Saturday, June 17, 2023


Thinking about a new look for myself.
Might go retro. Any opinions? Lol.  :) 

Gotta admire his tenacious nature and optimism.  :) 

(Gotta click on the little X by the speaker icon on upper right of video to activate audio.) 

Just hit the arrow to the right of their video for more short clips of them...should work, I think. They're all like 30 to 40 second clips or so. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sexual Social Stuff. :)

Hikikomori: A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents' homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years.

Celibacy syndrome (Japanese: セックスしない症候群, sekkusu shinai shōkōgun) is a media hypothesis proposing that a growing number of Japanese adults have lost interest in sexual activity and have also lost interest in romantic love, dating and marriage.

Hypergamy: the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background.

On the Bumble dating app, 90% of women pursue 6% of men, in terms of height. This was measured by height-filtered searches of American women within the app.

Here's the thing, social media has lied to women for a decade or so. Pretty much any woman can be on social media and get DM's from at least a few guys, from somewhere in the world, and others get a gazillion offers and DM's per day. So, after a time, they think all guys want them, they have this distorted view of themselves, they all think they're "10's" on a 1 to 10 scale (until they ask someone in real life and get rated a 4.2...and then get pissed). The vast majority of men DM's, pretty much ever. Back to the hypergamy aspect, most studies show that about 90% of women are interacting with roughly 10% of guys. Meaning, roughly 10% of the more "desirable" guys, are dating/banging/fucking the majority of women, and the remaining 90% of guys balls. 

It has to be pointed out however, that the majority of these youngish women, mostly in their 20s and early 30's, are going to hit that nesting and/or biological clock period, and then find out that men don't want to marry someone with a "body count" of 300 other guys, that did porn, had an OnlyFans account, has 4 kids from 3 or 4 "baby daddies", no education, a ton of bills, no skills, out of shape and overweight, nothing to bring to the table, and Holy Fuck, the man hating, misandry bitching and complaning is going to really elevate. Plus, there is a massive increase in what they call "Passport Bros" (men going to other countries to find a non-toxic more traditional woman to marry) which is pissing American and Western women off, at the same time that many of the "feminists" are questioning the whole working 8 to 12 hours a day, no time for anything, still being broke, for 50 years, wondering how that feminist "achievement" benefited or empowered women and...fuck me, there could well be a drastic decrease in the amount of babies being born, weddings, women wanting to work outside of the home, and all those sorts of related social issues. 

The "6's". 
These poor clueless and delusional women, all want what I call the "6's". Meaning guys that are at least 6' tall, make 6 figures, have 6 pack abs, and at least 6 inches. Which means they're totally insane. That means they have like a...0.67% chance of finding that guy. Average height for males is about 5'9", average income is, what...$30k? Most people in America are out of shape so that 6 pack, not happening. Average penis size is 5.5 inches. The level of disappointment forthcoming, soon, for 10s of millions of American women is going to be tragic, stunning, depressing for them, the motherloade of all bitchslaps. And for the most part, social media, the lies of the PC ego boosting regular media, is responsible for this. Plus, a lack of accountability and reason on the part of women in general. Seriously, find a nice, average, loyal, intelligent, hard working and stable guy, love him, marry him, treat him right, and enjoy your life together. Stop living in this fake ass world that is presented to you in ads, magazines, TV, online and in rock and rap vidoes...that is not reality. 


An image spreading across platforms purports to show an LGBTQ pride event participant wearing a T-shirt that says "trans kids are sexy." But the photo has been digitally altered; the original shows the person in plain white at a November 2021 parade in California, and the supposed T-shirt about transgender children is a fake that exploits a child's image.

Do research people. In the era of PhotoShop, AI, ChatGPT, Deepfake video and so on...take nothing at face value and double check, triple check, double verify anything of importance. 

Was there a point to this blog post?
Hell no.
There's rarely a point to...any of my blog posts.  :) 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Queer People are Dancing, Spitting, and Pissing on Pat Robertson's Grave.


 Check out the videos (in above link) of all the people celebrating, partying, rejoicing, excited, jubilant and happy that this sick, twisted, demented fuck finally died. What must it be like to be hated by so many sane, rational, intelligent people, who are just living their lives and doing no one any harm...just so you can preach hate, to make a few more dollars (some have estimated his wealth to have been between $200 million and $1 billion)? One thing that is bogus about that this evil nasty cretin lived such a long life. Fuck him...

During the week of September 11, 2001, Robertson interviewed Jerry Falwell, who expressed his own opinion that "the ACLU has to take a lot of blame for this" in addition to "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays, and the lesbians [who have] helped [the terror attacks of September 11th] happen." Robertson replied, "I totally concur". Both evangelists were seriously criticized by President George W. Bush for their comments, for which Falwell later issued an apology. 

 He cautioned believers that some Protestant denominations may harbor the spirit of the Antichrist; prayed to deflect hurricanes; denounced Hinduism as "demonic" and Islam as "Satanic".  

Less than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina killed 1,836 people, Robertson implied on the September 12, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club that the storm was God's punishment in response to America's abortion policy. He suggested that the September 11 attacks and the disaster in New Orleans "could [...] be connected in some way". 


When people wonder why less and less people in the USA attend churches nor identify as Christian...see above. See Robertson, Falwell (father and son) Bush, Cheney, Televangelists, most of the GOP and the biggest heretic and charlatan of all...Trump. That's why. 

Everyone else, have a lovely, enjoyable and resplendent evening.  :)