Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sexual Social Stuff. :)

Hikikomori: A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents' homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years.

Celibacy syndrome (Japanese: セックスしない症候群, sekkusu shinai shōkōgun) is a media hypothesis proposing that a growing number of Japanese adults have lost interest in sexual activity and have also lost interest in romantic love, dating and marriage.

Hypergamy: the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background.

On the Bumble dating app, 90% of women pursue 6% of men, in terms of height. This was measured by height-filtered searches of American women within the app.

Here's the thing, social media has lied to women for a decade or so. Pretty much any woman can be on social media and get DM's from at least a few guys, from somewhere in the world, and others get a gazillion offers and DM's per day. So, after a time, they think all guys want them, they have this distorted view of themselves, they all think they're "10's" on a 1 to 10 scale (until they ask someone in real life and get rated a 4.2...and then get pissed). The vast majority of men DM's, pretty much ever. Back to the hypergamy aspect, most studies show that about 90% of women are interacting with roughly 10% of guys. Meaning, roughly 10% of the more "desirable" guys, are dating/banging/fucking the majority of women, and the remaining 90% of guys balls. 

It has to be pointed out however, that the majority of these youngish women, mostly in their 20s and early 30's, are going to hit that nesting and/or biological clock period, and then find out that men don't want to marry someone with a "body count" of 300 other guys, that did porn, had an OnlyFans account, has 4 kids from 3 or 4 "baby daddies", no education, a ton of bills, no skills, out of shape and overweight, nothing to bring to the table, and Holy Fuck, the man hating, misandry bitching and complaning is going to really elevate. Plus, there is a massive increase in what they call "Passport Bros" (men going to other countries to find a non-toxic more traditional woman to marry) which is pissing American and Western women off, at the same time that many of the "feminists" are questioning the whole working 8 to 12 hours a day, no time for anything, still being broke, for 50 years, wondering how that feminist "achievement" benefited or empowered women and...fuck me, there could well be a drastic decrease in the amount of babies being born, weddings, women wanting to work outside of the home, and all those sorts of related social issues. 

The "6's". 
These poor clueless and delusional women, all want what I call the "6's". Meaning guys that are at least 6' tall, make 6 figures, have 6 pack abs, and at least 6 inches. Which means they're totally insane. That means they have like a...0.67% chance of finding that guy. Average height for males is about 5'9", average income is, what...$30k? Most people in America are out of shape so that 6 pack, not happening. Average penis size is 5.5 inches. The level of disappointment forthcoming, soon, for 10s of millions of American women is going to be tragic, stunning, depressing for them, the motherloade of all bitchslaps. And for the most part, social media, the lies of the PC ego boosting regular media, is responsible for this. Plus, a lack of accountability and reason on the part of women in general. Seriously, find a nice, average, loyal, intelligent, hard working and stable guy, love him, marry him, treat him right, and enjoy your life together. Stop living in this fake ass world that is presented to you in ads, magazines, TV, online and in rock and rap vidoes...that is not reality. 


An image spreading across platforms purports to show an LGBTQ pride event participant wearing a T-shirt that says "trans kids are sexy." But the photo has been digitally altered; the original shows the person in plain white at a November 2021 parade in California, and the supposed T-shirt about transgender children is a fake that exploits a child's image.

Do research people. In the era of PhotoShop, AI, ChatGPT, Deepfake video and so on...take nothing at face value and double check, triple check, double verify anything of importance. 

Was there a point to this blog post?
Hell no.
There's rarely a point to...any of my blog posts.  :) 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Queer People are Dancing, Spitting, and Pissing on Pat Robertson's Grave.


 Check out the videos (in above link) of all the people celebrating, partying, rejoicing, excited, jubilant and happy that this sick, twisted, demented fuck finally died. What must it be like to be hated by so many sane, rational, intelligent people, who are just living their lives and doing no one any harm...just so you can preach hate, to make a few more dollars (some have estimated his wealth to have been between $200 million and $1 billion)? One thing that is bogus about that this evil nasty cretin lived such a long life. Fuck him...

During the week of September 11, 2001, Robertson interviewed Jerry Falwell, who expressed his own opinion that "the ACLU has to take a lot of blame for this" in addition to "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays, and the lesbians [who have] helped [the terror attacks of September 11th] happen." Robertson replied, "I totally concur". Both evangelists were seriously criticized by President George W. Bush for their comments, for which Falwell later issued an apology. 

