Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Sex Stuff... :)

            State of the Sexbot Market: The World’s Best Sex Robot and AI Sex Doll Companies.

This is simply blowing my mind...a $50,000 Scarlett Johansson looking sex robot that takes 18 months to build that responds to spoken phrases and has detailed facial expressions? What the hell? For one thing $50 grand is a lot of money. You can buy a house in some parts of the USA and around the world with that amount of money. Secondly, I would presume that Scarlett has a team of lawyers that will be suing the piss out of this company for unauthorized use of her "likeness". Also, do these creepy looking sex robots have access panels to allow the user to "clean them"? I mean, presumably, horny dudes are humping them and pumping them full of cum. One would speculate that eventually, they would get pretty rancid and funky, and I doubt "Scarlett" is going to run and jump in the shower after every...."romantic tryst" right?  :) 

United States Elevation Map. 

Not exactly what you expected for your girlfriends "game night".  



  1. At least you pay for the robot outright, whilst a real woman keeps on costing you!

    I admit to being lonely enough to have pre-ordered a robot pet that supposedly has a real personality and emotions depending on how you treat it. In an ideal world I'd buy two Lovots, which are robots that are designed to compete for your love and attention!

    1. In some cases Tankie...I can't tell when you're joking? :)

    2. If I'm being misogynistic then please assume I'm joking!

      You can check out the Lovots here, though I'd forgotten how ugly they're designed with the wheels and the camera... I get the feeling that someone will make a fortune doing the same idea but better in the next twenty years.


    3. I think it would be better if...people just interacted with other people, whenever its safe. Oh, and legalize prostitution. :)
