Saturday, July 16, 2016


Yea really people, calm down and grow the hell up. Its just people using the restroom.
The small penis "ick" face? :)


This to me...seems to have some sort of cuckold connotations.

Holy Hell. A Fat Ass. :)


The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world
is to be in reality what we would appear to be....Socrates.

A nation reveals itself not only by the men it
produces, but also by the men it honors, the
men it remembers....President John F. Kennedy.

"What is honor?"
"Honor is what no man can give ya.
And none can take away.
Honor is man's gift to himself."
"Do women have it?"
"Women have a heart of honor,
and we cherish and protect it in 'em.
We must never mistreat a woman or malign a man,
or standby and see another do so."
"How do you know you have it?"
"Never worry on the gift of it.
It grows in ya' and speaks to ya'.
All ya' need do is listen"....Rob Roy.

A nation that fails to honor its heroes,
soon will have no heroes to honor....Winston Churchill.

It is better to deserve honors and not have them
than to have them and not deserve them....Mark Twain.

No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave....Calvin Coolidge.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Perseverance and Optimism.

Random Images.

Great Image.

I just love this photo as the setting seems to imply perhaps a restaurant patio and how she's so confident administering the punishment she deems he deserves in a semi-public venue. And I also love black and white photos, so that's a plus. :)

Many Men Who Pay For Sex Are In Relationships & Concerned For The Well-Being Of Sex Workers.

The study does a good job of dispelling the myth that men who pay for sex think of women as disposable objects.

A Womanizer Every Woman Wants: Popular Adult Toy Continues to Make Waves in U.S.

Big Boy Condoms Now in U.S.

                                                                  Thank God for this. :)


Sexy and classy? Or revolting and disgusting?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Porn is a ‘public health crisis’ and a menace, GOP committee says in platform draft.

I remember when the Republican leadership was made up of people that desired small government and autonomy, valued free speech, and weren't mostly bat guano crazy. :) 

Porn is a ‘public health crisis’ and a menace.

Female Domination Artwork.

I'm always amazed at the talent some people have.

Queening Benches.

As some may know, I've always tried to make Queening stool designs for those that are either causal users, or have a limited budget for discretionary "sex toy/furniture" entertainment. So my website provides a variety of designs for the DIY (do it yourself) types of people and then I do also have some that are premade for sale and ready to use right out of the box.