 He cautioned believers that some Protestant denominations may harbor the spirit of the Antichrist; prayed to deflect hurricanes; denounced Hinduism as "demonic" and Islam as "Satanic".  

Less than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina killed 1,836 people, Robertson implied on the September 12, 2005 broadcast of The 700 Club that the storm was God's punishment in response to America's abortion policy. He suggested that the September 11 attacks and the disaster in New Orleans "could [...] be connected in some way". 


When people wonder why less and less people in the USA attend churches nor identify as Christian...see above. See Robertson, Falwell (father and son) Bush, Cheney, Televangelists, most of the GOP and the biggest heretic and charlatan of all...Trump. That's why. 

Everyone else, have a lovely, enjoyable and resplendent evening.  :)

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


What a pathetic waste of a life. Rather than going out, seeing the world, engaging in life with others, trying new things, experiencing what the world and humanity has to offer, these slugs instead choose to waste their whole lives lounging on their bed, hiding from the world, hiding from reality, feeling sorry for themselves with their 1st World's just gross...and sad. It's a big beautiful world out there people, go enjoy it.  :)

News flash, increasingly, it's not just conservatives that view some aspects of the trans agenda as a joke. In cases like this one, and a few others, it's not about being trans that's the issue, it's about being self absorbed jackasses that is the issue. There is a point where you can alienate some of your own advocates or supporters...which is happening more and more. The world is not about you and you alone...grow up. 

A new survey from Rasmussen Reports revealed that approximately 7 out of 10 adults, 71%, support the idea that “there are only two genders, male and female.” This included 57% of respondents who said they “strongly agree” with the statement. It shows that most people “trust the science” pertaining to the differences between men and women. This also means less than 30% of the country supports the transgender agenda.

For the love of God....gender is not the same as sex. How can people be so idiotic as to still conflate the two...stunningly stupid. You know what's so disappointing, most people (at least in the West) have either a computer or a cell phone, or both. Either way, access to the Internet. The Internet essentially has all the knowledge compiled by humankind over 100s of 1000s of years...right there at your fingertips. It can be used for searching for information beyond porn and cat videos.  :) 

Best or favorite and worst or most unpopular brands in the USA.

GOP Agenda.
Banning and burning books. 
Because if it wasn't written never happened.
If it's not written about, it can never happen.
If it's not in writing, it will never happen.
What a fucking agenda




Friday, June 2, 2023

Texas Republicans: The Stupidest Fucks of all Stupid Fucks. :)

Actually, my title would be applicable to most Republicans...not only those that reside in Texas. Yeah, I know this will offend some stop electing these pillocks. Don't hate the messenger because you don't like the message. It is they who are trying to take away your right to view porn, to read books, to have gay sex and reproductive rights. They want to bring back sodomy laws, that want to turn the state and the USA into their version of an authoritarian Christian Taliban. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, about the current GOP that is small government or anything else that the GOP represented, or claimed to represent, in the 1900's, or prior to the G.W. Bush era. They are demanding to control what happens in your schoolroom, courtroom, doctor office, library and bedroom. And you, the GOP voter...are letting them. Which makes you, the GOP voter that supports them...a bunch of unpatriotic cowardly fucking pussies.  :) 

One disclaimer calls porn use “potentially biologically addictive, is proven to harm human brain development, desensitized brain reward circuits, increases conditioned responses, and weakens brain function.” 

Nope, no evidence of that. As in none. Zilch. Nada. Not a single piece of peer reviewed, scientific, unbiased evidence...none. 

Another disclaimer characterizes “exposure” to adult content as being “associated with low self-esteem and body image, eating disorders, impaired brain development, and other emotional and mental illnesses.” 

Sure, there might be some of that effect. Just like from Hollywood, movies, TV, Instagram, fashion magazines, advertizers, books, diet websites, the clothing industry, YouTube, seeing other people, going outside, other people, other kids or teens, parents, relatives, basically...the world at large. 

A third disclaimer says that “pornography increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and child pornography.”

