Saturday, October 23, 2021

Take Care of Yourselves People. :)

A person that is a regular reader of my blog sent me an e-mail recently, and was quite morose, worn out and despondent. The list of things mentioned, well, it was long and had to do with watching and reading news, for some people its perhaps nearly non-stop, which obviously is about the state of the world, the environment, politics, racist garbage, the pandemic, the ugliness of the world, and how things seem rather hopeless. So, my message back to him, posted below (edited to protect his privacy, I don't betray the confidence of a friend) seems rather relevant and applicable to others, perhaps even most, or all of us.

You have to stop doing this to yourself. You need to break whatever daily cycle you're doing, that is encapsulating and imprisoning you in this despair. You are no longer inured to the news and your self defensive mechanisms have broken down, or at least worn out. We are inundated with news, most of it negative, but the world itself is not really "worse" than its ever been. Think of it like this, over the course of about 30 years, people in America lived through two World Wars, Stock Market Crash, Great Depression, and the Dust Bowl, and that was "average" white people. Black people also had the last vestiges of slavery, segregation, lynchings and mob beatings. Native Americans were equally fucked. Most people still used outhouses and didn't have electricity yet. Three decades of war, death, massacre, genocide, misery, evil, famine, disease (penicillin was not available yet, people got polio, tuberculosis, etc), struggles, poverty, and being homeless and unemployed. Go back in history from that era, and things were worse. Go to any 3rd world country right now, today, and things are worse. Most of the 3rd world is begging for Covid Vaccines, while the "West" argues about getting their third shot, or not getting one at all.

Obviously you know all the above, I'm just mentioning it for perspective. Yes, things are bad in the USA right now, and might get worse. But its still better than most people have it around the world, and far better than people had it over the last several hundred thousand to millions of years, depending on where you want to place "humans" on the evolutionary timetable. So all you can do is control how this bleak state of the planet and humanity affects you. Doing something to try to change it is one thing, the other is to...go outside. Turn off the computer and leave your cell off and (cheesy as it sounds) go look at a cloud or a tree, take a walk, play with a dog, get some exercise, watch a butterfly, do something where mother nature is affecting your soul in a positive manner, and the nastiness of human beings is not.

I agree with every single thing you outlined, but neither you or I are going to be able to rationalize it, justify it or change it. All I do is try to enlighten some people, make a few people laugh, make a few think, make someone smile, and hope that happy energy spreads out. Probably a futile hope and effort, but its all I can do...its all I can do to help others, and its all I can do to protect my own sanity and well being.

Spend more time thinking about your loved ones, family, lovers, sex, kink, future plans, fond memories, whatever...and spend less time thinking about the ugliness of the world. Seriously, one can develop an addiction to social media, news, TV and all the bad vibes that can come from it, and get drug into that morass (as opposed to "more ass") and it feeds itself, becoming a loop of bad, negative, mean, depressing, which sucks the life and energy out of us. Or, one can stay informed, be aware of current local and global events, and then turn off the "gadgets", go out in the world and try to do positive things to help those around us, however small those gestures or efforts might be. But no matter what, we have to protect our own souls, seek serenity, maintain sanity and guard our own health, which needs to include spiritual, mental and of course physical health. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your friends. Friends take care of each other. Be your own best friend. :) 

If anyone needs it: Good News Network.   



 Panty-"Hoes"?  :)


Love this...timeless.


I really like what this guy did. It really looks great.

No idea what the hell's going on in the video below... :) 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 a blog post. :)


We are well and truly fucked. Some guys are going to install some heating. Its on a college campus, in shared housing. We're now at a place with the "safe space" drama queens where some people think that public housing is "personal space" and some dudes that were born with a penis are a threat? Grow the fuck up and get a grip. These people are being coddled to the point that when they get out in the real world, it's going to be a very rude awakening. News flash, roughly half the population of the planet has...a penis. Oh, and some of them have jobs where they...install heating. :)


 A list of proposed American Constitutional Amendments that were never approved.


Someone tell me the difference. Please...explain the difference to me.

Alrighty then...


I love stuff like this. :)

Parallel park? Bitch...I can vertical park! :)   

I feel fortunate that when I grew up, we had, you know, trees, grass, butterflies, birds and wildlife around. sky. Most of that can be recaptured. We just need priority realignment...and that could happen.

For those that might not understand the memes below...Pete Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation under Biden, so he's a liberal. He's also gay. Tucker Carlson is a homophobic pussy ass coward Fox News bitch, who was mocking Pete and his husband for wanting time off as they just adopted fraternal twins. Joy Behar is a comedian/TV host of a morning show. Tucker made jokes about the "sissy/faggot" (my words, Tucker's implication/meaning) needing time off to breast feed the twins etc. As is the case with Tucker, Trump, Bush, Cheney, Hannity, most Fox News TV conservatives, for all their tough talk, they all avoided military service or were AWOL, and anyone, I mean including old grandmas...could beat them up. They are the most unmanliest "men" I've ever seen. Pete Buttigieg is also a concert pianist who speaks seven languages...Tucker Carlson makes constipated faces on a cartoon "news" show. :)

The Southern Elephant Seal is the largest member of the clade Pinnipedia and the order Carnivora, and the largest extant marine mammal that is not a cetacean. Now you know.  :)

 Gamers...sheesh. :)   

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Face Time... :)

Bedside Queening Chair. Designed by me. Built by me. Modeled by me. Tested by me. Because when it comes to oral sex, its all :)

Obviously written by a Taliban dude, or a GOP Christian fundamentalist. 
Same thing really. :) 

Yea boys...make sure...get out there and suck some dick! Just to be sure. :) 

Actually, this is a very good and legit question for our "Republican Jesus" friends. Truly, hire/swap rent for maintenance, to run the food court, groundskeeping, painting, security etc.

If Obama had cheated on his 2nd wife with his 3rd wife, and then his 3rd wife with an escort (while his 3rd wife was pregnant) had multiple children with multiple wives, while cheating on his taxes for 50 years, then promoting the overthrow of democracy, while encouraging an insurrection, he would not have been able to be president even once, much less a 2nd term. #MAGA!!!  :)

Posting this again...because it makes me laugh. :)  

A polar bear sleeping on an iceberg. 

Korean Boatman, 1904. 

Night Taxi. 


(Found Online.) Quit my job last night, it was nice to be home to make the kids breakfast and take them to school today! Off to hunt for a new opportunity, wish me luck.

Sexy!!! :) 

That execution... :)

Land Grab. 

How deep oceans actually are.