Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Political Post Withdrawals - Day 2. Plus Homemade Porn Pitfalls. :)


As the meme above can get obsessed and/or sucked into a train of thought, a routine, and your life can become dominated by that..."thing". Idiotic politicians, and the Coronavirus are not going to disappear from our world. I want to stay abreast of current events, but also want to avoid the social media bobble heads, and still live my life. Having said that, months of reposting political links, articles, memes...became a daily habit...I'm finding myself starting to copy things, then catch myself and stop. Today was the VP debate, and Trump is doing the Trumpiest of all Trumpie things...its a challenge. 
I think I picked the wrong week... :)




Pudu Deer.

Aerial photo of New York City. 

This is supposedly the back of a Ford Ranger. 


Danny Trejo at 76 years of age. 
One of my favorite people, just due to his personal life story. 

Seeking this "Kitty" has.  :)


Best Buddies.  :)


Someone is having very high, nervous and excited...snack expectations.  :)


I can only assume that this is some sort of webcam type porn thing where people pay for the live action. I say that because at the end of the clip, she says "Thank you!". 

Look, female porn stars with the fake moaning, the fake orgasms, has long amused me. But this? This is taking lame ass to a whole new, and seriously downgraded level. I mean...ambiance? Lighting? A little background music? Set the scene. Create a mood?  Fake some interest? Set the stage? Can she apply even a modicum of effort? Guys actually *pay* for this garbage?  :)

Monday, October 5, 2020

Political Post Hiatus...I'm Burned Out. :)

About 7 months or so ago, Covid-19 was really ramping up, people were being sequestered at home, self isolating, being laid off, some lost their jobs, companies closed, the world was confused, scared, people were alone, bored, and some were very lonely. 

The last roughly 4 years have been gob smacked bizarre and just surreal. And of course Covid only compounded that insanity. In about 3 weeks we're having an election, and Thank God!!! for that. Regardless who wins, no matter how long it takes to determine a winner, the potential chaos, probable violence (hopefully not) from minimal, to some new version of a civil war (doubled quadrupled hope not) least this "phase" will be done. The campaign slogans, signs, robocalls, the ads begging for money, the lies, the lies about the lies, the lies coming from the lying liars that lie about lying...will, well they won't stop, but they will calm down for a bit, change direction, sort of tamp down for a time, and that will be an enormous blessing. 

I have a few people that are somewhat entertained by my posts here, and on some social media venues (though God only knows why). So at that time, I figured I'd sort of increase posts, try to make people distracted, try to make some people laugh, posting a bunch of silly memes, sometimes making a point, maybe helping to elucidate on a few facts, just generally maybe, perhaps, possibly, make a few isolated people a bit happier. Not sure I succeeded in that, but an effort was made.  

At this point though, nothing I say or do is going to matter, on the political front. People have had about 4 years to evaluate the Trumpian doctrine, agenda, modus operandi...or really the lack of the aforementioned, and people are either going to vote, not vote, and will vote however they've decided. On a personal level, I could not be less enthusiastic about my voting options...but there it is. What I do know is, I am spent on watching and reading news, hearing blathering, babbling, bloviating, pompous platitudes and promises from candidates, and have seen and posted an overload of memes...and am taking a bit of a break from those sorts of posts....for the most part. I'll still be blogging...just less of that type of content.  :)

Sweet Fancy Mother of Moses on a Monday Morning! (Its actually afternoon...but I was going for an alliteration thing.) :)

 Insanely super extra specially dimwitted, imbecilic Trump has been Tweeting, very short nonsensical all Caps, from his hospital bed all morning. #MAGA :)


Treating vulnerable people well, with sympathy, class, grace and dignity means...the opposite of whatever the fuck that orange thing above does. :)


Symmetrical waves in Monaco. 

Western Iceland. 

A hotel hallway in Cologne, Deutschland.

Proud Buoys.  :)

I'm not entirely convinced that's...a Halloween decoration. :)

1936 Tricycle. 
I want one.
I bet I could go really,  :)


Texas megachurch pastor and super fucked up human being John Hagee is COVID+ | His greatest hits: Hurricane Katrina was God's judgement on New Orleans for having a gay party, atheists killed Jesus, Sodom and Gomorrah was only a “pilot study” for killing gays, and God sent Hitler to create Israel. This is turning out to be a...fantastic day! :)

Naturally shaped Dolphin island near Italy. 



Glow before sunrise in the West Scottish Highlands, UK.

True love. 


  102-year-old Beatrice Lumpkin put on a face shield and gloves and took her ballot to the mailbox today. When she was born, women couldn't vote. Enormous respect for her, and anyone like her.



Dumpster Fire Candle.
Because, you know...Trump. 


I love smartasses.  :)

Can I just much I love Johnny Weir.  :)