Nope, the main cause of prostitution would be...poverty. For example, in the USA, federal minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour since 2009, pushing 15 years. Why? Because the very same stupid fucking conservatives that make up lies like above, have refused to raise minimum wage, yet give themselves a raise...every single year.   

As for anything to do with children, their endlessly conflating adult porn with child porn is typical as they're...morons. Maybe they're all pedophiles, so they assume others are as well, but I can assure you that adults watching porn shot by consenting adults, who enjoy watching consenting adults engaging in sex, has nothing to do with child pornography and it's a fucking insult for them to assert this. 

The claims of this being a "medical issue" is debunked I know that most conservatives hate and ignore science, because it proves most of their assertions as being fucking stupid. You know, things like global warming, trickle down economics (aka Reaganomics) anything to do with LGBTQIA people, parthenogenesis, gays in the military, human rights, immigration, pretty much, you name it. Sure, there are some in the medical establishment that are bought and sold hookers, taking money from far right advocacy groups to express their non-scientific "opinions" that porn is addictive, without acknowledging that an addictive personality is the issue, not porn. People with that personality type can be "addicted" to exercise, religion, food, drugs, cigs, alcohol, video games, reading, gambling, work...anything really. Porn in and of itself, has nothing to do with it. 

The "medical practitioners" that support this agenda are lying and seem to have forgotten that in their profession they are supposed to use facts to establish criteria for health related issues, not just make things up to make a few bucks. Lying about anything, does harm to people, to patients, to human beings, and is an abdication of the Hippocratic Oath. Fuck them, fuck conservatives, fuck Texas GOP, fuck DeSantis, fuck Trump, and...just fuck it. That's a lot of fucks and fucking...and the only thing/one not getting fucked around here So I am cranky as fuck...hence this rant, lol.  :) 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Makes me Cry...


Also makes me *not* want to hear Americans/Westeners whine about their "1st World problems". Seriously, when people bitch about not getting extra pumpkin spice on their $10 Low Calorie Skinny Frappuccino Iced Mocha whateverthehell, just...shut the fuck up.  :) 

Monday, May 29, 2023

And Now...Words From Trump. :)


Trump is a retarded deranged stupid is anyone that supports him. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Stop Mocking Masculine Men.


 Sort of beyond tired of people, feminists, the hardcore insane nutty ones (which is starting to seem like it's the majority), some of the trans community and others endlessly slamming men in general, straight males more so. Go fuck yourselves. Men and women are not the same. Men can do things, and have done things, that women can not do. Masculine men, can do things, and have done things, that more effeminate men, can not do. Muscular macho masculine men, can do things, and have done things, that out of shape, or elderly, or those with some physical issues, can not do. That's just reality. That's just a fact. Always has been, always will be. Striving for equal rights between the sexes does not mean we are the same. Equality as per the right to vote, drive, work in some professions and so on, does not mean we are the same...nor should be paid the same, nor lower standards to be inclusive. I can list a plethora of occupations where I want a masculine man to be the one holding the job and not a woman or someone unfit to fulfill those tasks or duties. And the reverse holds true for other examples. My point is...let biology, facts, science, evolution, common sense and reality dictate what decides those details, and not some stupid-ass politically correct nonsensical stupidity. That benefits no one...period.  :) 


When Tough Men Save Lives.

A Female 'Firefighter' Shows Why You'd Want a Man to Rescue You.


(Gotta click the little X on right top speaker icon to get volume. 
Love the "dinner review" in the middle.)

Statue of David. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Hope Molecules...

 When muscles contract, they secrete chemicals into the bloodstream. Among these chemicals are myokines, which have been referred to as “hope molecules”. These small proteins travel to the brain, cross the blood-brain barrier, and act as an antidepressant.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tina Turner & Ron Desantis...

                                   Rock and soul icon Tina Turner dead at age 83.

Often referred to as "The Queen of Rock and Roll", Turner is considered one of the greatest singers of all time. She was noted for her "swagger, sensuality, gravelly vocals and unstoppable energy", along with her career longevity and her famous legs.

Rest In Peace Tina. 


 "More than 20 minutes passed beyond the scheduled start time with users getting kicked off, hearing microphone feedback, hold music and other technical problems."

Fuck you Ron Desantis. 


 DeSantis announced his presidential bid today, but his thunder was stolen by the death of a black woman, Tina Turner, who got all the headlines. In other words, she ThunderDomed that little Florida Neanderthal ass. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

What is an Adult?

