Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunnandæg. Goddess Sunna (or Sól). :)



Correct. America is the only 1st World Country, the only one, that does not have some sort of national healthcare. This is 100% due to our "MAGA Manly Macho 'Murican Republicans...

Cherry blossoms in Kawagoe along the Shingashi river, Japan.

Galactic bloom in the Italian Dolomites.

The IRS is no longer really going after the ultra-rich that fail or refuse to pay taxes. The ultra-rich are either in Congress, or donate to get elected whomever will set the agenda, determining whether or not...the IRS enforces tax law regarding the ultra-rich. 


Jack Nicholson getting stoned and listening to records in 1969.


What a Jackass Design...Designed by a Jackass.  :)


Looking for approval in all the wrong places.

Male body positivity, is every bit as important as it is for females. 

Matsumoto Castle on a winter night, Nagano prefecture, Japan.


The oldest olive tree in the world -- 4000 years old -- location Greece Crete.


A  very rare yellow cardinal. It only happens every 1 out of 1,000,000 times.

The reason I created DIY downloads was so people can build their own Queening chairs and related BDSM furniture for about $40, and not have to subject themselves and their significant this sort of nonsense.  :)



Legend says she's still running...

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Assorted Memes & Videos.

Tax the Rich.

Tax the Rich. the rich. 


Tax the Rich. 
Tax them at the same rate that the poor and the middle class pay. 


A bonsai apple tree growing a full sized apple. 


Abandoned restaurant in Petrópolis, Brazil (1960's and 2013). 


Abandoned train. 

Big Cuckold? 
A kids toy tortoise is known as...Big Cuckold?  :)


George Washington’s military trunk bed used during the Revolutionary War, 1775.

"Hey, does your dog bite?"
 "Oh no, he throws bricks."


Humblest Head of State.

Lenny Kravitz. 
At 56 years old...yea, 56. 


Because...some on the GOP side, are whining that Biden doesn't do enough press conferences, or send out Tweets all day. Its because unlike the Trump Administration, Biden and his team are...working. 


The Scottish Highlands and the Appalachians are the same mountain range, once connected as the Central Pangean Mountains. 


Accidental Face Sitting...


A $142 Million Dollar Yacht.
Tax the Rich.
Trickle Down Economics, Supply Side Economics, "Reaganomics" what the GOP has been pushing for 40 years, is a myth, it does not work, it can not work, it will not work. Ever. Period.  
Tax the Living Fuck out of the Rich. 


Morning Workout.  :)