Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Adult Performers: The Industry’s Underappreciated Lifeblood.

"The reason I have a job and you have a job, whether you're a director, producer or agent is because of one thing: the girls. Without the girls we'd just be douchebags with nice cameras hoping that someone we know needs their kid's bar mitzvah filmed.  I thank you all."
~Mike Quasar

Cock Gobbling - Fluffer Whore Mongering Felatrixes Sucking...Bananas? :)

A Polish museum drew criticism for banning 'scandalous' banana artwork. The Poland National Museum removed artwork that showed a woman eating a banana after authorities deemed it to be "too scandalous." The museum has reportedly returned the piece after people shared photos of themselves eating bananas in protest of the removal.  

The "Poles" don't like rock hard erect..."Poles"?  :) 




Sunday, April 28, 2019

Proof....that I Own Pants! :)


Just a little Mannequin Molestation...on a Sunday afternoon. 
Calm down...its not like you don't do it as well!   :)


This photo was loaded because....why the fuck not!?  :) 


Friday, April 26, 2019

The Hoverboard Cuckold.

The first clip is from some horrible "cuckold" porn flick, from what I can surmise.
The second clip is a comedian mocking the "cuckold" porn clip. 
Moderately amusing....if you're bored.  :) 


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why does male submissiveness seem more common? Are submissive males becoming more common? Has the internet raised their visibility?

This question was posed a couple years back but is still relevant to current "breakdowns" of Dommes versus subs I think. Perhaps even more so now than before.

I think one of the issues with "Female Domination" as its currently seen by many in the media, is how its depicted *by* that same media. If someone only views "FemDom" in the sexual sense with leather or a whip or whatever accouterments, the numbers may seem fairly small. But in reality, female domination, or assertiveness, or sexual aggression or being demanding, can take as many paths as there are of us on the planet. 

I mean we've all probably seen multiple examples in everyday life of a passive henpecked husband, submissive in mannerisms and speech, yielding to his powerful and bossy wife, and that same couple may have been celibate for a decade.  

Or one could use the example of a very sexually dominant woman...who just happens to be a lesbian. And then of course there is the example that you provided of professional domination, which I don't really count as "FemDom" in the context we often ascribe to that word/term because its a guy paying a woman to act out through role play his sexual fantasies...so she is in effect his employee.  

But on the aforementioned note of "role-play" that is, what it is, for most people....playing a role. I think the dynamic of a 24/7 female domme, male sub is probably quite rare. For many couples its an activity that they engage in to spice up their lives, to act out sexual fantasy, to mutually explore, and that's fantastic as its adds to their lives substantially. 

Over the last couple of decades, perhaps 15 or so years really, the attitudes of many in society have changed enabling men to be more open, more honest, more vulnerable so in addition to other aspects of life, the submissive nature of some has risen to the surface where they can feel less judged. This is a good thing, but it could appear to others that all of a sudden many/some men are no longer acting like "men", are becoming simpering wimps, spineless, far too uxorious, and skewing polls and data that make it seem like a wussy revolution. In reality I think the split between dominant males, and submissive males has probably remained the same, but its just more open and out there, where people are aware so it appears that men are becoming increasingly sexually submissive. 

Of course I have no data to prove this, its just an opinion...and I'm not wearing pants!  :)