Thursday, September 26, 2019

Anti-Porn Documentary Conflates Issues...Slutty & Smutty Memes. :)

I have to admit, kudos, props and respect has to be given to the lunatic religious fundamentalists for their never ending efforts at connecting "porn" with purported social ills in society. I mean, they truly are dedicated, tenacious and driven....their lack of facts and evidence notwithstanding. :) 

Never mind pointing out that contrary to what they claim about "Big Porn" they majority of "porn" these days is made by people at home, with cell phone cameras or just random women making nudie selfies, to get a few clicks and likes. 

 Jesus Christ is running for president in 2020. 
What are some of the highlights of his campaign?

Homeless bastard (literally) illegal immigrant with dark skin, short, skinny, swarthy features, no education, no sex scandals (that we know of) does not dress flash, point in fact, he wore a "dress", sort of hippie-ish, doesn't speak English, unshaven, unkempt, poor, does not worship money, is benevolent, altruistic, certainly a liberal, wants nothing to do with 99.9% of modern day "Christians"....he's got my vote.   :) 

The contents of a single firetruck.
Umm, where's the water?  :)

The entire contents of a single Ambulance.


Danish zookeeper watering the emperor penguins on a hot summer day 1957.

Trump, watching Melania vote for....Obama.  :) 



My friend from work is moving to a new job so I made her a cake. 
(Found online, it's not me, it's not my friend, its's not my cake. I mean, I have no friends from "work" as...well hell, I don't even have a "job".)  :)

The view, through a leaf.


Guy out for a walk in the snow with his Saint Bernard entourage.


NASA visualization of black hole.


When he removes those goggles like that...just totally "Joe Canine Cool".  :)


Oh well...she tried.  :)


Newborn sea otter pups are so buoyant they can’t immediately dive for food.
That, is one cute little chonky fat baby.  :)


The End. 
See what I did there?
I put my "end" there, as in backside. 
The ending of my body. 
 Posterior...oh Hell, never mind.  :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Future is So Bright I Gotta Wear....Pants? :)

Most people will already be aware of Greta Thunberg. The young activist who has been seriously embarrassing politicians, world leaders, titans of industry for the last few months, over how their self serving greed is totally screwing up the planet for the other 7.5 billion people that live on it. 

She has Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and selective of course, a whole bunch of right wing conservative twat waffles have been attacking her, mocking her, harassing her, belittling her. I mean, the nerve of her...wanting to live on a planet with potable water and breathable air...unsullied and unpolluted by the "adults" that are supposed to be mature, responsible and protecting the kids of today and tomorrow.  

Its encouraging to see the next generation treat idiots like the Koch Brothers, Carlyle group, Trump, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and nasty industries with respect they deserve. :)


Love the color contrast here. 



It wasn't me. However, about a 1000 years ago I was dating a guy who worked for a construction company building high-rises. So, the company had a big Christmas party at some golf course banquet room, the drinks were flowing, several of us went outside to smoke a joint, one of the guys figured out that he could start the golf carts with a key for a forklift or something, so he started a bunch of them and we went "pleasure cruising". As it turns out, there was frost on the grass (because these idiots run the sprinklers, even in the winter time), so the carts would slide and skid and a few of the guys decided to do "bumper cars" and crash into each other. Anyway, yes, yours truly was involved in grand theft auto of golf carts, property damage, course damage, grass damage, but we didn't get caught. Hey, I was like 18 years old. Still not one of my finer moments, and the next day I swore never to be involved in anything like that again...and I have not.  :)

How fantastic is this? Someone willing to donate a few dollars worth of water and electricity, and some time, to help unemployed disadvantaged people in their effort to get a job. Most people on this planet are simply wonderful.  :)


The way some people visualize landscape, a setting, a scene, and by adding something it becomes a unique piece of "art"...never ceases to amaze me. 


Love this. Just a simple backyard little "vacation" with people you love. 
Simplicity...the older I get, the more I really, really want it.  :)

A rare Piebald fawn. 


 Boris Johnson got bitchslapped by the UK Supreme Court and Trump is being Impeached! 

Maybe in the future..."conservatives" will elect mentally and emotionally mature adults, rather than born rich, never worked a day in their lives, ethical and morally empty, soulless "hairdos". 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cloning Bull Cock - Sandpaper Cock & Ball Torture - Memes. :)

The two paragraphs below are written by other people that I came across or were sent to me. Both, sparked a few ideas in my twisted and thoroughly perverted mind. :)  

Cloning a bulls cock: I have a fantasy of humiliating my cuck by using one of those cock cloning kits with a bull so my cuck can fuck me with it in between play dates. 

My freshman year of college, before I met my wife, I found three women at school who were very interested in learning about bdsm. The four of us spent the better part of that year playing together, experimenting with several different things. I happened to find myself tied up one afternoon with one particular lady who liked texture. We had shaved my pelvic area and she spent a few hours edging me and running different things across my skin. One of them was a few different grades of sandpaper on my inner thighs and my balls. She enjoyed warming my ball sack up, enlarging it, before irritating it with texture or temperature (cold) and watching it shrink back up.

Anyone want to crowdfund together and we'll buy this old dilapidated castle (Dunalastair Castle, Scotland) and turn it into a FemDom retreat? 


