Saturday, February 18, 2023

People are Just Pissing me Off. :)

  You can tell...because here I am at my "rostrum", typing, bloviating, babbling, pontificating, rambling, bitching, ranting, complaining, and just generally being...pissed off, lol.  :) 


Anti-Gay, Anti-Trans Idiots are Pissing me Off.  :) 

Sex, gender, trans, sexual orientation, binary...are not the same thing. Gender is a social construct based off of masculine or feminine characteristics and cultural "norms" primarily. That has nothing to do with genitals. People that are "fluid" or nonbinary, are saying they don't wish to be identified as male or female, but that's not based on having a penis or vagina. Gender fluidity and/or trans people are not new. For example:

 Among the sexual depictions in Neolithic and Bronze Age drawings and figurines (c. 7,000 BCE – c. 1700 BCE) from the Mediterranean are, as one author describes it, a "third sex" human figure having female breasts and male genitals or without distinguishing sex characteristics. In Neolithic Italy, female images are found in a domestic context, while images that combine sexual characteristics appear in burials or religious settings.

In Mesopotamian mythology, among the earliest written records of humanity, there are references to types of people who are neither male nor female. Sumerian and Akkadian tablets from the 2nd millennium BCE and 1700 BCE describe how the gods created these people, their roles in society, and words for different kinds of them. These included eunuchs, women who couldn't or weren't allowed to have children, men who live as women, intersex people, gay people, and others. 

From the attire standpoint, it's just clothes people. Cloth, cut into different shapes, patterns, styles, looks and fit. It means nothing. For example:

By todays standards, our "Founding Fathers" were not "manly" attire wise. 

And Jesus wore a "dress" or a skirt or robe or whatever you might want to call it.

People can wear whatever they want, and look masculine or feminine, dominant or submissive, gay, straight, pansexual, asexual, whatever. Again, it's just means nothing. 


Vagsplaining Bitches Attacking Mansplaining Men are Pissing me Off.  :)

I came across this stupid "whatever" it is, (chart, graph) and just sort of laughed. I'm tired of the "mansplaining" whining. Look, some people are condescending, male or female, it's just a personality trait of theirs, male or female, they're jackasses, male or female, get over it, slap 'em, tell them to shut the fuck up, ignore them, whatever, but stop acting like it's only males that do it. 


Anti-Free Speech People & Cancel Culture Cunts are Pissing me Off.  :) 

Back in the "good old days" PC culture and cancel culture did not exist. Free speech was not only allowed, but encouraged. Free speech was appreciated by those that knew that most other people around the world, do not have that option or right. People knew that others fought and died for the right to have free speech, the right to express an opinion, even an unpopular one. Even "early days" versions of social media, discourse was encouraged. Sure, there was some power tripping group moderators that might ban people from groups, but that was a rarity, where it is now the norm. 

Now? No matter which social media one frequents, mainstream media, corporate America, the group moderators, the employees, bosses, managers, are collectively the largest group of cowardly snowflakes on the planet, suspending, silencing, firing and banning people for anything that they personally object to. It's about their precious little feelings more than facts or truth...which is one of the reasons that the quality of social media, regular media, and corporate culture is...dying. Free speech, truth, facts, reality...that's what matters. You do not have the right to go through life being "unoffended" by other people, or their opinions. That presumption is just childish. You can only be offended by what you allow yourself to be offended by. Don't like someones taste in clothes, tattoos, music, bumper stickers, hairstyle...I don't give a fuck...look the other way, go about your business, mind your own business and get over it. I mean, for example, a portion of the world walks around nude, in public and in front of their kids. The human body is not offensive, unless someone lets themself be offended by it. So when I see people freaking out over a naked breast while some lady is breastfeeding her child...I just want to slap them and point out...that's what breasts were designed for. Grow up. 

The Religious Right in America is Pissing me Off.  :)

Talk about missing the point...meaning whomever wrote this. Churches in the USA (and elsewhere) are losing members due to...they mostly preach hate. Hate for women. Hate for gays. Hate for transpeople. Hate for other races. Hate of education. Hate of knowledge. Hate for those that "question".

Evangelicals preach hate. Bush type religious people preach hate. Trump is not a Christian, but his religious followers preach hate. You want to know a good example of someone that preaches the message of the person known as Jesus Christ? Jimmy Carter. People like Carter are "good" Christians. The guy is pushing a scandals...ever. He walks the walk, lives by example, does the acts, tries to adhere to the scriptures and their intent. Benevolence, altruism, forgivness, no judging, patience, compassion, know, like Jesus preached via "Sermon on the Mount".  

Most "GOP Christians" are just fucking evil. And far too many "liberal" Christians are apathetic and spineless...standing for nothing, or just surface noise, afraid to advocate for much in public. Sure, they might crank out a hashtag, but most of them are too self absorbed to really do or say much that would require any actual effort. Most of what is "taught" in Christian churches theses days is paranoia and aversion to all things sexual...minus fucking for procreation. They are obsessed with other peoples sex lives, I mean obsessed...and ignorant about most of the texts they claim to revere. 

