Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hiring Pro-Dommes and a Few Memes.

Many people claim (guys mostly) that there is a massive disparity in the numbers of submissive men and dominant women. Of course this may well be true, but in many cases I think its because some guys have this predetermined notion of what a "Dominant Woman" is supposed to look like, how she would dress, talk, walk, and whatever else that may be specific to his fantasy.

So to fill in this gap some women turn to the "professional dominance" business model...which seems to be loosely based on doing whatever the hell, with no standards, no health or safety measures and probably none of them pay taxes. :) 

So in light of that, and I hate to point out the obvious...especially to the obtuse where things are occluded....:)

But for those that have a fetish and don't mind paying dominant women for that experience...why not find a local broke but curious young Coed and pay her to satisfy your fantasy? I mean the so called "Pros" charge idea really...$100 or $200 an hour?

You just run an ad and find some nice open minded young hard working lady, where you pay her like 50% or 75% less than the "Pros" and have her tailor playact out your fantasy. That's still probably several times more than whatever the pathetic and inadequate amount that minimum wage is. You get what you need, you're maybe helping her with some college tuition or whatever, no downside really. I mean in my opinion the optimal situation is that everyone finds their life mate....but I realize that may not happen so some will end up paying for certain "services".  :) 

                                             Random Assorted Memes I Found Amusing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Blue Balls....

If blue balls is a medical condition...and it is, is proper "treatment" covered by Obamacare? :)

Monday, September 5, 2016

Judging the Flesh.

People are so judgmental about "beauty". All human beings are beautiful to someone else. One persons criteria of "beauty" might not match that of mine, or yours. What one person might think is the "ugliest" woman on the planet, and if she has true pure "beauty" inside her head, heart and soul, she is vastly more beautiful than what some might think is attractive on the surface. The only people that don't get that are shallow, vapid, soulless jackanapes. You just wish these people would grow the hell up and get some class.

Queening Chair.

Okay obviously I design, build and sell Queening chairs of all sorts and types (I mean, you've seen the name of my blog right, lol.). And far be it for me to want to cast aspersions on another persons creations... but this chair that I found it online, creeps me the hell out. 
Its just a little bit too....pedophilic for me, and it does not look comfortable for either user.

                                      However, for whomever made it, I hope they enjoy it.

Far-right activist, author Phyllis Schlafly dies at 92.

I hate to be rude but....I can't say I'm sorry that this speed bump impediment of a human being to progress... is gone.

Scientists are finding that sexual orientation is WAY more complex than we thought.

I think some of us sort of intuitively knew this...but its good that others are catching up. :)

Stripper Got Talent. (Seriously)

Its Ukrainian so you may wish to jump over the first roughly 3:30.

A Few Photos....

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Message to the Shrinking Violet Female Dominant.

I read a few replies and, no matter what you do, or where you are on this planet, you will always have detractors. Negative, shallow and vapid people, with petty jealousies that try to bring you down.

You are a strong woman with some God/Goddess or Mother Nature given talent, and a good soul. Don't let people beat you down. Press on, press forward, believe in yourself and with whatever success you achieve in life, do the right things and utilize that to better the cause of humanity and those people who's particular plight is not as "gifted" as yours.

Be benevolent, practice a healthy dose of altruism, follow your dreams with passion and reward your friends/followers/fans (including me) with the compassion and gifts that already exists in your head, heart and soul. Be who you are and live the life you create....and deserve.  :)  


Friday, September 2, 2016


Pamela Anderson Warns in Op-Ed That Porn ‘Is a Public Hazard of Unprecedented Seriousness’

                            Hey look....its crazy people babbling about nonsensical things. :)

So Anthony Weiner is a modern day version of a High-Tech-Flasher....and "porn" made him do exactly what? Guys flashing themselves existed long before cameras. And I can attest that just about the same amount of women enjoy erotica, nudity, porn or whatever you want to call it as guys do. I fail to see how real life lesbian porn (it exists and is growing) ruined the marriage of heterosexuals.

I'm sensing that Pamela's career might be lagging so she's doing the typical thing of becoming the next platinum blonde...wanting to cash in on the flipping-for-Jesus craze and maybe getting a Fox News or Pat Roberts type of side kick job for her old age. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Love this...

                                                                     Both of them. 

Queening Chairs...New Version.

                    upturned face is a terrible thing to waste. :)

If anyone wants more information, follow my links below. :)