Whether it's guns, porn, sex, alcohol, trans issues, voting, debt, joining the military, buying cigs...people are always talking about kids versus adults. So, what is the age of an adult? 

The average human being reaches their age of majority (maturation) at approximately age 14 or so. This is determined by biology, and has been for millions of years. Puberty, is when a person becomes an "adult" as in pubic hair, females menstruate, ovulate, grow breasts, etc. and males grow facial hair, their voice changes, they begin the ability to ejaculate, etc...ergo they are adults. This is when nature intended us to engage in philoprogenitive acts, you know, copulation for fecundity. Regarding societies arbitrary ages of "adulthood", those are not based on any logical reason. In some states/nations the age of majority is 15, as in you can drive and get married with parental approval. Other places its older. Yet if they are "adult" enough to do that, according to these dim-witted assertions, why can't they buy homes, guns, cigarettes, alcohol etc. until they are 18 or 21? Why can you go kill or be killed in the military at age 18, but still have to wait 3 more years until you are "mature" enough to buy a drink or smoke? You can drive a tank, fire a gun, fly a plane and kill people, that, in that regard, you are mentally mature enough to do, but not mature enough to have a cocktail and a smoke? 

And when it comes to far right fundamentalists, harping about porn and wanting to protect the children, suddenly, according to them, anyone under the age of 18 is a child. Same goes for sex. More so on the side of a male with a female. People conflate what some would call sex with a minor with an act of pedophilia. Say something about this, get accused of being a pedophile yourself...which I have been on social media, many times. 

Regarding any mentally diminutive and spurious implications that I am pedophilic...go fuck yourself. If some people can't keep up, those vapid, vacuous, cretinous jackanape types...they can go engage in contrarian polemical interlocution with someone more their speed...perhaps a pile of dirt. 

A pedophile is some twisted fuck that is attracted to someone that is prepubescent...not someone that is post puberty. One is not the same as the other. 

Those people need to stop projecting their lack of erudition and matriculation onto others with their fallacious, stupid idiocy. There is this thing known as terminological exactitude...which has always been my point on this puberty teens are *not* children, period. 
Okay, rant over....those sumbitches. :)


This is your reminder to get your ass to the gym. Or to work out at home. Go for a walk, a bike ride, swim, dance, jog, stretch, do some calisthenics, Yoga, Pilates, hike, do some yard work, play with the dogs, a combination of all or some of the above. Exercise makes you feel better, physically and emotionally...and it will make you live's a win/win situation. Plus, if you work out at home you have the option pants!   :) 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Rochester Kink Society Sucks Donkey Balls!!


Why do I say this? Because they contact and spam every BDSM fetish shop, website, blog and whatever else they can find, begging for money for their stupid fake auction. They do it nonstop, all the time, year after year. The irony is, I have no fucking idea who they are, what they do, nor do I care. Never heard of them beyond this, have nothing to do with them, I live on the other side of the country, I have nothing to do with groups like that, I don't like groups like this, don't like munches, I don't do those sorts of events, find them to be pathetic and clownish. I know of them for one reason only...they spam the fuck out of me and others, begging for money. No class, no style, no integrity, not legit, people should avoid them, donate nothing, assist with nothing...fuck 'em.  

Monday, May 15, 2023

And Now...Words From Trump. :)

Trump sends bonkers Mothers Day message, without mentioning the "3 baby mommas" of his 5 kids (and possibly/probably the mothers of some of his unknown kids)....or his own mother.  #MAGA!!!   :)


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We Still Doing The MAGA 'Murica Covfefe Thing? :)


(Italicized Text Below Found Online)
Trump didn’t lower your taxes. He didn’t get your roads and bridges fixed. He didn’t get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, make covid disappear, make Mexico pay for the wall, drain the swamp or Make America First. So when you say he “fought for you’, you mean he validated your hate. 

Trump Supported and Encouraged Sedition.
Trump dodged the draft.