The "Song of Songs"...a book of the bible that is erotic and sexual, but has no moralistic aspect to it. No mention of marriage or vows, no discussion of procreation, just pleasure. Most people have little understanding of the bible they profess to love and follow. Most people's religiosity is relegated to Pascals Wager...and not much beyond. Few have any indepth understanding of it's origin, the way it's been revised, rewritten, hacked up, translated, adopted, adapted, changed, edited, portions deleted, they fail to apply the anagogical and allegorical elements to "read it well" and few view it through the use of they're missing most of the point, which is unfortunate.

BDSM Munch and Play Party Promoters are Pissng me Off.  :) 

I'm so tired of seeing these wankers rant about their version of BDSM, their rules, their "red flags" and most everything else they whine about. Lets just be honest, "red flag" is a worn out, overused, tired old "warning" that no one pays attention to anymore. Totally pedestrian and subjective. Munches...people looking for fresh meat. Usually run by, or the participants being, those wanting to sell someone services, whips, a "ProDom" a "FinDom", phone sex, sex chats, OnlyFans etc... 

Munches and play parties...people that conflate education, inculcation with "indoctrination" where they're looking for fresh blood to add to their "stable" or their friends list where they can exploit said people under the guise of "twueism" and use them for their own selfish salacious needs and desires. In many places these sorts of events are dying, for the reasons I outlined and a myriad of others. People have figured out what a scam it often is, how they're filled with "expert" predators...and those that are looking to profit off of neophytes. Who pushes and promotes munches and parties heartily? Those that have something to gain from them, financially or sexually. 

I hate being inundated with offers and ads, spam and invitations to BDSM events just because I have a blog and a few related websites. I don't spam people. I hate that. I view messages like that the same as fliers on the windshield of my car, my gate or a salesmans phone call. I didn't ask said person to bother me, I am under no obligation to be polite. I have no reason to respond or be courteous, they invaded my property, touched my possessions, without permission, they invaded the sanctity of my home through the phone, or my e-mail accounts, or through my shops or websites. Stop bugging me...fuck off and leave me alone...bitches. :)

Feminists are Pissing me Off.  :) 

Femimism is mostly dead. It served a purpose in the 60's and 70's, but more and more women currently reject the label due to the extremisn and the duplicity of that agenda. As to the "agenda", they want the best part of what they think males have, reject the rest, take the easy road, have tunnel vision on a couple of issues, pull the ladder up behind them screwing other women that follow over, and mostly just whine and bitch about men, while refusing to pick up a check, or to take out the trash, or to take hard jobs, and have demands that benefit them only, while ignoring FGM around the world, the plight of women around the world, while ignoring the imbalance in male homelessness, in committing suicide, prison sentences, divorce settlements, labor, and on and on and on...sort of like this sentence, lol. 

Are women offering to pick up checks during dates? Nope. Are feminists fighting to get equal pay for guys that work at Hooters? As runway models? Regular models? Porn stars? No? Why not? I thought "equality" was the goal. Are feminists trying to take manual labor jobs and get paid the same amount for the same amount of work? No? Why not? Because women are not physically able to do the same amount of work...but whine about wanting the same pay anyway. And as soon as some get hired, BOOM, pregnant, and want maternity leave, and they want the job held for them if they decide to come back to work months or years later. Equality? No...they want preferential treatment, which is why it's failing...equality is not on the agenda. All over social media, adult forums, Reddit, Twitter, Fetlife women are begging for money, just because they have a pussy. They have a sense of entitlement, and feel men should pay their bills, because of that. I could go on forever with examples where women are not fighting for equlity, but simply desire preferred status, ergo, that aspect of feminisim is not about equality. Get off your tired talking points, look at reality and the world the way it really is and not what a small segment of lying SJW online bitch about.

 It's just gross and pathetic. We fought for decades to have autonomy, equality, balance, equal rights and personal agency, not to have a sugar daddy pay our bills. How is that progress, or equality? Equality? Men can take their shirts off in public, we can not. So, they have more rights than we do. That makes us second class citizens. Less rights, second class. There are 164.38 million males and 167.51 million females living in the United States. So, there are more women than men in the USA, by about 3.2 million. Women outnumber men. There are more woman than men.We are the majority population wise. So, if you want equality, true equality...why are we still second class citizens? We could outvote men, in every election and change laws and have *true* equality. 

We never hear about this because it's not part of the (failing) feminist agenda. Why are no "feminist" leaders talking about this?  Why are they so quiet about this? Stop bitching about how men are oppressing so many ways, we are oppressing ourselves. 

