Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday... :)

Sounds like something my husband would watch...

I bet my manly femininity out manly's your feminine manliness...wait...what? 
Never mind. :)

 This is one cozy looking room...for wintertime. :) 


A baby Musk Ox. Just to brighten up your day. :)

Mental health advice "Starter pack".  :)

Not really. The "new" generation is very bright. 
Its still funny though.  :)

Portrait of Jesus using AI based on what is commonly known of his ethnicity and culture for his time and region. Hear that noise? Evangelical Fundamentalist heads...are exploding.  :) 

A teacher posted this to parents...we need teachers like this.

The Scottish government gives parents of every child born there a box full of essentials to help in the early stages of parenthood, including a mattress to be used as a bed for the baby.

A traveling it.

Pretty much my attitude  :)

What a good boy! :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

MuseAck - Now with Freaky Bitches! :)




Yea, I like ABBA...and Disco, so get over it.  :) 


Yea, I listen to weird, odd music sometimes, even like "Schmaltz" get over it. :) 


Informational article only. Regular readers know I don't support, nor agree with the verbiage, titles, theme, concept etc...compared to style. 

  To me, this is just pathetic and gross. For one, its a desperate cry for attention and has little to nothing to do with sex. She's wanting social media traction, hopes to become famous out of it, get some sort of interviews, or get paid somehow. Secondly, the verbiage, its all twisted and messed up. People are applying any term, any word, to whatever aspect of sex and in this case cuckolding, without any historical knowledge or accuracy. Third, she states her husband is the "best lay" she's ever had. If so, that means she's fucking dudes that are subpar, to satisfy him, if she's to be believed, which I do not. Lastly, and mostly...bitch, we can see your kid in the background of the video. This kid will now grow up, go through school, interacting with other kids in the neighborhood, cousins, possibly other siblings in the future...and will be mocked, teased and harassed as everyone will be calling her mom a slut, a whore, a skank and so on. The first and foremost obligation of a parent should be, to protect your kids. Not subject them to whatever, so you can have 15 seconds of Internet "fame". I will not be surprised if within a few days, she's getting a visit from some sort of Child Protective Services or whatever it's called in her area...and sort of with good reason. Not because Mommy has lovers, but because Mommy has no fucking common sense and her priorities are all out of kilter. :)


Better train those tongues boys... :)

Not unlike every single "conservative" agenda/effort, Brexit is a fuck up. 


Ah yes, fundamentalist Christians. Just like the Taliban...only whiter.  :) 

Tax the Rich. 

Call it as you see it!  :)

Nothing of Value was Lost. 

I'll look like this...very soon. :)

PC Doggie Pronouns? 
Go Fuck Yourselves!  :)

These DIY Cosplay "kids" do create some amazing fashion styles.