Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Reality versus Fantasy. :)

Reality versus Fantasy. Part 1. 

I sometimes wonder whether some of the people that are regular posters on FemDom fetish social media sites and forums, prefer to stay stuck in a fictional world of fantasy, rather than seek out real life relationships and experiences. Fantasy is great, truly, sex dreams, fictional scenarios, day-dreaming, that's all great, but the endless streams of memes, captioned photos and cartoons that are posted, are *not* reality, and never will be, no matter how much one hopes they are. There is no cadre nor demographic of women that desire what is depicted on those sites in most cases. Sure, certain acts, some emotions, some of the details, absolutely, they can be enticing, erotic and fun. But the presentation and approach...nope. 

Much of the content posted treats us like employees, as if we exist only to cater to the submissive fantasies of men. For that...that is what Pro-Dommes are for. They work for the client. The client pays them for fantasy fulfillment. In real life? Nope. We're not going to "adopt" a submissive guy, be his mommy, pay his bills, peg him on demand, and do all the things that some people now falsely assume has to do with female domination. Cartoons, memes, captioned photos, sex stories and porn are *not* real life people...it's just entertainment. It's not healthy to presume that one is the same as the other.

 There is a whole world of women out there, in real life, right outside your front door, some are vanilla, some are submissive, some switch, some are dominant. And they/we are living our lives...not scouring dark corners of the Internet devoted to fictional worlds of female domination. For those people, they should consider turning off their "porn machine" and joining the real world, where true life and relationships can actually happen.    :) 

Reality versus Fantasy. Part 2. 

I've sort of backed off on doing political posts recently, as...there has been no need. Outside of the lunatic fringe, the entire world knows what transpired during the horrible perfidious Trump reign of cowardice and treason, and obviously the Jan. 6th insurrection, and the endless stream of childish and transparent lies since then. 

Anyway, finally, the FBI, DOJ, Congressional Committees and so on are doing their jobs...and this does not bode well for the Trumpian "world". I honestly do not understand what the hell happened to the GOP the last 20 years or so, but it's enough to make any old school Republican cry, and they have, and are, and increasingly they're speaking out against the insanity that the GOP has become. Yes, there are some good people in the Republican party (6 or 7, maybe even 42, lol) but...most people have probably seen the meme below, which is mostly accurate from the 1956 GOP platform...

Versus this...the current incarnation of the GOP.  

Laughed when I saw this...a pipe dream for some, but amusing nonetheless. :) 


Reality versus Fantasy. Part 3. 

Conservative "Christian" Nationalism is on the rise. This would include the standard homophobic, bigoted hate filled agenda, plus "prosperity gospel" and of course oppressing women and any/all other minorities under the pretense of that being "Christian" doctrine.

It's interesting that the anti-sex Christians never seem to mention....the "Song of Songs". The Song of Songs, from the Bible. Its mostly about sex and love, with no mention of marriage, no mention of sin, no mention of guilt. Evangelical and fundamentalist types prefer to ignore it, as it does not gell with their message of oppression of sex, and women. The same way they like to use Old Testament scripture to oppress people, especially gays, but fail to mention that the person known as Jesus *never* mentioned gays. Jesus of the "Sermon on the Mount" was about forgiveness, altruism, benevolence, patience, charity and so on. From that standpoint...a very good guy with a fantastic message. It shows no interest in Law or Covenant or the God of Israel, nor does it teach or explore wisdom like Proverbs or Ecclesiastes; instead, it celebrates sexual love, giving "the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy". The two are in harmony, each desiring the other and rejoicing in sexual intimacy. 
Reality versus Fantasy. Part 4. 

What anthropologists conclude Jesus really looked like. 

What Republicans think Jesus looked like.  :) 


Has everyone gone full on bat guano insane crazy? 
What the fuck is a "womxn"?  :) 

For fucksake. 
What does that even mean?
Fucking sake?
For the sake of fucking?  
Forsaken fucking?   :)

Alright, enough of this...I'm preparing to work out...just have to find my bedazzled Muu-Muu. :)


  1. Ms. Vanessa,

    Great post - all of it good. Just like God's creation...it was all good. All of it. The earth, the plants, the animals, the different colored people...everything and everyone.

    If abortion and homosexuality are so bad, why didn't Jesus talk about it??? He didn't. Get over it...there are going to be gays in heaven, lots of them. Not many bigots and racists though. That's guaranteed.

    Thanks Vanessa!


    sissy terrie

  2. Vanessa - totally agree with you on the reality vs fantasy and was meaning to post something similar, you have reminded me.

    BTW, those boots....to die for!


  3. Well I am glad you didn’t stop political commentary altogether!!! Great takes again. The republicans have definitely gone off the deep end. WTF Do they think Americans are dumb and blind? Of course they do cause all they hear from is their base which is……..dumb and blinded by their bull shit:). Fox News has done more to hurt this country than any other company. We should start deporting immigrants with Rupert Murdock:)
    Glad to see you removing your panties before err exercising!!!! Pretty sexy!

    1. What you said about Fox News...spot on accurate.

  4. Hello Ms Vanessa,

    i am not allowed to jerk off by my Mistress without her allowing me, but the first picture in this post oh my, it is really tempting. Still i am a good boy and listen to my Mistress commands. But your body looks so hot, that i am absolutely tempted...

  5. Boop! That was the sound of my bubble bursting in regards to Reality versus Fantasy. Lol
