Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Georgia using a 'consent to paddle form' after charter school reinstates corporal punishment.

Before any wankers or wankestresses (Wankatrix?) get excited, let me point out...this is no good. 

Sure, many people have a corporal punishment fetish. Yes indeed, some of that may have been fomented by the Headmaster, the Headmistress, some authority figure of that nature, some may have the Catholic schoolgirl or schoolboy fetish, being kept after school for a bare bottom punishment session...fantasy.

But that's you.
Or maybe me.
Its not them.

By them, I mean kids that have behavior problems, maybe ADD, or anxiety or social issues or disabilities in learning. They may come from a broken home, or have been abused, or are undernourished, or a combination of all the above, or other factors.

If beating kids taught them to learn and/or behave, previous generations, when corporal punishment was more common, would have produced nothing but well mannered geniuses. As we can see...it did not. In fact, some could posit that those of previous generations, or the current one, or a future one, are comprised of a bunch of uncivil and antisocial clueless and mostly ignorant dumbfucks.

Corporal punishment in schools should be banned and outlawed across the board, across the USA, around the world, regardless of....anything. 

Don't mix your kinks with your kids. 

I can assure you that in many cases, those that promot this, *are* spanking fetishists that get off on administering punishment. That's fine. Go for it. Find a boyfriend, girlfriend, a Master, Mistress, Governess, a Dom, a Domme or whatever....but don't mix your kinks with your kids.  

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