Saturday, February 19, 2022

Good News & Bad News. :)


Does it seem like all the news and headlines are negative and create the impression that the world is worse than it's ever been? Sure, sometimes. Is this true? Are things worse now, more than ever? Yes and no. At any point in history, someone, somewhere, was nuts, there was war, invasions, disease, famine, someone was suffering, natural disasters happened, people lived in poverty, there was a level of insanity, oppression, strife, and lunacy. 

The difference between then and now is...what we're doing here, meaning connectivity and being inundated with information. Satellites, TV, Internet, social media, all of that means an onslaught of news and as "bad" news sells more copy, gets more hits, gets more traffic, which all translates to profit, we are inundated with it. So while it seems like the world is more insane now than ever, in reality, its not. 

It's just another day. The sun comes up, the sun goes down, the tide rolls in, the tide rolls out, deer graze in a meadow, birds build nests, clouds float across the sky, fish swim, animals romp around, and life goes on. So in the grand scheme of things, its nothing new. Just something I remind myself of from time to time, to ward off any form of depression about the state of humanity and the planet. The world has issues, but it always has. When some get fixed, other problems and challenges pop up. Don't let the current state of affairs warp your view of the planet and its inhabitants.  :)

So I see this on a forum:

I have a GF but I want to be a cuckold and pussy-free so bad. I have a girlfriend who I’m very attracted to but for some reason I have this strong desire to be a cuck. The thought of being caged and made to watch trans porn instead of touching or fucking her turns me on so much. What’s wrong with me.

What's wrong with him? Nothing. He's just geared a different way. Rather than being the standard Alpha sort of male, obsessed with ramming his cock into pussy, he gets aroused by being denied and being a voyeur. He wants to be an uxorious submissive he-bitch, watching her have pleasure, and viewing what he sees as a form of "deviant" porn, which gets him off. So what? Nothing is "wrong" with that. if whatever is happening is consensual and between adults, its "right. Live your life and be who you are. 

When Queening chairs don't get action, they still get...action.  :) 

This is insane. Real Estate prices are just simply nuts. $165k for a shack? With an outdoor toilet? I mean, this is, in the real world, known as camping. Keeping in mind that if someone takes out a 30 year mortgage, depending on interest rates, the purchaser will pay somewhere between double or triple the purchase price. So you could be looking at $330 thousand to $495 thousand. Something pushing a freaking half a million dollars, for what is basically a 2 story lean-to, with an outhouse. I really feel sorry for the younger generations who, for the most part, will never, ever, ever be able to afford a home.  

 McGuire said in the video that he was speaking to parents who think it’s “okay for your child to decide if they want to be a girl or a boy or whatever other ridiculous-[expletive] pronoun you can come up with.”  “It’s going to be a shock, I understand, there are only two genders,” McGuire continued. “Let me repeat, there are only two genders.

Great. Another right wing putz, grew a beard, put his hat on backwards and some shades, talking smack about trans kids and...this is a school board member. I don't get why people obsess over something that will have zero affect on their own lives. I can't grasp why picking on kids, that already will have a challenging life, somehow translates to being "tough" in the eyes of some people. And lastly, why do these morons, endlessly conflate sex with gender? There are *not* two genders. What a dick. 

Okay, so I know nothing about speedskating, nothing about the rules, and have not really been following the Olympics. However, this story caught my eye. Some guy, a guy with honor, dignity, morals and sportsmanship, did something, that garnered postitive headlines. That takes some spine. Doint the honorable thing, knowing that it will cost you an Olympic medal, doing it anyway, is what the Olympics, and sports in general, should be about. Kudos to him. :)




  1. don't look at it as a shack. Look at the lot. I recall several years ago a guy killed himself by making a gas leak, then setting it off intentionally. The pile of rubble went for 5 million. Granted, mid town Manhattan rubble....

    1. Ah, insurance fraud. My mind does not go that route but yes, you may well have a valid point. :)

    2. wasn't even thinking fraud. Knock down the hovel and have a house built. Call it $150 a square foot, 3000 square feet, run about 450 K, you have a 3000 square foot house in one of the most expensive states in the country for 600K.

    3. Sounds like a decent alternate plan. :)

  2. i agree with you Vanessa that there is much that is good in the world, just think of how mainstream acceptance of LGBTQ is becoming compared to even 20 years ago. Yes, there is a lot of shit and we need to keep fighting that shit, but eyes on the prize and have hope in todays younger generation (which i really do).


    p.s. love the butt ox, but surely is a butt moose? :)

    1. You provided a great example. Civil rights. Those of the LGBTQ community, women's rights, minority rights, progress has been made, across the board. We still have a long ways to go, but your example proves, it can happen. :)
