Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Downsizing and Becoming a Minimalist. Part 2. No with....No Pants! :)

Follow up to a previous post Downsizing and Becoming a Minimalist...

Is this still working for me? Absolutely. Its an ongoing effort and event and I'm constantly adapting and making new adjustments, but I've never been happier.

Fighting for an egalitarianistic society and world does not make one popular...with anyone within the power structure as they view parity amongst the masses as a threat to their "supremeity" (yea, spell check says that's not a word, but it can kiss my ass so...) primacy. And seeing the disgusting way the deplorable GOP politicians (and some Dems) and Trump have acted, I am even more repulsed by them and equally more motivated effect, be the opposite of them, as I simply can not see where he/they have any redeemable social, ethical or humanitarian qualities.

Not belonging to the 'gotta-have-it' materialistic aspect of our culture frustrates those that don't get it, and equally frustrates those that want to sell me some sort of...petroleum based plastic "whatcha-ma-thingy doohickey" that has lights and bells that...I simply don't want or need.

An old adage is that you are never more free when you achieve the attitude that you simply don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about you anymore. I would say that is applicable in this regard. Aspiring to be more at peace with the world, more serene with life, with nature, casting off the need for more and more and more possessions...brings tranquility....if that makes sense.

Yea, its refreshing and resplendent to see a life and future unencumbered by...junk. Just trying to rethink my priorities that don't revolve around anything some salesman is screeching that I "must-have-need". A walk in the forest with my dogs, seeing the trees and wildlife, brings me more joy than anything I can purchase. Plus, part of my downsizing means I'm not wearing pants so...there's always that as a bonus. :)


  1. Listen....if you're not going to wear those pretty striped bikinis anymore you could send them to need to wash them first....I'll take care of that on my end!!!!
