Saturday, October 16, 2021

Face Time... :)

Bedside Queening Chair. Designed by me. Built by me. Modeled by me. Tested by me. Because when it comes to oral sex, its all :)

Obviously written by a Taliban dude, or a GOP Christian fundamentalist. 
Same thing really. :) 

Yea boys...make sure...get out there and suck some dick! Just to be sure. :) 

Actually, this is a very good and legit question for our "Republican Jesus" friends. Truly, hire/swap rent for maintenance, to run the food court, groundskeeping, painting, security etc.

If Obama had cheated on his 2nd wife with his 3rd wife, and then his 3rd wife with an escort (while his 3rd wife was pregnant) had multiple children with multiple wives, while cheating on his taxes for 50 years, then promoting the overthrow of democracy, while encouraging an insurrection, he would not have been able to be president even once, much less a 2nd term. #MAGA!!!  :)

Posting this again...because it makes me laugh. :)  

A polar bear sleeping on an iceberg. 

Korean Boatman, 1904. 

Night Taxi. 


(Found Online.) Quit my job last night, it was nice to be home to make the kids breakfast and take them to school today! Off to hunt for a new opportunity, wish me luck.

Sexy!!! :) 

That execution... :)

Land Grab. 

How deep oceans actually are. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Random Stuff...

I'm sensing some....sexual aggression. :)

Details people...its all about very specific...details. :)


I like to study ancient cultures and found the Harappan people particularly interesting. They were noted for no war, equality between the sexes, they spent their "money" and effort on urban planning, baked brick houses, elaborate drainage and water supply systems, clusters of large non-residential buildings, and new techniques in handicraft and metallurgy. Their large cities likely grew to 30,000 and 60,000 individuals, and the civilisation itself may have been between one and five million people. 

Some people, some of us, have been screaming warnings about this for years, for decades really. Call it kleptocracy, oligarchy, whatever, and it's not something that could happen in the future...its here. It's now. Here's what's both amusing and tragic about this...people that think they're "owning the libs", yea, you have fucked yourselves. Its hard to undo something once its in place. Sometimes almost impossible. So as we've seen the last few decades, more and more wealth and power has become concentrated into the hands of less and less people...meaning the now so called 1%. have less clout, less money in purchasing power, your vote means less, your voice means less, your opinion means less. You have less power. You have less control. You have less agency, less free will, less rights, less of just about everything...except for debt. You are owned. You are owned by the 1% who owns the majority of big business, land, property, residential, commercial, famland, beachfront, forest land, the ability to lobby, the ability in enact change, the right of self determination. You didn't "own" allowed a few others to own, not only more of you, but more of your kids and grandchildrens future, their happiness, health, ability to be self reliant, they are owned.

About 240 years ago there was a war between a bunch of immigrants and descendants of immigrants, poor people, hard working, well intended in some/most ways, later to be known as the founding fathers, and a rich dictator dickhead King fuck from England. Immediately prior to this conflict, these people were tired of being controlled as they were, and they declared a desire to be independant from said rich fuck who owned them and their lives. Might have heard of this. It was written down. It's called the Declaration of Independence. From that came a revolution. After that, for about 220 years, people lived and worked and struggled to never again end up where one person, or one family, or a few rich people, had so much control over their lives. Then came...the modern day GOP, Raygun, Bush X2, Trump, and within a few years, thanks to their lies, and their followers credulity, apathy, misguided sense of patriotism, plus some childish propaganda by Fox News, Limbaugh and others of their ilk and BOOM!! what people fought for and tried to create over 240-ish going, going, going, almost gone. Well done. Bravo! MAGA!!! :)


When Misogyny met Misandry...on the back of a tractor, out in a wheat field, or out back behind the barn? :)


"The naked flesh, like the pastiest of all whites, as in an improperly grilled cheese sandwich, white bread, new, yet soggy, where they failed to sift the unleavened refined white flour, failed to excite me as I undressed in front of the broken oven." Yeah! I'm aroused, lol. :)

I love this house. 


Safe Animal Crossing "Freeway".

A map of reported UFO sightings over a 115 years. 
Thereby proving...Americans are fucking nuts. :)

 "Hips Don't Lie".  :)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thurzdai... :)

Tippi Hedren with tiger.

Buy 2 for $1.00? 
Damn...times must be hard.  :)

Where is the "Douchebarge" box to check?

The Swedish warship Vasa sank in 1628 less than a mile into its maiden voyage and was recovered from the sea floor after 333 years almost completely intact. Now housed at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, it is the world's best preserved 17th century ship. Yea...I'm bored. :)


Not at all accurate, but if it was, we can presume jealous. :)

For the love of God...Republican politicians are dumb cunts!  :)

For "All the Single Ladies" can "thank" me later.  :)

What in the flipping, flying, flacking I looking at here? :)

Nice to know Bush and the USA invaded Iraq (based 100% on lies) and "liberated" the people so they have "freedom" and "prosperity" and everything in their lives is just "fine" now...

Millennial Problems


A beam of sunlight radiating down a slot canyon in Arizona. 

Europe’s best, and oldest, social network is still working fine.


Some bosses and Republicans keep saying people don’t want to work anymore...


New Zealand seen from the International Space Station. 


Texting in the 50s and 60s. Or maybe...they're "sexting".  :)


The 'guts' beneath a New York City street.


Taiwanese and Australian firefighters.


The use of metal clamps to hold stonework together. 


Veterinarian has a comfort dog assistant that helps sick dog patients know that everything will be alright. What a "good boy"!  :) 

 CFNM...or something like that. 

 Fat-n-Full Kitty Naps.

Kitty Heaven...

What women want?