet, only biological women to wear skirts, and us back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

And you know at this point we can't just leave it up to the guys. If guys speak out in a sex positive way their are labeled (still) as being "perverts" and of course the same applies to gay males...though probably even more so. We have to be the ones that continue to take the lead in the modern day version off the "sexual revolution" and demand equal rights, ownership of our bodies and minds and if you're like me, all the cock and tongue a girl can stand. :)


Bernie Sanders presidential campaign endorsements, 2016.

The length of this list is just stunning, truly.

Racists....People of Color.

Racists must really have severe inferiority complexes. I found this online and am stunned that some sad little person expended so much time and effort to put this together to "prove" their point. And the point they "proved" is......I'm not sure what?
At my gym there is a very diverse group of people. We all work out together. I slap one big booty black girl on the butt in the locker room and make her laugh. The Hispanic guys flirt with me and I flirt back and make them happy. There are several people that have disabilities. One guy missing his left arm, I am not sure why, and no one cares to ask. One guy about 24 that's in a wheel chair due to foot problems from Spina bifida. 
There are old people, so old they can barely walk, and everyone makes sure they get first call on the recumbent bikes as they need to sit while trying to exercise.  
There are gay guys, some reserved and some flaming. There are lesbian couples, young and old.
There are 3 Trans people that I can think of...but probably more.
There are Jewish people, a few people with a variety of turbans (Sikhs I assume) and a few Native Americans.
Everyone shows up at this "melting pot" where the only thing that ever happens is people helping each other, showing newer members how to use the equipment, spotting each other, smiling, laughing, encouraging, flirting, dating, joking, just living and being happy. 
I simply do not understand homophobe's and/or racists. I just don't get it.

Should the Adult Industry Embrace Regulation?


Flogger, Whip, Flogging, Spanking Whip, Penis Whip, Pussy Whip, Breast Whip, BDSM, Dungeon.

Flogger, Whip, Flogging, Spanking Whip, Penis Whip, Pussy Whip, Breast Whip, BDSM, Dungeon.