People Wanting to be "Popular" are Pissing me Off.  :) 

In order to be popular you need to agree with people, with everyone, no matter what, just agree. This would apply less to those in the center, moderates, both politically and emotionally, but does apply to everyone on the far left or the far right. 

To appeal to the extremists in the trans community, I have to pretend men can give birth. 
Nope, that's not true.

(Jeffreestar on "they/them" which I concur with.) 

To appeal to far right extremist Republicans...I have to agree the election was stolen.
Nope, that's not true. 

To appeal to the anti-body shamers, I have to pretend obese people are "healthy"
Nope, that's not true. 

To appeal to the extremist flat earth crowd, I have to pretend the earth is flat. 
Nope, that's not true. 

To appeal to the extremist credulous Christians, I have to pretend parthenogenesis is real.
Nope, that's not true.

To appeal to the extremist far left, I have to pretend political correctness is a good thing.
Nope, that's not true.

To appeal to everyone, I have to deny science, facts, history, common sense, logic, reality, education, knowledge, and truth. Nope, I can't do that, won't do that, will not ever do that, no fucks given about how it might affect my level of popularity, online or in person. I'd rather be right, be real, be authentic and in touch with reality...and if that means I remain pissed off at extremists...good, fuck 'em. I want a return to where sensible intelligent rational people are heard, elected, admired, and emulated...and not the lunatics that dominate the airwaves and media today. According to some reports, 1%, (yes, one percent) of people get the vast majority of notice, hits, traffic, likes, mentions, thumbs up, loves and all that nonsense on social media. Meaning, the extremists on the left and the extremists on the right get most of the "headlines" and the silent majority in the middle largely go....unnoticed and unheard. That is not, how democracy is supposed to work. 

People are entitled to their opinions. Opinions are not fact. When someone makes a categorical declarative statement that calls on facts, when that is introduced into the conversation, opinion goes out the window. Science, facts and reality does not give a fuck about feelings or opinion, it simply does not. Nor should it. Normal sensible people from the middle, moderates from either major political party...get off your asses and take control back from the extremist cranks...please. 

Okay, I probably pissed every single reader off now so...I'm done, lol.  :)

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Second Hand Lingerie - Womens Clothes Trans - Gender Fluid - Vintage.

I always like to help other people out, and as I came across this cute little shop (via some health related videos, long boring story) thought I would mention it. I don't know her, she doesn't know me, we've never talked, chatted, met, she has no idea who I am. However, because many people are struggling with inflation, the cost of everything is crazy nuts, and some people, women, trans people, etc...often have a hard time finding unique items that they might enjoy, that fit, affordable, vintage, unique sizes and so on...if it might help someone out, and her, well here you go. It's a site hosted and run through Etsy, (same as mine) so it should be legit and reputable as far as credit cards, privacy etc... Mad Envy

Different topic. I came across the following meme online. I thought it was funny, but most of the people that commented on it were losing their fucking minds. 
Does Anyone Remember Laughter? 
(See what I did there?)  :) 

What the hell is wrong with people? Everyone is SO damned...AUGGGH!! at a moments notice. Edgy. Raging. Freaking the fuck out. Ranting about toxic this, and implication that, and cancel culture, trying to get people suspended, banned, blocked, fired, evicted, arrested, persecuted, cancelled, whatever. 

People...humor is supposed to be edgy and offensive. Without comedians mocking someone, making fun of a demographic, laughing at human nature, what would they talk about? Planets? Fish? There is no quality humor related to planets or fish alone. (Okay, Uranus is the exception...but that still relates to human beings, lol.) 

The whole point of comedy is to laugh at the irony of our being, our existence, our idiosyncrasies, our odd behaviors and neurotic habits, stereotypes, the stupid things that we, as human beings, do, say, how we act, dress, walk, talk, fuck, eat, what we eat, our politicians, our politics, our culture and other cultures, religion, sex, pretty name it. That's the point of comedy, to enable us, to laugh at ourselves. I laugh at the dumbass things I do, laugh at myself, every single damn day. 

There are so many serious, ugly, nasty, scary and tragic things that happen on our planet, every second. A meme? Not one of them. No one, no sane rational person could view the above meme and seriously think it's advocating rape. The only people that think that way are moronic keyboard warriors who consider themselves to be Social Justice Warriors, from the comfort of their couch, in their well heated and appointed homes, with snacks and a refreshing beverage, while bitching about their 1st World Problems...the fucking lameass idiots. 

