Thursday, February 17, 2022

Random Stuff. :)

This is so least to me. Pretty much anything that flouts societal conventions, anything that sets people free, whatever breaks the repression forced on us by backwards conservative mentality, lets do it.  :) 


I found this article interesting, and I also found what they left out interesting as well. They failed to add...vanity, steroids and other PEDs. It can not be easy dating someone that spends more time looking at and admiring themselves, in the mirror, as opposed to gazing at and admiring their partner. I've thought the same thing a few times with "Supermodels", so called "Influencers" on Instagram and other social media sites. Pretty much anyone, anywhere, that is narcissistic and more in love with themselves than their partner, is not going to be easy to get along with. Human beings want affirmations, compliments, attention and acknowledgement from their significant other, it helps their confidence and soul. And obviously the other issue, steroids and whatever else, can create rage, anger, delusions, depression and a host of other health issues, that would interrupt the normal relationship dynamic. So while to the average person, viewing someone with a super hot body might seem like someone they might want to date, going out with average looking people is the far saner and safer option.  :)

Okay, their title might be a tad hyperbolic, but I take the point, and to whatever extent it might be true I would say...good. The entire Internet has been co-opted by a few companies (Google, Amazon etc.) in a manner that was never intended by the "inventors" of the World Wide Web, nor desired by users. (Founder of World Wide Web ‘disappointed’ in what it has become.

What frustrates me is if I'm searching for something in the medical realm, something historic or geographical, and all the main search results lead to some stupid commerce related website, thats messed up. The Internet should be a educational resource first and foremost, everything else can come after. 


Amazing skill and very impressive speed. 


  1. WC here

    Still enjoying your thoughts!!!!

  2. WC

    I saw strict julie won’t talk to you. Congratulations! She is too uninformed to speak to. Shame because I personally know the guy Mr Daniel’s she’s been blogging about. I have his numbers in my phone! But I am not even going to call him. I will just leave those two whatever they are doing. WC

    1. I have no idea what you're talking about other than...the person in question got upset with some of my posts and that's just fine. People can agree, or not, read or not, post or not, I'm okay with that, no matter what. :)

    2. What a weird fucking phone call that would be otherwise...

      "Hi Mr D, just thought I should let you know that the woman you've been e-mailing back and forth with has political opinions I disagree with. Do what you like with this information, I'll call again if literally anything else ever happens. WC."

  3. Black tape matters! Those women look amazing... but I can't imagine it's much fun pulling the tape off again!

    It is kind of crazy to think that the internet was meant to be a tool to share genuine peer-reviewed information efficiently. Last night I saw a Vice documentary that said a higher percentage of Americans than ever believe they have been influenced by demons, and that number has been growing steadily over the past thirty years! So yeah, something of an own-goal.

    1. Black Tape Removal Matters! Yea, I thought about that issue myself. Specially's covering some sensitive areas. As to the % of Demonic Influenced Americans, yes ineed, Trump and the GOP *are* rather evil and devilish so, that sounds about right. :)

    2. There must be some sort of solvent that neutralizes the stickiness of the tape. Even if there isn't, I'm going to imagine them rubbing qq it on to one another!

    3. I was wondering where I left those Qs!

      *I'm going to imagine them rubbing it on to one another!

    4. Tankertronian..I *still* have no fucking idea what you're talking about. :)
