Alrighty then, we had an election, some people are happy, others are not. All over the Internet, mainstream media, social media, many on the left are freaking out, crying, hysterical, panicking, threatening to leave the USA, threatening violence. I've seen about 47 billion TikToks with women threatening to cut off sex for 4 years, threatening to divorce their husbands, to stop dating, ranting, acting nutty and crazy, screaming "How did this happen?!" To which I can reply...Easy!
Here's the thing, for 4 or 7 years (maybe 10), liberals, the left and far left, mostly women, on social media, on MSNBC, CNN, liberal blogs, YouTube, Instagram etc...have been beating down men. They've been beating down blue collar workers (the men that build homes, offices, computers, trains, subways, planes, cars, dams, roads, infrastructure, do most of the agriculture jobs, the whole world really) and then they think those same men are going to vote for your candidates?
Women on social media have been lying to themselves, to each other, and have been lied to by late night horny simps telling them they are a "Goddess" and a "10" for years, and they believe that nonsense. They only want to find guys on dating apps that are "6's". Meaning 6 foot tall, 6-figure income, 6 pack abs and at least 6 inches. And any guy that does not meet those unrealistic standards is ignored, mocked and treated with derision. There are a plethora of studies showing that men are simply checking out. Men are working out at home to avoid the "Influencers" with their tripods and cameras filming themselves in gyms, and gyms are going bankrupt. Men are avoiding bars, and bars are going bankrupt. I've seen videos of "Singles Mixers" where there are maybe 75 women, 0 men, not a single man shows up. You got the Passport Bro thing where guys are going to other countries to find more "traditional" women to date and marry, which is totally pissing off American and Western women.
With the change in demographics of the percent of women versus men in college, and a shift in salaries, all I see everywhere is women bellowing "I'm an independent woman and I don't need a man!" and then you think those same men are going to vote for your candidates?
Western women are screaming about being "oppressed" by men.
This is oppression... not.
You've been taking for granted the votes of Latinos and African Americans, mostly ignoring them and their hopes and needs, but at election time Dem politicians start pandering to them, lecturing them, scolding and guilt-tripping them, and you think those same people are going to vote for your candidates?
The Clintons, Biden, Harris, did huge damage (to advance their careers) with their contribution to the "War on Drugs" and prosecuting people, mostly dark skinned people, mostly males, for minor possession of drugs, usually weed, handing out stiff prison sentences, decades in some cases, and upon release from prison, you think they or their family members are going to vote for your candidates?
Men, have or are being blamed for everything from slavery to hegemony to environmental damage to oppression of women, gays, trans people, for the cost of butter or eggs, to the fact that some women have 12 kids with 7 "baby daddies" and everything else. And yes, in many ways they are responsible for a great deal. But Latinos are "white", and women profited and rolled around in the blood money and black people sold other black people into slavery and there have been genocides and rapes and riots and wars and horrors heaped upon mankind from all races and genders and sexes...but people on the left want to overlook that and blame men, mostly white men, which is historically inaccurate...and then you think those same men are going to vote for your candidates?
How about accepting some responsibility for your own actions and deeds? How about acknowledging you can't have it both ways? You can't claim to be an "empowered" woman, living in a safe, secure and comfortable world that men built, then slam and berate men nonstop, expect them to pick up the check, take out the trash, pay most of the bills, fight the wars, do most of the dirty hard, underpaid, body breaking manual labor jobs, mock them, ignore them, curse at them, and then think they're going to vote for your candidates.
At any point in history when you have a large segment of society made up of mostly young men, who can't find a good paying job, who can't find a date, a wife, sex, that are minimized, disrespected, what happens? They either check out of society, or they gravitate towards guerilla warfare, become militants, join militias, become extremists, or in this case, follow a demagogue named Trump.

So, instead of just blaming men for Trump's victory, maybe some self reflection and some introspection might be in order? Maybe consider instead of just using men as a meal ticket, the gold digger thing, while blaming them for everything, consider that within that demographic of "evil men" are...your fathers, brothers, male cousins, uncles, nephews, grandfathers and in some cases...your own sons or sons of the future. Men are not all bad. They've done massively wonderful things for humanity. Beating men down while we (Western women) have a pretty good life and ignoring that it was mostly men that created it, but then blaming them for not voting for the same people that have been beating them down, is just stupid and counterproductive.
Assuming Trump does not die of a heart attack from a lifetime of triple bacon cheeseburgers or gets assassinated and lasts 4 years, it's possible that JD Vance then becomes POTUS and possibly for 2 terms meaning that Trump/Vance could be POTUS for...the next 12 years. That would be until the year...2037. The GOP has won 2 of the last 3 elections, they just won the Senate, looks like they might win the House, they won the Supreme Court, they won on Roe v Wade, they are winning, while the left sits around bitching about men, trying to convince people that science doesn't matter, pushing pronouns and babbling about life not being "fair". The GOP does not care about "fair". They don't care about humanity, egalitarianism, the planet, you, your feelings, your life or health. They worship money, not God, money, and they don't care about anything other than...winning, which they are doing, on a large scale.
Will the left change? Doubt it. Their next candidate will be pushed by Rachel Maddow type people, rich campaign donors from blue states, a few talking head pundits on left leaning TV shows and probably come up with someone that is a quad-racial, detransitioned, retransitioned, former Muslim, reformed Baptist, current atheist, with tri-colored hair, 47 nose piercings, 23 tattoos, who identifies as a planet or a Volkswagen, who is poly, bisexual (but only on Thursdays) and will lose. Do I personally care about any of that? Nope. But as we've just seen where Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote...more than half of America does. You can either be politically correct pushing drama queens, or, you can win elections, but in modern day 'Murica, you can't be both.
Stop beating on, tearing down, using and abusing men the way you have been and then think they're going to support your political agenda and candidates. There is a proper way to do that...see below. :)