Saturday, June 17, 2023


Thinking about a new look for myself.
Might go retro. Any opinions? Lol.  :) 

Gotta admire his tenacious nature and optimism.  :) 

(Gotta click on the little X by the speaker icon on upper right of video to activate audio.) 

Just hit the arrow to the right of their video for more short clips of them...should work, I think. They're all like 30 to 40 second clips or so. 


  1. There's hair and then there is big hair!

    i love the updated commandments except i would change 5 to read that 'you can choose to believe a god exists if you like but don't expect anyone else to'.

    Thanks for those links above, they made me smile over breakfast.


  2. Good morning Vanessa:

    I have been doing some traveling and for some reason I have trouble posting a comment from my mobile IPAD.....but I wanted to stop by and share that I really enjoyed this posting....a lot of uplifting stuff....and I am into the positive for half full...a silver lining......a strong belief in the good in most of us...

    And i have always liked the big hair look.....but this mighty big....and I cannot decide if the person in the picture is a woman or possibly a man.....the person looks quite a bit like the next door neighbor man....Ha!

    As always thank you for sharing...much appreciated....have a great day.


    1. HS, glad you are enjoying some travels and your time, yeah, I'm not sure if "Big Hair" is male or female either, part of the reason it amused me. :)