This is not news as I've written about it before, but I dumped all social media many months or years ago. I have no social media. Nothing. No Twitter, no Reddit, no Instagram, no SnapChat, no TikTok, no Facebook, all. I have this blog, that's it. And I have never been happier, and never been more pleased with that choice. The decision to delete all social avoid the sort of drama queen pillocks and simpletons that would get upset over a meme like the one above, or raunchy comedians, or risque jokes, or irreverent comedic observations, don't need it, don't want it. From my perspective, the more raunchy, the more offensive, the wittier and more objectionable, for the most part, the better it is. I don't enjoy sit-coms with the "one liners" and a laugh track. That, to me, is just boring. My point is...we're here on this planet for a short time, live, enjoy, laugh, have fun as much as possible, enjoy life, take a stand on the serious issues, but people should use better perspective and judgment while deciding which issues are worth getting fired up over, and which ones are not. 
Now then, who wants to take me to dinner, and buy me some flowers and chocolate?  :) 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Blathering Bloviating Babbling Babble. :)


I like words. I like books. I like reading, learning, writing, expression, jotting down thoughts, ideas, concepts and finding out interesting things about our world and other people. I love libraries, book stores, and really miss the old second hand book stores, those hole in the wall used book stores, finding treasures and unknown authors, old tomes, books with dusty tops and cracked spines. 

Knowledge, history, science, law, astronomy, old religions, old customs, biographies, geography, about humans, our ancestors, cultures, sex, pretty much anything and everything. know I'm not going to like the following, lol. 

I would like to ask these morons a question. Have they ever head of....the Internet? I mean, banning books, blocking and censoring what young people might be able to read at a school or public library...makes no fucking sense when all that same information is...on their phones or PC. It's just stupid. Beyond the fact that knowledge never harmed anyone, information, facts and education being a good thing, not a bad thing...ever...the futility of trying to thwart people from learning when they have all the information and knowledge compiled together by humankind at the tips of their fingers via the Internet...what a bunch of jackasses.  :) 
 On to other Topics...that Involve...Words.  :) 

I came across this cuckolding question on some site and just thought how unfortunate it is. What struck me was how the guy described his plans based on his life's hopes of a relationship with a dominant woman. His education in all this being porn. Reposted below as I found it, typos and all: 

{"I don't know what to do. If someone can understand my situation and know how to guide, please do! 
Alright, I am single male. I am very shy and introvert by nature. I never been with anyone before romantically and/ or sexually. Approaching someone on such matter is next to impossible thing for me because of my nature.But after all I am human being and have physical/ mental needs to fulfill. So my only escape route to fulfill my needs is through the online world of porn and sex stories sites. What I used to think for fantacy and just to release my sexual tension in lonliness, now I strongly feel that I want it in real. My favourite topic in porn surfing and sex stories in about wife sharing and cuckoldary. Day and night, I cant think of anythign else but dream about being a cuckold hubby myself. I have my fantacy world carved out of many hours of porn and sex stories I had done. When I think and dream about it, I feel so happy and can help myself release tension. On the other hand, I also strongly feel like being a normal person and having and enjoying normal romantic and sexual relations like many others in society. I am suppose to be getting married now, but still I dream of such things. Such feelings and thoughts are affecting my day today life. I cant sleep well, I cant focus well on job, my health and mental state is always disturbed. Because of this push-pull of opposite feelings and desires, I always go through great internal struggles. What to do?"}

Beyond what appears to be a need for a shrink visit and maybe some OCD medications, his hopes are not based on reality but porn sites and sex stories. 

Look, while my marriage and life is far from anything even remotely normal, I am a fan and advocate of marriage. Sure, mine is not monogamous (on my side anyway, lol) and far from conventional. Still, it is something that can be mutually rewarding and beneficial for so many couples around the world. What's missing in the above post is anything and everything to do with what happens the majority of the day and night when people are living their lives and not having sex. One could say that my marriage is certainly a Female Led Household type. But that encompasses so much more than sexual domination. 

We own a couple of mainstream businesses. So, we have employees and all the details related to that, plus of owning homes, land and so on. There are thousands of things that have to be done, and I run all of them. My husband is very good at what he does, but he's not a leader. I am. So whether its taxes, landscaping, ordering or repairing office equipment, a new roof, car maintenance, scheduling doctor visits and making sure they are kept, grocery shopping, payroll taxes, getting the dogs and cats to the Vet for shots and checkups, all those millions of details that I'm in charge of...that reflect or are an aspect of my being bossy and never see or read that in most FemDom porn or stories. 

I love cooking and baking and entertaining. I also am a health nut. I absorb recipes and write my own and drive all over town looking for the freshest and healthiest produce and meats and fish make sure that anyone that eats anything I make is healthful. I care about my husbands health and of the health of my friends and family. My insistence on all of this is (again, repeating myself) an aspect of my being bossy and dominant and are something you never see or read about in most FemDom porn or stories.  

I view my marriage as a team effort. Trying to get through life, living as long as possible, enjoying life, traveling, eating, drinking, fucking, doing all the things I enjoy...requires planning and effort to accomplish these goals and dreams. For me, that means I have to pretty much run the whole operation as I am demanding and bossy and exacting with high expectations. And those expectations will be met. This is (yes, once again) something that is a reflection or is an aspect of my being bossy and dominant...and yes never see or read that in most FemDom porn or stories. 

