Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Future is So Bright I Gotta Wear....Pants? :)

Most people will already be aware of Greta Thunberg. The young activist who has been seriously embarrassing politicians, world leaders, titans of industry for the last few months, over how their self serving greed is totally screwing up the planet for the other 7.5 billion people that live on it. 

She has Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and selective mutism....so of course, a whole bunch of right wing conservative twat waffles have been attacking her, mocking her, harassing her, belittling her. I mean, the nerve of her...wanting to live on a planet with potable water and breathable air...unsullied and unpolluted by the "adults" that are supposed to be mature, responsible and protecting the kids of today and tomorrow.  

Its encouraging to see the next generation treat idiots like the Koch Brothers, Carlyle group, Trump, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and nasty industries with the...zero respect they deserve. :)


Love the color contrast here. 



It wasn't me. However, about a 1000 years ago I was dating a guy who worked for a construction company building high-rises. So, the company had a big Christmas party at some golf course banquet room, the drinks were flowing, several of us went outside to smoke a joint, one of the guys figured out that he could start the golf carts with a key for a forklift or something, so he started a bunch of them and we went "pleasure cruising". As it turns out, there was frost on the grass (because these idiots run the sprinklers, even in the winter time), so the carts would slide and skid and a few of the guys decided to do "bumper cars" and crash into each other. Anyway, yes, yours truly was involved in grand theft auto of golf carts, property damage, course damage, grass damage, but we didn't get caught. Hey, I was like 18 years old. Still not one of my finer moments, and the next day I swore never to be involved in anything like that again...and I have not.  :)

How fantastic is this? Someone willing to donate a few dollars worth of water and electricity, and some time, to help unemployed disadvantaged people in their effort to get a job. Most people on this planet are simply wonderful.  :)


The way some people visualize landscape, a setting, a scene, and by adding something it becomes a unique piece of "art"...never ceases to amaze me. 


Love this. Just a simple backyard little "vacation" with people you love. 
Simplicity...the older I get, the more I really, really want it.  :)

A rare Piebald fawn. 

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