I often see people complain about how they perceive their own looks. Sometimes they unfortunately compare themselves to their spouse, thinking they don't "rate" high enough. Often its where they intend to do some swinging, attend a munch, maybe an orgy or something and they're worried that they might not "stack up" well enough compared to their spouse.
A few times, people talk about how they want to *insert whatever* get in better shape, lose weight, get their hair done, cosmetic surgery, a nose job, tit job, a cock extension, whatever. They sort of bemoan that out in public, people gaze at their spouse, lust after them, hit on them, and they themselves are ignored. But here's the thing, you don't want a bunch of frauds and fakes hitting on you, or passing off insincere compliments. You don't want people using you for your body, or looks, or money, or to get a job, or to make contacts or anything else. Be yourself. Be who you are. Honesty, integrity and self confidence is a huge turn-on.
And I gotta be honest here, based on what some people write, it sounds like their dragging their husband or wife and their whole relationship down. Why? For what? She/He likes you. She/He loves you. She/He sees the qualities and attributes that attracted her/him to you, wrapped in the package that is your face and body. Maybe consider yourself fortunate, because being lonely sucks. Rather than focusing on anything negative, be grateful, feel blessed, be happy and make both of your lives as best as you can, rather than worrying about what other people think, which most of the time is probably accessed incorrectly anyway due to self esteem issues. Move forward and just be who you are. :)
Side Topic/Observation about Cuckoldry.
Cuckoldry, from a definitive or terminological exactitude standpoint, is 100% sexual (as it applies to a cheating wife being fertilized) from a married female (or long term involvment) in that she's knocking boots and swapping bodily fluids with a guy that is not her husband. But that's not really what we're talking about here. The "fetish" of cuckoldry, is like...98% mental/emotional and 2% physical/sexual.
I know some people don't seem to understand this, because thanks in no small part due to some really inaccurate (and cheesy) cuckold "porn" they think cuckolding is about...5 seconds of penetration, a creampie, BBC and/or chastity. Its not. The "beef" (See what I did there?) is in the before, and after. The "during" lasts a few seconds to perhaps a few minutes. The before, the taunting, teasing, priming, arranging, the excitement, the anticipation, the primping, the "heat", the spark, the thrill, can range from hours, days, weeks, even months between "Bouts of Boom-Boom" and then the after goes on for awhile, but the after starts to meld with the next before, as all those emotions, anticipatory thrills start for the next "Vagabond Vagina Venture".
My point is, you have to want it. Meaning she/her/wife or a single woman. She has to revel in the whole event. From my perspective, there has to be at least a bit of sexual sadism in her making. It has to be something that you really, really, really enjoy. Something that is a big part of your life. A hobby. A pastime. An affinity of sorts. We're all just made differently. You can't "make" someone like pizza, if they hate it. Or car racing. Or sewing. Or cuckoldry. It's sort of innate. If someone does not have an interest in something, they probably never will.
And for those that offer the advice of "Get her drunk." or "Make her watch porn." or whatever...that's not going to work. Sure, no doubt a few times some woman got drunk-n-horny, got aroused and did the deed. But not only is that sort of "rapey", its not safe, its not nice, no guy should even want to do that to someone he loves. Its also a damn good reason many women wake up the next morning, realize they were pressured into something they didn't want to do, taken advantage of, hire a good lawyer, divorce, take everything he owns.
Quite often, fantasy is better than reality. In many cases and relationships, people should just enjoy the fantasy. Enjoy your lovely wife and life together. It is never worth ruining a relationship, over anything, and especially not a sex fantasy, which has probably been oversold and influenced by porn to begin with. So, go buy some lotion and "handle" your 2%. :)

There is a heap of truth to the following meme. The double standard between how gay men are seen and accepted, versus lesbians, is stunningly obvious, and disgusting. And the same applies to bisexual men as well. Its no good, its not right and its not fair. I don't understand why some people are so obsessed with the sex lives of other people, which has no impact on their own lives...at all, ever.
How #MAGA 'Murica Evangelicals view the "Life-n-Times-n-Homeland of Jesus. :)
Okay, so I had never heard of this and had to look it up.
Some call it “soaking.” Others: “parking,” “marinating” or the “Provo Float.” Or my personal favorite: the “dock and talk.” The definition, however, remains the same every time: when a person inserts a penis inside a vagina and… that’s it. No thrusting, no grinding, no climax. Just pop it in, and hold the fuck still. It’s “like ‘planking’ only your dick is inside of a Mormon.
Wholesome Meme. :)
Most Divorces also?
Didn’t Trump get that "award" as well?
Plus the most hookers paid off?
And the most lawsuits?
Plus Trump lead the USA as the person to lose the *most* money, for almost a decade.
And the cycle continues.
A Pro-Brexit newspaper begs for immigrants. Anyone, and I mean anyone, with any common sense, could have seen this one coming. :)
The "Retro" Battleship game removed Mom and Daughter "happily" doing the dishes.
How "progressive" of them. :)