I have no problem with porn or erotica and as some people may know, I've made some and written some myself. At the same time, real life female led relationships and domination include what happens the other 23 hours of the day when I'm not spanking, caning, ball slapping, facesitting and cuckolding my submissive husband. That's real life...and it can be a great life. I hope that others can find and achieve the same for themselves but that is simply not possible when people have unrealistic expectations and/or base their hopes of a life spent with a dominant woman...based on FemDom porn. 

Guys, you want to be with, to love and honor and worship and spend your life with a dominant woman? Great, truly...I mean who would support that more than I? Get out there in the real world and apply yourselves finding her. She's there somewhere...I can guarantee it. I can also guarantee that shes not going to be anything like what you may have seen or read in most FemDom porn or stories (well...unless they're mine of course, lol.)  :)

Cuckold Jealousy? 

I have a question for all you cuckolds out there. Your lovely wife is out on a fuck/date with a sexually superior man. You are left waiting at home with that cuckold angst, the nerves, the excitement, the blue-balls, maybe caged, that sexual energy, teased and denied, anxiety, probably in her wardrobe, staring at her panties, and trying to stroke your cuckold cock. Are you mostly jealous of him...or of her? 

I mean he is kissing, stroking, caressing your wife. He might be tasting her and she might be tasting him. She may be sucking on his cock and/or licking his balls. Do you wish it was you? Do you wish she had invited you to tag along and maybe order you to take his flaccid penis in your hand and/or mouth and to stroke or suck it into a raging hard on with veins pronounced and balls filling up with that superior manly sperm?   

He's going to fuck your wife. He's going to ejaculate inside her. You remember what that feels like right? Pumping in and out of her pussy (probably a loose pussy if you have a little dick) until your little cuckold balls empty? I mean for some of you its probably been quite a long time since she allowed you access to her pussy with anything other than your tongue. And good call on her part. I barely even recall the last time I let my husband put his cuckold dick inside me.

But some of you get excited by fluffing a dick. Some of you love/hate the thought that she might make you take your "treat" directly from the source. You hate the thought of it...its what queers do. Yet your dick is hard and you question, wonder, maybe even salivate at the thought of those superior Bull balls emptying in your mouth and spewing that manly mess all over your tongue. 

So, are you jealous of him for being qualified to fuck your wife? Or are you jealous of her for spending time with a superior male? Maybe I'll go ask my cuckold husband this question, just to watch him stutter and stammer knowing he's getting blue balls and later sit on his face while I beat on those cuckold balls with my riding crop.  :) 
A couple random photos I found and love.  

Monday, January 9, 2023

Cuckold Horns...and Bull Vetting. :)

 Bring Back the Cuckold Horns? There is a great deal of symbolism attached to cuckoldry. No doubt we've all seen the HotWife anklets, charms, bracelets, pendants, even T-shirts and panties printed with a variety of cuckold related sayings, comments or graphics and artwork. Whatever happened to the use of the cuckold horns though to provide that additional humiliation to the cuckold husband? 

"In Western traditions, cuckolds have sometimes been described as "wearing the horns of a cuckold" or just "wearing the horns". This is an allusion to the mating habits of stags, who forfeit their mates when they are defeated by another male.[7] In Italy (especially in Southern Italy, where it is a major personal offence), the insult is often accompanied by the sign of the horns. In French, the term is porter des cornes, which is used by Molière to describe someone whose consort has been unfaithful. Rabelais wrote the Tiers Livers of Gargantua and Pantagruel in 1546, by which time the symbol of the horns was "so well-known and over-used that the author could barely avoid making reference to it."[8] Molière's L'École des femmes (1662) is the story of a man who mocks cuckolds and becomes one at the end. In Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (c. 1372-77), the Miller's Tale is a story that humorously examines the life of a cuckold. In Chinese usage, an altogether different allusion is used, when the cuckold (or wittol) is said to be "????" (wearing the green hat), which derives from the sumptuary laws used in China from the 13th to the 18th century which required the males in households with prostitutes to wrap their heads in a green scarf (or later a hat)."  

Now I know that many have adopted an approach to cuckolding that is akin to my opinion. And of course that's fine but (as some may know) for yours truly...without the element of Female Domination, without it being done of her own volition, her choice, my choice, its rather boring. I prefer to mix in a bit of "sexual domestic violence" before, during and sometimes after. Forcing, grabbing my cuckold by the hair and making him kiss, lick, suck and clean up. Humiliating him is a thrill for me and one of the main attractions to this. So, to that end, if cuckolds were ordered to wear "the horns" on a shirt, a bumper sticker, a yard sign (lol) it would display their status to the world and all other women would know his wife was freely mocking whatever his inadequacies were and flaunting it in front of the world. Nice twist on sexual objectification for our side. :)

Since I am going through the "Bull Vetting" procedure in my mind....I figured I'd write this out and share it as its running though my mind anyway. The mental list of things, details, attractive qualities and positive versus negative lifestyle attributes or complications.  