Endangered Andean Cat.

Jennifer of my favorites and she really makes me laugh. Her interviews, Ab-Fab, other shows, her spoofs, parodies, I just love her irreverent sense of humor.  :)

Any site that requires you to use Facebook to login. 


Cuckolding - Get it Right!

(Not my writing. Author unknown. I agree with her on some points, disagree on others.)  

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about how cuckolding is portrayed online and the widespread misunderstandings about it so I’ve been giving some thought to what I feel is the most accurate definition of cuckolding and also of what I believe cuckolding definitely is not.

First of all, I realize this may be controversial to some but I believe cuckolding does not belong in a fetish list, BDSM page, or kink collection. Cuckolding is an actual relationship. Let me explain…

Cuckolding is a loving, long term, and committed relationship. It’s a consensual one-sided non monogamous relationship where both people give each other everything they need to feel fulfilled and trusted. It’s a beautiful relationship dynamic that is emotional, thrilling, and so wonderfully intense. It only works when it’s an real relationship – otherwise it is meaningless.

Having said all of that, this is what cuckolding is not: cuckolding is not some random guy asking a random woman if he can watch her fuck another guy. Cuckolding is not findoms who demand financial slavery from submissive men or use or abuse them to manipulate them – consensually or not, this is NOT cuckolding. Cuckolding is also not meeting up with a femdom ‘mistress’ for a night so the two of you can play out a cuckolding fantasy together.

Unfortunately the real meaning of cuckolding has been heavily distorted by the inaccurate portrayal in mainstream porn coupled with the femdom/findom women using the cuckoldress label for their own profit, and that’s really sad because that’s not what it’s about at all. I feel bad for the people who are just beginning to learn about cuckolding and are bombarded with these false narratives and it’s no wonder so many women are turned off by cuckolding when they happen to go online to try to learn about it.

Yes cuckolding is a broad spectrum with different aspects intertwined however from one end to the next, the foundation of it all is a real relationship between two people in love and that’s what makes it so special – even magical. So let’s get it straight: that’s the part that we all should celebrate , educate, and promote.

Venus xo

Aaaaaaaaauuuuugggggh!!!! Hello. :)

And just how the hell is your fine day going?  :)

I got the message (posted below) the other day. Sweet right? What's baffling is I've had this Pinterest for maybe...5 or 7 years? Not sure. So, it took them, however many years, to have a bot or a human being decide that my "content" violated their policy. Here's the thing, the only flesh that showed on that profile...was of my mannequin. That's it. It had maybe 70 photos of my furniture, jewelry, clothing etc. But no human bare flesh. At all. 

Hi Vanessa, Your account has been permanently suspended because we found that most of your Pins went against our nudity and sexual content policies. You will not be able to access your Pins or messages, and you won't be able to sign up for an account using this email address. For clarification on our decision, please refer to our Community Guidelines. To sum them up: While we do allow some forms of nudity, we don't allow sexualized nudity, partially nude people in sexually suggestive poses, depictions of sexual acts or fluids, or fetish content. Pose, nakedness and activity are some of the elements we use to determine whether or not an image is appropriate for the Pinterest community. Pinterest Support

You know, Tumblr was purchased a few years ago for 1.3 billion, and was recently sold for less than 20 million. Yea, the investors took a bath on that one for over a billion dollars. I've had blogs that had millions of views deleted overnight by Google, with no warning, reason or cause given. I've been kicked off Instagram, Twitter and a few other places, plus my YouTube videos (some of them) are hidden behind a login page, as are some products on EBay, Amazon etc. 

Now none of this really matters to me. I mean I start a social media profile, throw up a few photos, people follow, people send friend requests, soon there are 10s of 1000s of "friends" following me, or millions of hits on blogs, on YouTube etc...and then "Poof!" they kill it. But when they do that, they also "kill" reciprocal links, answers to questions, the gazillions of "Favorites" or "Likes" that other people have done. Then when those people, and other people, go through that stuff, all they find is an empty page. So it disrupts their *own* site. And while doing so, the people whose profile they deleted, plus the followers, get frustrated, and leave.  

So what was accomplished? Ask Tumblr, MySpace, Geocities, or Tribe. Ask any of those dead sites that thought they were appealing to the "wholesome, family values" desires of the majority of their visitors. Guess what? They can't ask those people. Because everyone left those places and is off on Porntube or its equivalent, downloading porn, slapping off, or shopping on other sites for adult toys or whatever it is they desire. Its insane. Its insane because another site will pop up today, or in 5 minutes, that will allows that content, so its pointless from a business perspective because...adults like sex, adults like nudity, adults like their sex toys, and adults really, really, really hate it when someone tells them they *can't* read something, see or watch something. 

Now then, I have to run off and go sew together a Burka for my mannequin...apparently that naked bitch is "offensive".  :)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Women can now Legally go Topless in Utah, 5 other states, after Federal Ruling.

The irony....using a heavily censored photo, trying to be salacious to get clicks and views, but still adhering to that Utah Mormon anti-sex fundamentalism.  :) one nice looking cock.  :)


This guy is amazing. After nearly getting hit/killed, he jumps in to save the life of the person that nearly hit/killed him.