1st POTUS in 28 years not to serve a 2nd term.
1st POTUS in 45 years not to release his tax returns.
1st POTUS in 89 years to lose the presidency, the house and the Senate in a single term.
1st POTUS in 102 years to allow more than a million Americans to die in a single virus outbreak.
1st POTUS in 129 years to lose the populist vote twice.
1st POTUS in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration.
1st POTUS ever to accuse his predecessor of not being an American.
1st POTUS ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation.
1st POTUS ever to be impeached twice.
1st POTUS ever to have a member of their own party vote conviction in an impeachment trial.
1st POTUS ever to refuse to concede defeat.
1st POTUS ever to refuse to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.
1st POTUS ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government.
1st POTUS ever to be accused of rape.  
2nd POTUS in history to be charged with a crime (34 felony charges).  
1st POTUS Ulysses S. Grant's crime was speeding in a horse/carriage. He paid a fine.  
Trump is the only person in history who essentially lost four rounds of voting: 
2016 popular vote by 3 million
2018 midterms
2020 general election
*2022 midterms
Trump single-handedly engineered the nomination of second- rate Senate candidates in eminently winnable swing states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Georgia. All of them lost, every single one of them.

(In Trumps case, "allegations" pretty much means...facts.) 

Trumpie said during the trail that E. Jean Carrol was "not his type" ergo he would not have molested nor raped her. He also, on video, confused E Jean Carrol with Marla Maples...his former wife. Below: Trump, E. Jean Carroll, John Johnson and Ivana Trump at a 1980's party.

 E. Jean Carroll (above) and Marla Maples (below) could be twin much for his claim that she was not his "type". 


Regarding GOPs rants about the Dems promoting "socialism"...listen up you bloviating confused crankypants...every crotchety old cantankerous curmudgeonly geezer (and there are millions of them) fires up the keyboard and cranks out, what they deem, as some vastly superior polemic on social issues, postulating and pontificating within their manifesto and thinks they did a "favor" to humanity by sharing their "erudite" wisdom with the credulous masses. 

But in reality they are just regurgitating the same old paranoid nonsense that others have done. Those efforts at prophetic doom and gloom predictions has been done in the past...endlessly. And while I give a cursory glance at those rants (albeit perfunctory) and in between giggles I usually see reference to Bernie Sanders and his being a "socialist". News flash, he's a democratic socialist...and so are you. 

Examples of democratic socialism: Public roads, public schools, libraries, beaches, roads, fire and police departments, museums...a long list of which any could be privately owned (capitalist) or "state" owned (socialist/communist/autocratic ruled/Monarchy etc) but ours are owned by the "public" as in our society, within the constructs of...wait for it...brace yourself...democratic socialism.  

Learn the difference between socialism and democratic socialism. There are a myriad of ideologies within the definition of "socialism". It's just a word, it can be used in multiple ways. Smart people know this. Fox News/NewsMax/OAN News watching morons, don't. 

Types of Socialism:
Market socialism
Socialist market economy
Socialist ideologies
Utopian socialism
Leninism and Marxism–Leninism
Council communism and left communism
Collectivist anarchism
Individualist anarchism
Democratic socialism
Social democracy
Green anarchism
Liberal socialism
Ethical socialism
Libertarian socialism
Regional socialism
Arab socialism
Chinese and Vietnamese nationalist socialism
Irish republican socialism
Religious socialism
Buddhist socialism
Christian socialism
Islamic socialism
Abertzale left
Social Security is a "socialist" program: It's a government-run pension system that cuts out private money managers. Medicare, a single-payer, government-run health insurance program for those over 65 is also. Medicaid, for those that are disabled, kids, the VA...all are "socialist" programs. So is the military. Yes, that's right...the armed forces is not a private's owned, run and paid for by tax payers...ergo a form of "socialism". 

Minimum wage, maximum hour and child labor laws that go back more than a century are "socialist" programs, in that the government intervenes in the capitalist market to require employers to meet minimum standards that might not be met in a pure, unregulated “free” market. Agricultural and energy subsidies are likewise socialist programs. There are a myriad of other examples. 

From my perspective, being how I am, these people, mostly "dudes" just need to be more uxorious and perhaps learn a bit more. And they should...go outside, look up at the beautiful sky, see the birds, smell a flower, watch a cloud transform itself as it moves through the sky. Revel in the majestic beauty that is our planet and stop being so depressive about the future. Its going to be fantastic. 

In conclusion...fuck Trump...and socially speaking, in a both social and anti-social and socialistic way...I'm not wearing pants. :)