Its sort of odd to me that all the personality traits and physical characteristics that drew me to a guy even as a clueless and love struck teenage girl, still apply today. The odd part is that then it was the Disney/Hollywood version in my mind of boyfriend/girlfriend, followed by years of dating and marriage and kids, white picket fence and all that, now its just a guy to come over and fuck me in front of my cuckold husband, lol. 

Eyes: Love eyes. I can't say I have a particular favorite in color, but the shape, the lashes, (Are they kind eyes? Does he have shifty eyes?) and how that all blends with his face is very important to me. 

Hands: Love, love love a mans hands. They need to be manly. I prefer the infamous "mans man" (whatever the hell that means really) so some long and thick fingers, well manicured but not to the metro-sexual level, are great. Thick meaty palms, those veins on the back, strong, manly, a few scars, the kind that lead up to forearms and biceps that are well toned, some muscle, and connect with big wide shoulders. The rest of the body has to match. I hate those "beach muscle" guys that are all gym pumped up, never worked a day in their life, and only do upper body workouts. You know the type, once they strip down nude, superb upper body development (often very tanned as they love to show off) and skinny, scrawny white legs that look as if they belong to a different human altogether. Things need to be symmetrical and in balance with other body parts. 

Smile: One that is engaging and pleasant without coming across as someone trying to sell me insurance or that of a politician. Not cheesy, just friendly and sincere. I'm not hyper-anal about store bought teeth either. The brilliant blind-your-ass whitening thing has gone too far in my opinion. Normal looking, well kept, hygienic human teeth are attractive to me, they show individuality and character. Paste on teeth that make everyone look like a beauty pageant queen or a mannequin...not really into that look.

Height and weight: He needs to be at least as tall as my husband, so 6 foot plus. As mentioned above, in shape so I've no idea of body weight requirements but I would assume 200 pounds or so and up to maybe 240. I love guys with muscle but am not attracted to the steroid body-builder type. Lean, not bloated, nice ass and abs, cut, in shape. 

Cock and balls. 7 inches plus and thick a must. Up to maybe 9 inches and that's about it. Beyond that...and my compliments...but you need to find a size queen who can take and enjoy it, I can't. I like large sort of low hanging...heavy balls, as my cuckold has those uptight, high ones so it gives me something else to mock and humiliate him about. 

Personality: See above. I'm still attracted to my very own fictional version of Prince Charming. Warm, caring, confident but not overtly so. Don't come across as Mr. ManlyMacho or you're gonna be using lotion...alone, lol. 

Status: If I see, hear, detect any signs that he's cheating on a wife or girlfriend...we're done immediately. I'm out of the coffee shop door (or wherever the interview takes place at) in a second. I have some rather oblique questions that I ask via e-mail that usually catches them up if they are. Of course other telltale sings, wedding ring tan lines, nervousness when checking cell phone or texts. I never really get into their cars so can't check for signs of another woman's possessions, lingering perfume, "girlie" Cd's, wet wipes, scented Kleenex, magazines, receipts, clothing or so forth. Not that I would do a search like that anyway, just mentioning that some things are easily noticed. 

Health/Brains: Does he show signs of excessive drinking, drugs, paranoia? Is he able to carry his side of a conversation and able to focus? I like an intelligent guy who is well read and educated to some level. I mean I've no desire to sit around and expound on Pythagoras theorem...that's not how I intend to "use" him. I don't really mind any specific accents, drawls, vernacular and so forth, just as long as he can hold his end up. 

Availability: After a few complications with a fairly recent divorced lover, family obligations and odd working hours etc, I prefer someone who lives close by (but not too close) and is a bit of a night-owl. I keep late hours and we have to be compatible on that. At the same time I want my distance. The way it works is this: If I call you to come over and fuck me, if you're free then here we go. If not, that's fine and we try another day. You don't call me...ever, period. 

Does he "Get it": I don't want to have to write out a dissertation on all the subtle nuances of my version of cuckoldry. I don't want to have to explain from A to Z and back again on what the "rules" are, how they apply, and what is and is not on the "menu". If they guy has spent the last decade reading bad cuckold porn, watching it, dreaming about it and thinks his involvement is anything other than supplying me with some dick, he's confused. No, you are not going to be my Lord and Master. No you are not going to fuck my husband up his ass (or me for that matter). No you are not in charge of anything. No you do not get to humiliate my husband and you are not a Sex God and neither of us are going to be your sex slave. Wrong ad buddy...cuckoldry is not about that. Do your homework.  

