Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday... :)

Sounds like something my husband would watch...

I bet my manly femininity out manly's your feminine manliness...wait...what? 
Never mind. :)

 This is one cozy looking room...for wintertime. :) 


A baby Musk Ox. Just to brighten up your day. :)

Mental health advice "Starter pack".  :)

Not really. The "new" generation is very bright. 
Its still funny though.  :)

Portrait of Jesus using AI based on what is commonly known of his ethnicity and culture for his time and region. Hear that noise? Evangelical Fundamentalist heads...are exploding.  :) 

A teacher posted this to parents...we need teachers like this.

The Scottish government gives parents of every child born there a box full of essentials to help in the early stages of parenthood, including a mattress to be used as a bed for the baby.

A traveling it.

Pretty much my attitude  :)

What a good boy! :)


  1. Everything a Scottish baby needs, other than a bottle of Irn Bru and a starter bag of scag! Weird that they give the baby six condoms. I wonder if they slip in a couple more if the baby is either really good looking or kind of slutty?

    Do they have mobile libraries in your part of the world? Like a bookshop on wheels, but the books are free!

    So much for artificial "intelligence" - everyone knows that although he came from Israel Jesus was a white guy with a hippie haircut and washboard abs!

    1. We have a decent amount of libraries...but in the red states, they're just full of dust and tumbleweeds, no patrons. Ergo why they view Jesus as a Nordic Godlike looking dude, but with a 6 shooter and the Constitution. :)

  2. WC here

    You still like Sinama?


    1. I can note vote for her. Would not vote for her.

  3. WC here

    Good for you!
