Thursday, March 18, 2021

Assorted Memes & Videos.

Tax the Rich.

Tax the Rich. the rich. 


Tax the Rich. 
Tax them at the same rate that the poor and the middle class pay. 


A bonsai apple tree growing a full sized apple. 


Abandoned restaurant in Petrópolis, Brazil (1960's and 2013). 


Abandoned train. 

Big Cuckold? 
A kids toy tortoise is known as...Big Cuckold?  :)


George Washington’s military trunk bed used during the Revolutionary War, 1775.

"Hey, does your dog bite?"
 "Oh no, he throws bricks."


Humblest Head of State.

Lenny Kravitz. 
At 56 years old...yea, 56. 


Because...some on the GOP side, are whining that Biden doesn't do enough press conferences, or send out Tweets all day. Its because unlike the Trump Administration, Biden and his team are...working. 


The Scottish Highlands and the Appalachians are the same mountain range, once connected as the Central Pangean Mountains. 


Accidental Face Sitting...


A $142 Million Dollar Yacht.
Tax the Rich.
Trickle Down Economics, Supply Side Economics, "Reaganomics" what the GOP has been pushing for 40 years, is a myth, it does not work, it can not work, it will not work. Ever. Period.  
Tax the Living Fuck out of the Rich. 


Morning Workout.  :)


  1. Well i never knew that about bonsai fruit trees and i think we can all learn from that workout video :)


  2. Don't bother taxing. Let's eat the rich bastards.

    1. I assume things are dire there down in Antarctica...but personally, I draw the line at cannibalism. Anyway, hope you're well. :)