Then, after all that, going through this with a few guys, running the ads, answering a few, deleting most, replying back to the few that do seem sincere, arranging for a coffee date some afternoon after multiple e-mails, a few phone calls...the final candidate usually gets scared and runs away anyway, lol. :) 

When that happens its tough on my husband. My sexual frustration morphs into sexual anger and the intensity goes up quickly. Which means a frustrated Cuckoldress who can't find any worthy cock is in the mood to administer rather severe spankings and canings, ball busting and endless demands for an overabundance of face-sitting and Queening. 
Okay...back to the replies. :)

Why do I suspect that Poppet Subslut would want "Purple Star Mans" jumpsuit...  :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

You Must Now Verify Your Drivers License to Watch Porn in Louisiana.


Laurie Schlege (Bill Sponser) graduated from Dominican High School. Schlegel earned a degree from Louisiana State University and an M.A. in marriage and family counseling from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Or, in other words, in typical religious fundamentalist fashion, she's making up "evidence" to support her agenda of pushing for the USA to be a theocracy. In one interview she stated: We must protect our children from the dangers of pornography online the same way that we do in the physical world.

What danger? I'm being serious here. What danger? Seeing nude bodies? Okay, some people might find that offensive, but being "offended" does not imply "danger". People, us, human beings, do not have a right to go through life being "unoffended". Someone else's music, clothing, a slogan on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt, a poem, a book, an opinion, how they walk, talk, laugh, eat, what they eat, how they chew, how they dance, their a billion other examples are things that someone, somewhere, will find "offensive", but that does not mean the other person or people should stop doing it, nor that it is a danger

People used to say, decades ago (some credulous cretins probably still do), that porn would cause an increase in rape. The evidence proves otherwise. People used to say that porn would cause an increase in sex trafficking, the evidence proves otherwise. So...danger? People say that porn will cause sex or porn addiction. Problem with that is...there's no official diagnosis that either exists as a freestanding, all alone addiction. Sure, some people have addictions, to a lot of things, but that could be working out, dieting, TV, cigs, religion, sex, porn, comedy, food, drugs, video games etc...which shows an issue with the "person" not the product they are consuming, as...others have no issue with it nor are addicted to it. Some people drink alcohol, some do not. Some play video games, some do not. Some do too much of those examples, others control it, some abstain from those things entirely.

So, what we're really talking about here most cases, conservative religious people finding porn objectionable based on their religious indoctrination, and...that's it. But rather than just admitting that, they rig studies, alter statistics, lie about science, biology and facts, to prove their point...which is not proof, as in scientific proof, but instead it's just nonsense. As in stupid nonsense...of the type that would be funny and laughable, if it were not for the fact that some of these lunatics have political power and create laws...that oppress other people, that censor free speech and that violate the 1st Amendment. I've said this many times before, I don't really watch porn, never really did. I have some home movies that would be considered "pornographic" by some peoples standards, which I do for fun. So my rant on this topic is not about my desire to watch porn...I just hate any powertripping motherfuckers telling other people what they can and can not watch, and making up lies that it's about "protecting" children. Seeing some tits and ass never hurt a kid, ever. Seeing endless violence might...and being brainwashed by religion...certainly does. So, in conclusion...fuck 'em. :) 


What a body...I mean...what a fucking body.  :) 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Some Sexual Exploitation is...Good. :)

1. Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). 

1. The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. 
2. the action of making use of and benefiting from resources.

Obviously, for the purposes of this post, I am not talking about exploitation in the sense of how the media usually does when it comes to sex, wherein they present it as always being bad. It's not. And obviously I posted the two definitions of the variations of the word above, to illustrate that point. To make full use of, and derive benefit from...a "resource" in my case, that resource meaning a cock or tongue. And yes, I do fully use and benefit, from both. And why wouldn't I, and what is wrong with that? Nothing I say, not a damn thing.  :) 

Arousing a guy, getting him all hot and turned out, especially a submissive guy, making him lustful, bothered, erect, turgid and excited to the point where he has blue balls, and is willing to do pretty much anything to satisfy me, might be considered unfair by some, and I have been accused of that. Literally. I have been told that I am arousing my submissive and taking advantage of him in his compromised state, and by compromised, we mean hard cock throbbing. To which I happily replied to that accusation..."Thank you! Thank you for the compliment, yes indeed, I fully do that...proudly!"  :) 

There is a difference between taking advantage of, exploiting really, the sexual urges and frenetic energy of a willing submissive, and...kidnapping a victim, making them into a sex slave, or work place harassment, or something of that nature. Night and day difference. Huge. But you hardly ever see anyone ballsy enough to point out the positive aspect of the term "sexual exploitation" because...well, some people are morons, some are drama queens, some are moronic drama queens and some are just too moronic and laden with drama, to even try to explain that words and terms can have more than one meaning. 

