Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Good. The Bad. The Fugly. :)



Okay, so there is still a long way to go with this, and there are some issues, but it does prove that with some effort, we can help repair the planet that we've so greatly damaged. All the more reason to double our efforts and to continue to push, to try, to push some more, and demand change. 

Um...yep. Yes indeed. :) 

Just because I like this song and her "vib" much.  :) 

More #MAGA Winning!!!  

The crisis in mental health deterioration in the USA, mostly amongst Republican alarming. I mean...this chick is bat guano fucking crazy.  :) 

Um no Lauren. What you just said is 100% fiction...not unlike most of the nonsense you spew. I hate to repeat myself but, this chick bat guano fucking crazy.  :) 

Really? Gun toting "Bo-Bo" and her husband are the type to stir up trouble and violence?  :) 

GOP TwatWaffle Lauren Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: 

In a Sunday speech at the Cornerstone Christian Center Boebert argued “the government is not supposed to direct the church,” falsely claiming that dividing religion from the system of government was not what the Founding Fathers intended.“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk — that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like they say it does,” Boebert said, earning a round of applause from the audience.

1st Amendment.
It's in the 1st Amendment.
It's the first line, of the 1st Amendment.
It's the fucking first line, of the 1st Amendment.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It is the first motherfucking line, the first one, of the 1st Amendment. you stupid bitch, lol. 
#MAGA! :)

Yes, there are some Democrat morons as well, but...

Which party is it that is trying to suppress the vote?
Which party is trying to stop porn?
Which party is trying to remove books from schools?
Which party wants to own womens bodies?
Which party is it that is trying to oppress LGBTQIA?
Which party is against legal weed?
Which party pushes being a mindless drone for things like not kneeling out of protest, fake ass jingoistic garbage like saluting a flag, reciting the pledge of allegiance and other useless and anti-choice and anti-freedom acts?

I really wish people would stop with the POTUS and politician worship...acting like those elected are "above" the populace. I've said this before, but will reiterate, We are the government. We the People. The USA is a representative democracy, in the form of a Constitutional Republic. The people elected work for us, we do not work for them. They are supposed to answer to us, we do not have to answer to them. If they aren't doing their jobs, if they are not representing us, we can fire them and/or impeach them by not reelecting them. This message was brought to 4th grade civics class education.  :) 

Alright, enough out of me. It's pretty obvious I've been affected a bit this week by political stupidity. I mean, for the first time in the history of the USA, a former POTUS home was raided and searched by the Feds looking for classified documents the stupid fuck was not supposed to have. Sheesh...

I just wish people would be nicer to each other and the planet, and do better for humanity. And yes, as usual, there was no fucking point to this blogpost.   :) 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Reality versus Fantasy. :)

Reality versus Fantasy. Part 1. 

I sometimes wonder whether some of the people that are regular posters on FemDom fetish social media sites and forums, prefer to stay stuck in a fictional world of fantasy, rather than seek out real life relationships and experiences. Fantasy is great, truly, sex dreams, fictional scenarios, day-dreaming, that's all great, but the endless streams of memes, captioned photos and cartoons that are posted, are *not* reality, and never will be, no matter how much one hopes they are. There is no cadre nor demographic of women that desire what is depicted on those sites in most cases. Sure, certain acts, some emotions, some of the details, absolutely, they can be enticing, erotic and fun. But the presentation and approach...nope. 

Much of the content posted treats us like employees, as if we exist only to cater to the submissive fantasies of men. For that...that is what Pro-Dommes are for. They work for the client. The client pays them for fantasy fulfillment. In real life? Nope. We're not going to "adopt" a submissive guy, be his mommy, pay his bills, peg him on demand, and do all the things that some people now falsely assume has to do with female domination. Cartoons, memes, captioned photos, sex stories and porn are *not* real life's just entertainment. It's not healthy to presume that one is the same as the other.

 There is a whole world of women out there, in real life, right outside your front door, some are vanilla, some are submissive, some switch, some are dominant. And they/we are living our lives...not scouring dark corners of the Internet devoted to fictional worlds of female domination. For those people, they should consider turning off their "porn machine" and joining the real world, where true life and relationships can actually happen.    :) 

Reality versus Fantasy. Part 2. 

I've sort of backed off on doing political posts recently, as...there has been no need. Outside of the lunatic fringe, the entire world knows what transpired during the horrible perfidious Trump reign of cowardice and treason, and obviously the Jan. 6th insurrection, and the endless stream of childish and transparent lies since then. 

