Friday, August 23, 2024

Shake Your Booty!!! :)


Feeling a bit...retro today. 

And along the same line...modern day technology is fantastic in many ways, but there was a simplicity and many benefits from previous eras. Things were cheaper, calmer, simpler and easier in some ways (but not all) and sometimes I miss that time.  :) 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What the Fuck Are We Doing People? :)

Quick note, see, there was a party, there was alcohol, nudity, frivolity, salaciousness, might have been some sex, and medical exams, which I am not qualified to give but...I did anyway. :)


 Anyway, let's talk beauty and fashion for a moment. Yes, it is all arbitrary and subjective. It's not agreed upon nor ubiquitous. It's up to the individual to decide what they want to wear, how they want to dress and "bedeck and bedazzle" themselves. At the same time...can anyone really state what transpires now improvement? Seriously? How could we compare the beauty of human beings in their (mostly) natural state, with what is done by plastic surgeons, drugs, makeup, filters, and overdoing some or all of it? I just don't get it. I leave home, go out in public, wondering if there is a freak show or a circus in town.
Men then...


And men now... 




Yes, bodybuilders do steroids, on top of a huge amount of working out. 

Now people inject synthol oil into body parts, avoid working out with the hope that it will make them look muscular. It does not work. It's tragic, dangerous, stupid and ugly. 


A photo of normal human bodies, circa the 1970s. Notice, no tattoos, no obesity, no piercings, no implants, no filters, no Botox, pubic hair, just normal natural young healthy human bodies.


Women (celebrities) of the...maybe 1970s and 1980s. 

Women (celebrities???) of the current era. 


In 1965 the average woman was about 5' 2" and weighed about 120 pounds.

In 2024 the average woman is about 5' 2" and weighs about 175 pounds. 

And yes, the average guy is fat, has a pot belly, saggy ass, no muscle's not just women. Equality is happening here...and it's not good, for anyone. 

A little mascera, some blush, lipstick, sure, it enhances and contours a womans facial features and adds to it. Couple that with a complimentary hairstyle...something that works, stunning. 

But, what the fuck is this? 


Jeans on a guys butt can look fantastic and sexy. 


Jeans on a womans butt can look fantastic and sexy. 

Gettting BBLs to get huge ass, or to fit jeans...again, it's tragic, dangerous, stupid and ugly. 

So, I reiterate my original question in the title...What the Fuck Are We Doing People?

People are spending a fortune, going into debt, going broke, getting sick and harming themselves, and in some cases dying (BBL procedures are considered “the most dangerous plastic surgeries.” The gluteal area is full of major blood vessels. If a surgeon goes too deep with the insertion, fat can enter the bloodstream and block the heart (fat embolism) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism), potentially resulting in death.) to look like...freaks? I mean, stating an opinion here, and others can disagree, but these people look like...freaks. They are not attractive. I would not and could not find any of them sexy, appealing, hot or attractive. Might just be me....but maybe, just maybe, people should stop being influenced by the media, by social media, by TikTok, by "influencers" and...clean up their diet, bathe, groom, wear sensibly priced complementary clothes, go to the gym, be healthier and longer and have more money. Yeah, I know, I am very opinionated...and don't give a fuck. 

And yes, I realize that my not giving a fuck about this, should translate to others not giving a fuck about what fucks I give about what the fuck they wear or do with their own fucking bodies. I just think there is a difference in not giving a fuck, versus if you spend a gazillion dollars seeking the attention and approval of others, which means you do give a fuck. If you go to all that trouble, all that effort, all that surgery and "work" to be attractive to others, then you can not say you don't give a fuck, because you fucking did all fucking that so others would give a fuck about the fucks you give. You get my fucking point?  :) 

The greatest thing in life, the greatest freedom, is when you don't give a fuck what people think anymore, that's real freedom. ~Dorian Yates


Speaking of not giving a fuck...