Getting my submissive all aroused to where both his cock and tongue are drooling, and then riding roughly on his face in reverse cowgirl position (spurs optional) is one of the highlights of being a sexually dominant FemDom. All that grinding and gushing, him gasping, gagging and gulping, me bouncing and undulating, him gasping, gagging and gulping, me riding side saddle and bucking, him gasping, gagging and gulping, me spinning and moaning and orgasming, him gasping, gagging and gulping...I think we can see a pattern here. His face, mouth and tongue are being...sexually exploited, often quite violently, and I have no regrets, no sympathy, no hesitation and do so with no in none.  :) 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Blatherings... :)

Three dominatrices address Fort Lauderdale City Commission meeting asking for a Million Dollar grant to build a dungeon - and offer to spank the commissioners.

Florida. Always in Florida, lol. By the way...anyone seen Melania Trump lately? 
Wondering if she's one of these three.  :) 

I thought the following might be an interesting article...initially. But then when I started to read it, I was struggling. Does no one write decent articles anymore? Was this written by a bot? 
I mean: 
Chairs, Walls, Counters, Queening Chairs and everything that is possible for all people with everything body and skills Taking advantage of standing sex is just a collection of words, that doesn't even make any fucking sense. It seems to just be an amalgamation of words compiled by a computer program or something, lol. Ah well, scratch standing sex for the Holidays I guess.  :) 

And on the topic of surreal and bizarre, this computer generated "artwork", I just can't decide if the following is hot, or just deranged, or both?  

Ah yes...the "good" old days...when an afternoon romp was simple.  :) 

It's almost the end of the year, with a new year starting. So what right? Or is it "something"? I mean, we, human beings, create these events, based on man-made calendars, "time" being a "thing", but then I go outside and look at my dogs sleeping in the sun, they have no idea what day it is, what time it is, what year it is, and they're happy. The same for all animals on the planet. I mean sure, they know "seasons", as in relation to migration, hibernation and things like that, but outside of that, they eat, sleep, fuck, rest, procreate, nap, frolic, play, and just live their lives without being tethered to a watch or a clock, which in some ways, makes them...much smarter.  :) 

Christmas Greeting Revisited. :)

It is now an annual tradition for me to repost this. I wrote it a few years ago and repost it every Christmas because I am waaayy too lame and lazy to write a new one, plus, it is sooo stupid and cheesy, it deserves to be reposted, lol . :)

(My husband is out of town again. God, I'm bored. So as we are getting inundated with Christmas...everything...carols, ads, sales, music, shows etc, I heard part of the original and decided to take a couple moments to rewrite it to suit my Christmas wish list. The fact that one of my lovers names is Nick, made it even more accurate.)

Make me Come ! Twas the night before Christmas, when all through my home Not a cuckold was stirring, not even a moan. My stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that my lover soon would be there.

My cuckold was nestled all snug in his bed, While nightmares of used condoms danced in his head. And me in my ‘slutgear', and having a night cap, Had given up on my Bull, and settled for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my vibrator to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and began fingering my gash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But my lovers car, coming ever so near.

With a well hung driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be Bick Dicked Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called out my name! "Now Hotwife! Now, Cougar! Now, Slut-Chick and Vixen! On, Cock! On, Balls! On ride me to Blitzen! To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Now strip away! Disrobe away! Tear away all!"

As dry as an unused pussy is before the wild hurricane fly, Which moistens quickly meet with a hard cock, wit an unzipped fly. So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With his balls full of superior sperm, and maybe seconds too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The grunting and groaning of each massive hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney Big Dicked Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in denim, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of condoms he had flung on his back, And he looked like a perfect Stud, just massaging his erect pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His smiling mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the perfect teeth as white as the snow. The stump of his cock-pipe he held tight in his hand, And the bit of pre-cum leaking and large balls proved he was a real man. He had broad shoulders and a nice tight belly, That heaved and pulsated, as my knees turned to jelly!

He was erect and primed, and cock sure of himself, And I squirted and moaned when I saw him, in spite of myself! A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I should show him my bed.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled up my pussy, then turned with a jerk. And laying his finger aside of my clit, And giving a nod, he pounded away at my wet slit! He banged and pounded and fucked away, inside my pussy which was quite splayed, And I was thrilled and coming from finally getting layed. But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas Vanessa, hope your cuckold enjoys the "extra thick and sticky egg nog" I left him to lick up and to all a great cuckold good-night!"

(God, I'm bored.) :) 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Bill Proposed to Curb 'Obscene' Content May Eradicate the Porn Industry.

Although producing and distributing sexual content is currently legal in the U.S., Lee’s bill seeks to reinstate the obscenity rules that were established in the Communications Act of 1934. These rules include removing content that “appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion, depicts, describes, or represents actual or simulated sexual acts with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person, and, … lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

This fascist brainwashed religious fundamentalist Christian Taliban idiot..wants to apply to modern day society, a nearly 90 year old law, from a time when computers, the Internet and Television (and for the most part few people had cars, flew on planes or had indoor plumbing) didn't even exist. Yeah...Republicans are the party of "small government". Fucking morons. :)