Anyway, finally, the FBI, DOJ, Congressional Committees and so on are doing their jobs...and this does not bode well for the Trumpian "world". I honestly do not understand what the hell happened to the GOP the last 20 years or so, but it's enough to make any old school Republican cry, and they have, and are, and increasingly they're speaking out against the insanity that the GOP has become. Yes, there are some good people in the Republican party (6 or 7, maybe even 42, lol) but...most people have probably seen the meme below, which is mostly accurate from the 1956 GOP platform...

Versus this...the current incarnation of the GOP.  

Laughed when I saw this...a pipe dream for some, but amusing nonetheless. :) 


Reality versus Fantasy. Part 3. 

Conservative "Christian" Nationalism is on the rise. This would include the standard homophobic, bigoted hate filled agenda, plus "prosperity gospel" and of course oppressing women and any/all other minorities under the pretense of that being "Christian" doctrine.

It's interesting that the anti-sex Christians never seem to mention....the "Song of Songs". The Song of Songs, from the Bible. Its mostly about sex and love, with no mention of marriage, no mention of sin, no mention of guilt. Evangelical and fundamentalist types prefer to ignore it, as it does not gell with their message of oppression of sex, and women. The same way they like to use Old Testament scripture to oppress people, especially gays, but fail to mention that the person known as Jesus *never* mentioned gays. Jesus of the "Sermon on the Mount" was about forgiveness, altruism, benevolence, patience, charity and so on. From that standpoint...a very good guy with a fantastic message. It shows no interest in Law or Covenant or the God of Israel, nor does it teach or explore wisdom like Proverbs or Ecclesiastes; instead, it celebrates sexual love, giving "the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy". The two are in harmony, each desiring the other and rejoicing in sexual intimacy. 
Reality versus Fantasy. Part 4. 

What anthropologists conclude Jesus really looked like. 

What Republicans think Jesus looked like.  :) 


Has everyone gone full on bat guano insane crazy? 
What the fuck is a "womxn"?  :) 

For fucksake. 
What does that even mean?
Fucking sake?
For the sake of fucking?  
Forsaken fucking?   :)

Alright, enough of this...I'm preparing to work out...just have to find my bedazzled Muu-Muu. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2022

How to Build a Sex Room. :)

 So, apparently there is some sort of horish hoopla going on with a TV show about building the perfect sex room on Netflix (or something, what the hell do I know). Anyway, the articles, trailers and promos are you, yes, you, simply must/must/must jump on board and Build a Sex Room because otherwise, from what I gather, if any of us fail to jump on this buttsecs bandwagon, we're losers, not in, with the in crowd, failures, flunkies, and not worthy of having sex with, lol.  :) 

So what makes a perfect sex room anyway?
Do you need BDSM stuff? 

Dungeon or "Dungeonesque" setting and accoutrements?

Do you need one of each type of...device, rack, chair, bench, implement, ties, cords, whips?

What about those that eschew hardcore apparatus (apparatuses?) and prefer something more homey, more comfy, a bit more cozy and fluffy? 

Some people want softer, quieter, warmer environs, maybe with some mellow smooth jazz playing in the background, some candles and incense, no dark and dreary dungeon overtones.

Some people might really enjoy a room that looks like Liberace himself decorated it. 

Many people like wood. Earth tones, rustic, and with the ability to bind their partner, or partners, or themselves for that matter. Hey, self's a thing, from what I'm told.  :)

Then there's perverts who think anything beyond a Queening chair is overkill. 

Unless it's a whole damn room full of Queening chairs and facesitting stools. 
Like me.  :) 

And then those that would emphatically state...
"Room"? We don't need no damn room!"

Or those that say "Room"?
The backseat of the car as plenty of "room". 


Maybe the salient point is...the room, any room, a nice room, no room, indoors, outdoors, a room with no doors, sex on some old warped doors, it's the people, the partners, your lovers, husband, wife, boy or girlfriend, or a gang of them, that makes the event memorable, and not so much the room or what's in it. I mean you think about it, people matter, items, meh, not so much. A state of the art sex room, decked out with all the latest gadgets and trimmings, all the newest devices and $50K worth of toys and furniture, means dick, without someone that you really want to...dick down with (wouldn't that be dick up, if you prefer erections) or something like that.   :)

(Note to self, you're one sucky saleswoman 'Nessa. I mean, you design, create, make and sell sex furniture, and you just wrote a blog post convincing people not to buy sex furniture, lol.)  

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Cuckolds and Facesitting Friends? :)

Sarai and Dakota have been together for 12 years but they don't sleep together. Sarai sleeps with other men and her partner doesn't mind.

