Wednesday, February 23, 2022

This, is a Blogpost. :)

Images of an 800-year-old carving have gone viral after X-rated art was uncovered in a public church in England. It is believed a carpenter hid the rude carving in a church roof, and it has now been discovered when the church built a new cafe. Work reportedly began on the church roof around 1200AD and was completed around 1330AD.


Of course, in relative terms, this is not old. Cave art discovered at Creswell Crags in England, thought to be more than 12,000 years old, includes symbols thought to be of female genitalia.

The bad news is, they lost, The good news, is there are still people fighting for free speech. The ongoing bad news, is they are mostly losing. The unfortunate news, is most people, meaning the average consumer and voter, are not speaking out on behalf of free speech. There is no way in hell that the "pro-censorshop" crowd isn't going to win, unless the public stands against them. If you value free speech, use it, to stick up for it, while you still have it. 

Stoners. 100% guaranteed, full on, full blown, stoners. :) 

A submissives place is...


And Behind. 
No one ever seems to get that reference.   :) 

The Power of The Erect Cock...

Valid point on the meme below, however I would add the caveat, the emphasis is on any "thing" and not on any "one". Items, material possessions, jobs, certain interactions are one thing, people, family, friends, are something else entirely. Even though they may drive you a little nuts, they're still worth the "expense".  :) 

Trying to get an orgy going at my house...getting minimal enthusiasm. However, a reader on a forum titled this "Head and Half-Torso-With-Thighs" so maybe its...modern art.  :)

When your Cat is a Total Bro.


  1. That really is a submissives place Vanessa


  2. As references go, it's a little Fly By Night...

    I'll get me coat...

    1. Good job Tankertronian. I hope you are doing well. :)
