Thursday, January 6, 2022

The GOP’s Masculinity Panic. :)

                                Candice Horbacz also known as Eva Lovia (Porn Star Name). 

 It's odd how some YouTube channels are so popular, fluffy ones, and others that have substance seem to never get traffic or views. Candice Horbacz's channel is actually very interesting, with fantastic guests (not that I've watched them all) but it's worth checking out. 

One that I really enjoyed was: Debra Soh - The End of Gender.


What is this obsession some (but not all) in the GOP have with "manliness" and why do they have such a warped perception of what it is to be a man, and why are they pretending today's GOP "leaders" are anything close to their idolized depiction of macho man manly men?

A man, to me, is a dude with a penis...
The End. 
Lol. :)

A man is a guy who is a good human being. Someone that is a good person, that is honest, does the right thing, takes care of his own affairs, takes care of his business, his house, his car, his family, works and pay taxes. Someone that does not litter, that does not lie, cheat nor steal. All of that "stuff". You know, the same as women, but without a penis. It has nothing to do with how much he bench presses, or how many guns he owns, or whether or not he drives a jacked up 4x4 or a Prius. It has nothing to do with whether or not he lives in the country, knows how to gut a fish, or lives in a city, is urbane and wears a muumuu. What is so bizarre is this rabid urgency some (but not all) in the GOP have with trying to portray the "right" as being tough guys, while portraying the "left" as being a bunch of...wussy sissy boys, and they fail, fail, and fail in doing so. The reason they endlessly fail? Because...its simply not true. Style with no substance, will never replace substance over style.  :)

How the GOP views "men". 

How some GOP "men" really are. 

Oh, and by the way...Happy Merry Insurrection Day!!! Trumpians will go down in history books as the most unpatriotic, cowardly, delusional, insane and retarded smegma breathed schmucks, ever to slither around the USA. #MAGA!!  :)



1 comment:

  1. If Trump had gotten the spankings he needed as a young man, the world would be a better place