I don't understand, and never will, this urge some people have to be so public about their private lives. Yes, I know, I have books, blogs, movies, websites and so on, but the majority of photos and video of me are where I am either wearing a wig and sunglasses, or a mask, (face mask, eye mask, not of the Covid variety) so the possibility of anyone recognizing me in public is just about impossible. I like my privacy and want to be left alone. Celebrity, being recognized, publicity...not something I ever wanted. 

But hey, to each her own. I understand that some people simply do not care, but I would hate some stranger walking up to me in the store, the gym, my doctors office or wherever and knowing who I am from the Internet. And for me, this applies even more so for those people that have kids, which I don't, but that seems unfair to me to have a situation where other kids will eventually know who "Mom and Dad" are, what they do in private, and then post it online or in mainstream media. I mean, being 7 or 10 years old and having kids at school calling your mother and father cuckold sex freaks....not good. Having said that little rant, it is interesting seeing cuckoldry in semi-mainsteam print.  :) 


Guys don't understand womens clothing issues. Imagine buying some pants, jeans or whatever, putting your wallet or cell phone in your back pocket, and it only goes halfway in. It's going to fall out, you're going to lose it. Think about the endless fear and worry, of losing something important, due to some cheap ass garment manufacturers wanting to save money off of an extra..what, two inches of cotton from each pocket? And factor in that most womens clothing costs more than mens clothes to begin with....those sumbitches.  :) 


I like Demo, I really do. Her voice is fantastic, her music is...meh, whatever, but her vocal talent is indisputable. And I like her spirit. But, no surprise here, I am not a fan of the forced pronoun police...and here's a good example of why. People can be fluid. They can change their minds. So, someone decides one week or month they want to go with "their/they/them" and anyone that fails to jump on board gets screamed at and called "transphobic" and then a week later...they're back to "she/her". 


Things must be really tough out there...friends wise.  :) 

Here's why I hate making home videos, for others to see, and sometimes photos as well. I like making home movies where I can just turn the camera on, do whatever I'm doing, not worry about editing, lighting, sound, background, angles, sure, that's fun. But once you start having to be concerned about all those details, the fun goes out the window and it's like a "job". So with this little clip, we were trying to figure out how to get the correct zoom distance, and I sometimes extract stills from the video so that's a fun. But once that's done with, and I don't care about video quality anymore...grinding on his face...which is fantastic, lol.  :) 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Former Republicans & Democrats form New Third U.S. Political Party. :)


In theory, I am all for this. However, I'm not sure it will ever get enough traction to matter much. I wish it would, I really do, just to break the stranglehold the GOP and the Dems have on us, on our entire country, on our institutions, on the campaign donation system, on the courts, schools, laws, medical care, environmental issues and every other aspect of our lives. And to be honest, because of the influence the USA has on so much of the rest of the world, our toxic stupidity has a detrimental impact on the billions of other people, animals, literally on the entire planet itself. It's not a secret that I am not a fan of some of what the Dems do, and have had zero use for any Republican politician since the year 2000, and not much use for most of them prior to that. So to that end, yeah, sure, 3rd party...let's go.  :) 

However, we've had quite a few poltical parties in the USA since the "beginning" of this Republic, and technically speaking, still do currently. So again, kudos for the effort on the new party, and it is indeed interesting, but they have a long way to go before becoming viable. 

 There are over 420 registered political parties in the United States of America, with many different blends of political viewpoints. However, there are only two nationally recognized political parties, the Republicans and Democrats.

While we're at it, we really, really, really need to enforce separation of church and state. These fucking freaks should *not* be listened to, by anyone, ever. Not in the political realm, and not even in the religious one, bunch of charlatans and heretics. Notice, the article below is about "fundamentalists" and not about average religious people. There is is a massive difference.  :)



I may have mentioned this before, I am part owner in some farmland, along with some family members (no, I am not filthy rich, just filthy minded, lol) I totally love this story.  :)


Anyone know what musical score or song this sheet music belongs to?  :)


Not sure if this is called the "Haoshang Bridge" or the "Leshan Bridge", as different articles attribute different names to it, but I simply love it. If I had a stream running through my yard, I'd have a miniture or scale model replica built of it. 


Julia Fox: Wearing some low ass cut pantaloons.
I mean, you can almost see her "Tuppence". :)

Nothing new to see here...just another dumbass Republican bitch, spewing stupidity. In my world all Republicans politicians are "bitches" regardless of genitalia lol, (giggling at my own invective laden snark), but as mentioned, the first word is a pronoun, as in "We" as in:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

This nearly concludes this "Late Breaking News Bulletin"...but first, one more "Breaking Story" for you...I'm not wearing pants!  :)