Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tourists in Japan About to Face a Smut Shortage.

NY Bill Would Set $2 Surcharge on “Sexually Oriented Media”.

New York General Assembly Member Félix Ortiz has introduced a bill which would establish a $2 “surcharge on sexually oriented media,” the proceeds of which would be used to establish a “crime victims fund” in the state.

Just curious, does he have any legit study that shows a connection between porn and crime? Whats that? No? He doesn't?

So then why the hell do they think its appropriate to charge one industry for crimes that have nothing to do with it? I mean why don't they do a $2 surcharge on all kids toys or coloring books and use that for the victims crime fund. Both suggestions, are equally asinine. 

10 Inexpensive Sex Toys To Stock Up On For Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Legal Brothel Sheri’s Ranch Releases Website Stats, Interpretation.

Sheri’s resident madam, Dena, said this shift came as no surprise to her, as she has observed an increase in the number of women frequenting the brothel over the course of the last decade. “Women are more comfortable than ever when it comes to seeking a sex worker to assist them in satisfying their needs and exploring their curiosities,” Dena said. “Sheri’s has seen an enormous boom in the number of women and couples visiting us in the past several years, so it’s understandable that the proportion of women browsing our ladies online is steadily increasing.”


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Solution for Trumps Spinal Tap. :)

A solution to Dotards Wall...make him an 18 inch replica, similar to the one of Stonehenge that Nigel Tufnel drew up for their stage in Spinal Tap. :)

Friday, January 25, 2019

Tumblr's Major Traffic Dive Post Porn &...I seem to Have Lost my Pants. :)

Tumblr traffic stats according to Alexa as of yesterday. It would appear that a large percent of the traffic & visits to Tumblr were for...wait for How do they think they'll regain its popularity & status in order to monetize it? Gluten free recipes & cat memes?  Maybe America, social media & various other media genres should grow up & just accept the fact that, adults like sex & nudity as they should because...there is nothing wrong with sex & nudity.  

Without sex, none of us would be here. Without nudity, no one can have sex. God and/or Goddess and/or Mother Nature made us & obviously that includes our naked bodies, our sexual lust & our lascivious lustful sexual desires. We really don't need fundamentalist cranks with their made up religious sexual guilt & their version of "sin"... telling us otherwise.   :) 

Sexy pic of Zelda Boden, 1910s. 
Circus performer and Belly Dancer.






Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wiggle and Wine! :)

I love anything that just makes people smile, laugh and be happy. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Stormy Daniels: Ball Busting Humiliatrix to the Stars. :)

Stormy Daniels...calling out Michael Cohen for being a Pussy Ass Coward for being afraid of the worlds greatest & best known Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussy... Donald Trump.  :)

 (Micheal Cohen is not really a *star* per se,...but "Scuzzy Snake Lawyer for the most unpatriotic coward on the planet, who was born rich, never worked a day in his life, pathological liar, horrible father, lousy businessman, terrible husband, overall disgusting human being & draft dodging treasonous traitor Russian agent Trumpsky"  just didn't have the same ring to it.)  


You know who you are.....Submissive Slutty Sissy Sexually Inferior Cock Suckers.  :)



 Reaches 1 Million Posts Following ‘Tumblrgedon’.

Porn Will Build the Border Wall in Arizona, Says State Rep.

Who said Neocons are mentally defective and Bat Guano crazy fucking stupid?
Oh right...that was me. :)